If you want to know how this election is going to turn out, it’s pretty simple. Figure out how many states that Mondale-Ferraro would have won if Ronald Reagan had been black. In other words, McCain-Palin are every bit the total fiasco that Mondale-Ferraro were, but that doesn’t mean Alabama is gonna vote for Obama. It’s not all racism…some states have very conservative populations. But any state that votes to put Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency has to have some seriously racist people in it. And even if you can somehow ignore Palin, it’s increasingly obvious that McCain is unfit for the presidency. You may agree with a candidate on most of the issues and still agree that they shouldn’t be president. That’s the case with both McCain and Palin. Unfit to command.

McCain-Palin are rapidly losing the argument and this election could quickly move into landslide territory.