The time for the offense has come. God hath delivereth our enemies into our hands, and we must smite them with a mighty smite.
The Materials Management Service staff have been having altogether too much fun.
The fun includes:
- Sex of manager with staff
- Sex of staff with client staff
- Other types of sex (I appear to have entered the wrong line of work)
- Drug taking
- Drinking
- Forming shell corporations
- Sweetheart deals with clients
- Failure to perform duties
- Accepting gifts of many sorts
- Other stuff
This is the moment. Will the Obama folks TAKE THIS ONE AND GO? I certainly hope so.
We’d better.
Or McSame and Palin will be in Denver tomorrow going “My friends, Sarah Palin and I will fight corruption like this just like Sarah here fought the Bridge to Nowhere.”
I called the Obama people.
Barack needs to bring this up TONIGHT.
Tomorrow is 9/11 which is a truce day.
We need it tonight.
heh…BushCo™ crony’s in bed with the energy folks…who’da thunk?