What’s irking you?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What’s irking you?
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Nothing…feeling no pain.
I’m pleased and punchy. Just finished bottling up 5 gallons of Dolgo apple-honey wine for bottle aging; made ten months ago. Took much longer than intended because we stopped to sip, less one bottle.. Very pleased with taste and quality. Move over Hugel.
Cost of ALL ingredients: less than $6
Ahhh…but your knowledge and experience are priceless and need to be factored in your calculations!
Ingredients cost only.
Time, knowledge and muscle — the these 27 bottles should be worth at the very least, $400 per.
What’s irking me now is a 4 year old and a 6 year old who won’t tidy up their things and get dressed so we can go out to the water park where they begged me to take them. AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!
What is bugging me in general is the fact that so many Americans are mindless enough to have been sucked in by She Who Must Not Be Named.
What is encouraging me somewhat, however, is the fact that the media don’t seem to like her much, so they are exposing her lies and her corruption. Hopefully that will work over time and McCain will end up in the Home for Former Senators with Early Dementia. Time will tell.
I’ve got a 9 year old that isn’t much better. He’s irking me right now.
Oh great!
Well, the four year old had three time outs before noon because he wouldn’t stop whining and demanding things. And, unfortunately, I lost my patience with him because when both were finally dressed and ready to go the four year old decided he needed to change his socks.
And yesterday we were forced to leave a store precipitously because said four year old had a meltdown when I would not buy him a toy. I felt bad for the seven year old, who was really behaving very well, but what can you do? You try to make it up to them later – at least at seven their old enough to kind of understand that.
PS We didn’t go to the water park, and we were so late to the farmer’s market that some of them were starting to pack up and go home. And that includes the balloon animal guy and the face painter – I was kind of glad about that, maybe that taught them to be a bit more cooperative.
It’s really encouraging to hear that they are not much better at 9 – something to look forward to!
Latest National Poll: Obama leads McCain 47-45
Men favor McCain 49-42
Women Favor Obama 52 – 42
Conclusion: Men Are Idiots
My mother refers to that phenomenon as the “pecker vote”…
Admittedly, there are people who will vote for whomever everybody else is voting for… probably the same idiots who buy a stock BECAUSE it has risen in price, not because it has fundamental value.
The polls themselves, ALL of them, are suspect because they do not and can not reach a true selection of the electorate. If the sample is faulty, the conclusions are faulty. Garbage in and garbage out!!!
What percentage of the electorate (likely voters) screens their phone calls or uses message machines? (MOST business people, especially those who work from home!) Pollsters don’t leave messages, or wait for a live voice, they just move on to the next number. Busy people don’t get counted.
What percentage of the electorate ONLY has a cell phone… no landlines at all? Most of the younger (under 40) group has gone wireless. They can’t be contacted or counted.
What other HUGE groups are left out because the pollsters are using 1950’s technology?
If the pollsters can’t even reach an unknown (but likely a third) part of the total group, any sample is going to be skewed towards very old and conservative people.
It is just like the Truman election where the pollsters went to the biggest houses on corner lots because the lady of the house was in, had plenty of time to talk to them, and would give them lemonade. They didn’t stop at enough of the smaller homes. They didn’t canvas at the right time of day. They didn’t ask the right questions of a true sample. They got bamboozled.
The people who paid for the polls were shafted. The newspapers were embarrassed. And even the electorate wasn’t swayed by false numbers.
We have a corporate media determined to make this a horse race in order to sell ads. If they have to over-sample a party in order to tighten the race, they will inflate the numbers. Why should we pay any attention to ad-mongers and liars?
Especially if Karl Rove is providing their maps and phone numbers and data points!
That I’m not certain whether this type of attack on independent fact check organizations will fail or not. I’d like to believe that a majority of my countrymen would look at something like that and decide that the speaker needed to be tarred and feathered and dropped outside the town limits. But I’m no longer certain that that’s the case, and that bugs the hell out of me…
My Mother-in-law, or did you mean something out of the ordinary?
I’m irked that I have to pay several hundred dollars on Thursday to get my teeth fixed. 🙁
On a lighter note, Maureen Dowd made me laugh today with the first line from her column:
I’ve been in Alaska only a week, but I’m already feeling ever so much smarter about Russia.
I just killed 190 million of them and there’s still a few thousand crawling all over me. Unhappy backyarder right now.
If you are talking about the Argentine, it’s pretty hopeless;
They are the ‘little black ant’.
The above article claims baiting is the way to go, but I have limited success. There are so many nests that killing one nest does not matter.
They are freaking EVERYWHERE in SoCal. The local harvesters are doomed, and only rarely seen these days.
oh man…i have no idea what kind of ants they are, but that sounds pretty close. they’re everywhere including inside my dishwasher and spraying doesn’t seem to help.
More interesting reading (well, for some people) on them;
I am irk-riddled today. I read about women who are giddy about Sarah Palin and say things like, “But she’s a mom and she works, too! She’s just like me!” And they are going to pull the lever for Palin without a thought about McCain. I read about anything Rove says or see any of McCain’s campaign commercials and still see poll numbers tied between McCain and Obama. How is that possible?
This afternoon we went to a local park and they were having some kind of festival for the library. They had quite a few booths from local wildlife groups, and I stopped at one and mentioned that I have renewed my strong concerns about wildlife because Sarah Palin thinks aerial wolf and bear hunting is really cool, and does everything possible to promote it and encourage it. One lady said “oh, that’s too bad because I like all her other ideas”. Involuntarily I looked at her like she was daft! I just simply cannot understand these people. What isolation from reality they must live in.
it might open a few eyes. it’s an ad created by the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund:
l don’t know where or when it’s going to run, but it’s pretty powerful stuff that the msm won’t touch.
They need money to get it onto the air. I made a substantial contribution – the first time I have ever contributed to any kind of political advertising. I did it because the practice is horribly brutal and wantonly cruel, and because I think this ad will appeal to some voters who do not think about the political issues, but who do care about humane treatment of animals and wildlife.
You can view the 30 second ad here (warning: it is graphic and disturbing unless you are completely lacking in empathy).
Go here to make a contribution that will help the ad get on the air.
thanks, Hurria. aerial slaughter is indeed grotesquely inhumane, as is the running them with snowmobiles, as well as trapping. it’s estimated that the total number of wolves trapped, shot from airplanes, chased down by snow machines, and killed legally and illegally in Alaska every year is 2,000. (salon)
l’ve supported them, and SINAPU for a long time, and was reluctant to link to the donations page, figuring people would find it.
this information also has the strong possibility of eroding her support amongst the NRA set, which in spite of their bellicose, redneck image, are, by and large opposed, to this.
The humidity is irking me. I can’t move around without profuse sweating and my hair looks like the bride of Frankenstein.
We needed the rain, but enough already!
Hey, Tony, have you made out your lesson plans yet? Retirement is so special for this old Social Studies teacher and ex chief negotiator for the Teachers Union + Grievance Chairman + Editor of Union Newsletter + expert on school budget and finances. I loved my union days and teaching sessions but it is time to move on. Best wishes to you.
Not about being irked. Just a little something to make Booman smile.
Many months ago before the primaries I read an interesting article on antiwar.com which had a great quote which I would love to post verbatim but cant find it so I will paraphrase it as best I can.
The writers were discussing the upcoming election in the context of whether the Bush/Cheney etc cabal which has amassed so much power in the past 7+ plus years would let the Democrats win in November. The quote as near as I remember it went something like this
” If you think those who have amassed all this power and created the “unitary executive” and who are making billions of dollars looting the Treasury with with their contracts in Iraq are going to go quietly away in the night, think again.”
Even though I am a life long Democrat and a very optimistic person I will say here and now that John McCain WILL be the next POTUS and there is not anything
we can do to stop those who have the power and are putting him there.
Because everyone underestimates how evil these people are and to what ends they will go to keep the power they have amassed.
This is how they will do it.
then there will be an “October Surprise” as Trey Ellis who writes on Huffpo stated a few weeks ago. The type of surprise doesn’t matter except it will be some sort of terrorist attack” on us that will galvanize the Repugs and blow the Democrats out of the water.
3. Lastly and this is very extreme Obama will be assassinated a few days before the election.
As I said above I am by nature a very hopeful and positive person, but when Neville Chamberlin came back from meeting with Hitler the British people were hopeful that they wouldn’t be attacked and look what their hope got them. So hope has no place in what is going to happen in November.
There always only one hope for change and the time for that has long passed….Impeachment which would have blown the entire cover off this evil administration and brought it down faster the the Twin Towers falling but but thanks to Nancy “off the table” Pelosi it never happened so face it folks contrary to whoever said “it aint over til the fat lady sings” its over the fat lady has sung and has left the building along with Elvis.
this kinda shit chafes my ass:
from uppity ni**er to aunt jemima…some “values”, eh. these people are troglotytes.
What irks me is the so called Christian majority is as happy to forgive wealthy looters of the US economy enabled by shameless Republican liars as Sarah Palin is to support her very unabstinent daughter. The poor dim fools who can’t see that Bush/Cheney sold out the US economy for the few who own controlling interest in Big Oil, Big Pharma, Wall Street, for-profit health insurance and military contractors, damaging home owners, airlines, trucking companies, retail employees, teachers,anyone too old, too poor, nearsighted or epileptic to get out of New Orleans in 2005,soldiers and their families killed or disabled by a war for Big Oil and the Israeli right wing. If the majority of this country really cared about competence and the Ten Commandments as they claim, Barack Obama would lead by 30 percentage points. That’s all.
eagle eye, I think your comment about an entire gender is self indulgent, unproductive and untrue. People who say those kinds of things to me don’t get to waste my time twice.