Do you see what happens, John McCain, when you declare war on your best buddy, the press?
Republican presidential nominee John McCain has not introduced any banking or housing bills in the 110th Congress, while Democratic rival Barack Obama has proposed five.
What happens is that they stop buffing your statue and start telling the truth about your lack of clothes.
McCain is the lead sponsor of 38 pieces of legislation during the 110th Congress, none of which have been referred to the Banking panel, according to a review of Thomas, a congressional website.
Obama has introduced 130 measures during this Congress. Four of Obama’s standalone bills fall within the Banking Committee’s jurisdiction.
Obama’s legislation calls for bolstering housing assistance for veterans, amending the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation, halting mortgage transactions that promote fraud, authorizing local and state governments to crack down on companies that invest in Iran’s energy sector and authorizing a pilot program to prevent at-risk veterans from becoming homeless.
Seems like Barack Obama is looking out for po’ folk and veterans that are at risk of losing their homes. Mr. Johnny-come-lately McCain has no record of giving a crap about po’ folk and vets, nor of worrying about predatory loans and extreme executive pay.
Maybe if you had vetted your running mate, John McCain, you could have fired up your giant grill and made the press some cheeseburgers instead of declaring war on them. Maybe they would have kept to buffing your statue instead of blasting the truth out to the back row.
You should have vetted her.
I just posted this on another thread but maybe it belongs here too.
Now she needs more time to file her finances. Wouldn’t this stuff have been pulled together when they “vetted” her? Wouldn’t it be smart, even if she said she had no issues, to see what the whole world would eventually see before you made the first really big decision of his administration? Maybe that’s just me, but doing your homework before you pick a VP or invade a country seems like a good idea.
Hahaha, like there’s going to even BE a VP debate this year.
Ergo, we’ll never see her finances.
McSame is playing to lose and let Obama go down as Barack OHoover.
The pigeons are coming home to roost and the Repubs don’t want the poop to land on them. Too late! Bush is Hoover; Obama gets to be FDR.
You don’t understand how Obama will be Hoover. Do you? You think this financial crisis is solved by giving the bankers a couple trillion dollars?
When things get worse and Americans want real relief: you know, their social security, and maybe a little health care, they will find out Democrats spent it all on the rich criminal bankers (Bush’s buddies) that got us into this mess.
Obama just bought himself a large share of the blame. Hoovervilles here we come.
I do not support the bailout as it was originally thrust upon Congress. If it is negotiated down to $150M with numerous qualifiers, as has been reported, I don’t think of it being much different than a loan to GM. Except that it won’t help because it’s too late! The house of cards is falling now, on Bush’s watch.
Within the framework of your historical comparison, that makes Bush = Hoover. You do know they didn’t build Hoovervilles until FDR was president, don’t you? It took a couple of years for the Crash to roll out to a vast tent city on the DC Mall. But, the people remembered who to blame, didn’t they? Why would they build Obamavilles instead of Dubyavilles?
“Obama’s legislation calls for bolstering housing assistance for veterans, amending the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation, halting mortgage transactions that promote fraud, authorizing local and state governments to crack down on companies that invest in Iran’s energy sector and authorizing a pilot program to prevent at-risk veterans from becoming homeless.”
Obama leads, Bush and McCain follow:
In the bailout plan, it’s reported to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on executive compensation,
Actually, I’m pretty glad he didn’t vet her (i think Arthur Gilroy said that first).
Goodness, Sarah Palin’s the gift that keeps on giving!
The idea that Obama is looking out for Po’ folk is a full-out assault on reason. I know that reason has taken a beating the last decade or so but you now have reason pinned on the ground beating the crap out beyond recognition. You’re now in “I’m a uniter, not a divider” territory.
I’m not saying it won’t work. Good for you for finally, sort of, playing politics like the Republicans. Only thing is Republicans have their eyes on the prize and their ultimate goal is policy change (reprehensible policy change–but they’re policy oriented nevertheless). You guys have simply given Bush every extremist goody he wants and all we get out of it is possibly “winning” one election.
The Left (what’s left of it) appears to be fighting for name only. They will gladly give up everything they claim to believe in for the “victory” of getting the empty suit with a D by his name in the White House. We might as well be voting for American Idol (oh hunny, the hip black guy looks and sounds good–let’s go for him).
The media as Walter. McCain’s the corvette.
Damn. I have been looking for a picture of Walter and the corvette for weeks. Thanks for finding one.