If you want to know how this election is going to turn out, it’s pretty simple. Figure out how many states that Mondale-Ferraro would have won if Ronald Reagan had been black. In other words, McCain-Palin are every bit the total fiasco that Mondale-Ferraro were, but that doesn’t mean Alabama is gonna vote for Obama. It’s not all racism…some states have very conservative populations. But any state that votes to put Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency has to have some seriously racist people in it. And even if you can somehow ignore Palin, it’s increasingly obvious that McCain is unfit for the presidency. You may agree with a candidate on most of the issues and still agree that they shouldn’t be president. That’s the case with both McCain and Palin. Unfit to command.
McCain-Palin are rapidly losing the argument and this election could quickly move into landslide territory.
I’ve been saying for a while, you can see how John McCain was a fighter pilot. He jekes all over like crazy so only he knows what he’s doing, but in the mean time he makes incredibly stupid decisions.
You can see how he lost so many planes.
according to McCain, He has already won the debate
via The Daily Dish,
see here his Ad, already placed
Before he lost it
Oh, thanks, buddy. Next you’ll be telling me that it’s as easy as doing my taxes, or differential equations, or counting McCain’s houses. It’s Friday afternoon, you don’t need to make my head any more likely to explode!
What’s everybody expect to happen in the debate tonight?
My personal view is that little is likely to change. A great performance from McCain gets him back in the game. A great performance from Obama might get him the presidency. No idea how it’s going to come down.
I don’t know. Plan to avoid watching it, especially since it’s going to be about “foreign policy”, which means both will be wrong on most questions most of the time, and I don’t want to spend the entire time screaming and throwing things at the TV.
You mean you don’t want to do a McCain impression, Hurria?
There you go again, Booman. Overestimating the intelligence of the electorate. When will you learn?
BINGO. Go to the head of the class.
I’ve been phone banking for 3 weeks for my congresswoman. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve had to answer this question: “What’s she running for?”
We live in an informational cocoon and think everyone knows what we do.
They don’t.
I’m thinking there’s more and more evidence mounting McSame will continue his string of MAVERICK!(tm) Decisions That Don’t Work Out Too Well After About Four Days and convince Sarah Palin to resign.
You know, just to get the narrative off the issues for a couple of news cycles.
Cause really, short of beating up Dick Cheney on national TV with the thighbone of Ronald Reagan, he’s not going to be able to distract America for 39 days straight.
Next bank on the block
Reuters Breaking News: Wachovia begins early deal talks with Citigroup: NYTimes citing people familiar with matter
But it’s not about McCain. I live in a right wing county in Michigan, and have neighbors who swear that Obama is a Muslim. Last election we put up Kerry signs out in front of our house and they were torn down in 24 hours.
And Michigan is not Mississippi.
I live in the tri-county area. I believe it is more racially segregated than Mississippi.
Yes, it is. I’ve lived there. Mississippi without the accents and rebel flags. Same bigotry. Same religious crazies.
BooMan, Your analysis is likely far more involved than that used by a fair number of voters. But the impact of racism simply can’t be overstated here. I’ve seen its effect amongst far too many well educated individuals.
“McCain-Palin are rapidly losing the argument and this election could quickly move into landslide territory. “
If Kathleen Parker,, National Review, is any indication, you’ll be right:
I wouldn’t dare predict a landslide by Obama.
And the reason why is that there is a sizeable group of people who are disconnected from reality out there. Since Reagan there have been voters who, when dealing with politics, are living halfway between fairy tales and psychotic episodes.
For example, the nativists who are always rampaging against immigrants leap into the “what if” of a U.S. without those pesky brown people. But when you ask them how you are going to get ten to twenty million people out of the country (their fantasy) they have no answers. It’s a fantasy. Or the psychotic fear-mongering that Republicans feed to the populace.
And I’m always afraid that racism is more widespread than we can imagine.
And then there’s all those elections that the Republicans and their voting machines are going to steal.
Rationality just doesn’t not penetrate some people. It’s like bad religion.
I asked one these guys that is against a path to legality and citizenship what his alternative was. His response was to shoot them at the border with machine guns and gather up those in the United States into giant “camps” with no shelter and minimum food, until they die or the Mexican government pays for their return. He was serious! And he didn’t even have a “von” in front of his name.
I sarcastically asked about putting them to work as slave labor. He thought that might be OK for the stronger men.
I looked at him and he wasn’t putting me on. I work with some scary people.
admittedly, progressives need a landslide. the bush years and the conservative ideology of the post-reagan era need to be demonstrably repudiated before the country can get free of their pervasive grip.
even so, this “bailout” crisis seems to be the designed to keep domestic policy terminally unfunded. i’d prefer that congress do what it has done best under the bush administration: do nothing and kick the can to the next administration. the current administration and current congress have no credibility that it can broker a responsible solution, especially overnight.
but let’s take one thing at a time and get through election day. let’s not just focus on winning, but also on getting that landslide.