Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This week’s theme is Song Titles, Song Lyrics: show us those photos that put in an earworm in your head. 😉
Website of the Week: Indecent Exposure a weekly CNET podcast hosted by Lori Grunin and Matt Fitzgerald which covers “what’s new, interesting, useful–and occasionally irritating–in the world of digital photography and imaging”.
AndiF’s Friday Not Random Three — Boomer Edition
Groovin’ . . . on a Sunday afternoon Really couldn’t get away too soon We’ll keep on spending sunny days this way Groovin by The Young Rascals Click image for larger version |
Green, green, it’s green they say On the far side of the hill Green Green by The New Christy Minstrels Click image for larger version |
I got a line on you I Got a Line on You by Spirit Click image for larger version |
olivia's Friday Not Random Three — Joni Mitchell Edition
And the seasons they go round and round And the painted ponies go up and down We’re captive on the carousel of time We can’t return we can only look Behind from where we came And go round and round and round In the circle game The Circle Game Click image for larger version |
I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now From up and down, and still somehow It’s cloud illusions I recall I really don’t know clouds at all Both Sides, Now Click image for larger version |
Sitting in a park in Paris France California Click image for larger version |
- Next week’s theme: Jest for fun: photos that make you laugh
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Photo by JimF
click for larger
Love the framing in this shot, and the colour of the rock — and spot on w/ the song title.
Wow! Looks like a good place to do serious ankle damage, but a neat spot, nonetheless.
What am I looking at?
Saturn V rocket engine.
That was the last one for this week. Looking forward to what everyone comes up with. Great photos last week, hope for the same this week. Thanks everyone! Bob
Love the Morning Glory photo and love that song and Mary Lou Williams doing it.
I love how MGs look like they’re glowing from the centre. Beautiful!
Thank you! I took it on our last trip to the Everglades, it was late winter, they were about the only thing blooming and they were everywhere.
That’s a lovely composition and a perfect song pick. I like the sharp contrast between the red and muted colors.
Gorgeous colours!
Very lovely mood you set, LEP.
I like the brighter light a little outside the foreground.
I am curious as to whether contributors looked at photos and thought of songs or thought of songs and took (or found) photos. Or was there another way to bring song titles and photos together?
Song snippets are floating through my mind 😉
I did both. I knew that I would have pictures that would go great with “Green, green” so I started with the song and chose a picture to fit. The spider web/I Got a Line on You arrived together. And I hadn’t planned to use the lake picture but I was messing with it and Groovin’ just popped into my head.
I had some other songs picked out to go w/ some photos I knew I had, but then was listening to Joni Mitchell at work this week and a few ideas popped in my head. Decided to go w/ it. 🙂
autumn leaves…ok, it’s a no brainer…
clik images to enlarge
Gorgeous colors — is the red from something local? I’ve never seen anything that color in Colorado.
it’s engelman’s ivy aka: virginia creeper…not native, but one of the few large vines that does well up here. it’s quite common, and turns beautiful reds and purples in the fall, also there’s berries, like little grapes, that the birds like.
If any of them turn purple, I hope you’ll get a shot for FFF — I’m sure we’ll have some theme that will do.
Great choice … 🙂
Nice colors! Here the sumac is doing the same.
black night is falling
sunset: autumnal equinox…clik to enlarge
colour version
Nice. I’ve only ever seen that place from the outside. 🙂
I was visiting Washington in March-April and my cousin had tickets to a sky box in Baltimore. It was a cold day and the stands were not too full.
Flying too high with some gal in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do
But I get a kick out of you.”
Hi Toni … Great photos/songs … 🙂
emotion away.
Oh, be still my heart. 🙂
Love the apple photo.
What a very special one that is!
I got these earlier this evening on a back roads trip to my favorite organic orchard in the next county. Guess I’m in a retro mood.
Pastures Of Plenty by Woody Guthrie
Where Have All The Flowers Gone? by Pete Seeger
I love the creeping shadow on the field in the top one.
I’m going to try some more late afternoon shots of that valley as the leaves turn. Its a favorite spot of mine – one of those “roads less traveled”.
That’s a pretty impressive monument for a local cometary. Looks like you had a very nice drive.
Its along the south edge of Morgan-Monroe forest. The soldier was vandalized several years ago, but later restored by some caring people in the area. From the dates on the stone, it looks as if two men with the same last name may not have made it home from the fields of Flanders. Both died in 1919, brothers maybe.
That’s fascinating. There’s a cemetery just beyond the horseman’s entrance to the park that has some neat tree sculptures in it but I’ve never seen anything like the solider.
Quite the playlist you got there, Head. I’m enjoyed them, blennies and all. Fire on the mountain is outstanding.
“Outstanding”, you say.
It sure was.
I was out standing in the middle of it. (hah)
The firestorm wind was pretty strong, too.
Thanks Andif.
Once again, one helluva great collection!
Thank you very much.
I just try & make people think a little of the connection I make to the songs relating to the image titles.
Some, I find an image for a song that comes into my head, & sometimes I see the image & put a song title to it.
At the same time, one`s imagination could find many different song titles to go with any of these images, respectively.
I`m glad you saw them in the light you did.
Hard to pic a favourite, but Brown Eyed Girl wins out!
You’ve got a friend
The b2 boy took this one.
If we ever do a tv theme, you should post that one again and call it “Danger Will Robinson”.
Good one … 😀