Normally I write for The European Tribune and cross post the odd diary here if I think it might be of interest to some Booman readers. This is my first attempt to write a specifically Booman diary for an American audience from a European perspective. I do so neither as an economist nor as an expert on the US political system, but I hope to bring some historical perspective to a discussion which appears to be very close to the bone for many Americans right now – and especially to those on the relatively far Right and Left of the current US political spectrum.
My first point is this: We live in a time of revolutionary change. The collapse of Communism and the Globalization of Capitalism has resulted in firstly, a dramatic increase in US economic, military and political power, and more recently in a resurgence of China, Russia, Europe, India and many parts of what we used to call the third world. Many other major powers are no longer taking their marching orders from Washington or New York. McCain is living in a dream world if he thinks that many of the leaders of these emerging powers will be overly concerned whether he/POTUS deigns to speak to them or not.
Secondly the deregulation of market systems which, in part, led to the Globalisation of Capitalism, has resulted in an unprecedented transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in the USA, because it has enabled Global capital to treat American workers increasingly in the same way that they have always treated workers in the third world. The growth in efficiency of production systems means there will always be more workers than there is productive work to do, and thus by the laws of free market supply and demand – the price of labour goes down, and down – until it goes down so low that labour is no longer able to sustain itself – and poverty, homelessness, illness, broken families and political destabilisation results.
Over the last 30 years – despite huge growth in GNP, virtually all the incremental wealth that has been generated in the US has gone to the top 0.1% of the population – mainly those helping to run the Global economy. And I say Global – not American – economy advisedly, because big money has no national loyalties – in flows where the further growth potential lies, usually in “third world” markets, and this process is then wrapped in an American flag as part of the Branding exercise to make the other 99.9% of Americans think that this is all being done for their benefit.
The consequence of this enormous transfer of incremental wealth from the poor to the rich is that virtually all growth in living standards in the past 30 years for the 99.9% has been funded by debt, and by increasingly unsustainable levels of debt at that – so much so that it has masked the enormity of what has really being going on: US capital has gone Global, and the USA itself has increasingly only remain solvent because of huge inflows of cash from the rest of the world in the form of both public and private debt – a debt which has been increasingly secured against hugely over-priced assets.
The consequence of this whole pyramid selling or Ponzi scheme falling apart is that the rest of the world will cease to puts its money into Dollars, or at least charge exorbitant interest rates for doing so, and the US$ will lose its status as the world reserve currency. The money and jobs which have already left the USA aren’t coming back, and thus we have the Wall Street bail-out – where already impoverished and over-indebted US taxpayers are expected to bail-out the global bankers and neo-conservative market deregulators who brought you to this wonderful state of affairs.
And don’t for a moment think that this bail-out will be the last. The Globalisation of US capital is an ongoing process and whilst the real money heads abroad, US taxpayers will be expected to make up the losses at home. Every time a crisis occurs the same extortionate demands will be made: bail us out or the real economy, real jobs, YOUR homes and livelihoods will suffer. And there will be an element of truth in this: the short term consequences of “market failure” are almost always catastrophic. The last time this occurred you had the Great Depression, and we had Fascism and World War.
It is no accident that McCain and the neo-cons are searching around for an adversary who can give them a Casus Belli and allow them to blame the whole process on some great Satan abroad. McCain’s chief Foreign Policy Adviser, Randy Scheunemann, even acted as chief US adviser to the President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, when he rained cluster bombs on the innocent civilians of South Ossetia – in the hope of provoking a Russian response which could be characterized as the Evil Empire rising again.
Because unless this whole enterprise can be wrapped in an American Flag, and all dissenting voices charaterised as unpatriotic, the reality becomes all too obvious: The US is being systematically looted by its own ruling elite – and don’t make the mistake of thinking that this ruling elite are the politicians in Washington – they are but the foot soldiers largely doing the bidding of those who own America, own the big businesses, the media, the “think tanks”, the banks, and an increasingly privatised military.
This looting of America has now become so obvious that even the dimmest of the foot soldiers are beginning to realise what they are doing, and are becoming fearful of an increasingly angry electorate looking for an alternate leadership. Many arch conservative politicians – the social conservatives and small town businessmen – have little in common with international capital, and are ready to break ranks. They’re just looking for a leader to articulate their concerns, and remarkably, McPain could be their guy. Who better to find a foreign enemy to re-unite the nation? Who better to stick up for the small guy against the complexities of global finance that no one can understand? Do not underestimate McPains apparent stupidity – they could represent the popular anger and inchoate confusion at what is going on perfectly.
The big question is whether McPain will break ranks with the big business paymasters who run the GOP operation. My guess is that he may be sufficiently desperate – and unstable – to do just that. What better way to differentiate himself from the unpopular Bush regime – and much of the Democratic establishment which has almost as much in common with Global Capital as the Republican elite have?
So where does that leave Barak Obama, the Candidate of ChangeTM He has a very difficult choice to make. He can build a coalition with Global Capital by supporting this bail-out plan and hope that this does not lose him the vote of the Left in his own party. He was never going to get many of the social conservative and small town extreme Republican vote in any case. In other words, he can do what candidates often do – move to the centre and hope he doesn’t lose his base in the process. It is probably too late for McPain to play the populist card and oppose the bail-out – it would only reinforce existing concerns about his stability, and he might find many prominent Republicans (goaded by their Global Capital masters) endorsing Obama instead.
The real question is: what does Obama do next – on the presumption that he is elected? Does he too become co-opted by the Global capitalists who control the media, the lobbyists, the banks and much of the real economy? Is he diverted into finding some external enemy who can be used to disguise the looting of America that is really going on? Will the Military Industrial complex Cheney so successfully reinforced – force his hand as well? Kennedy was famously bounced into the Bay of Pigs fiasco by totally fabricated intelligence and had to be killed when he threatened to change course on Vietnam.
We will know early on in his Presidency whether the Change he promises is real or superficial. If he moves to enact radical electoral reforms, breaks up monopoly control of the media, refuses to be goaded into war, places “draconian controls” on the movement of Global Capital and enacts fundamental FDR type social programs to reverse the impoverishment of 99.9% of the American people there may be some chance.
However he will have to be a truly radical President in the FDR mold if he is to accomplish any of this. Any signs of Clintonian triangulation and you can be sure that no real change of power has occurred. The looting of America will continue – but it will have a far pretty face. People will congratulate themselves for having elected a Black President and putting a formal and successful end to the Civil Rights movement of the 60’s. Perhaps the racial struggles of past decades will be replaced by a class struggle in the future, but at the moment there is only one class struggling, and that is the global ruling elite who are seeking to hold onto the power and the wealth they have looted from America.
Perhaps when white and black people stop struggling with each other they will see their real enemies lurking in their Global business empires more clearly and make common cause together. Perhaps that is the future that Obama best exemplifies, but no one should underestimate the task – and the very rel physical risks – he faces.
Good luck America. I wish you all the best in the challenges which lie ahead and hope you create a more just and prosperous future. And I hope you don’t rain war on the rest of us. We are your friends if you could only recognise us.
Thank you for your post, Frank. Excellently stated.
Unfortunately (regarding your closing thought), when addressing ‘America’ in a plea for peace, your voice goes unheard in the corridors of power, where it should sound loudest.
Those in power here do not act in accordance with basic human desires for peace; peace, for its own sake (rather than in terms of, say, market stability) is completely irrelevant to the making of our public policy — as is the intrinsic worth of human life, either domestic or foreign.
Abandon the idea that the US government is actually democratic & the force of American citizens’ individual convictions in shaping our governance becomes apparent.
Yes, the citizens of the world are one, but only in truth.
Or perhaps the US government is the only, imperfect means you have of reigning in the power of Global capitalism and giving citizens some say in the decision making process?
Your process of Government, whilst flawed, isn’t the enemy in itself – it is the only means of controlling your destiny you have.
Why do you think the neo-cons have tried so hard to destroy US, EU and world governance?
The sense I have at the moment, Frank — most especially as the economic crisis unfolds — is that there’s no longer any ‘you’ in this equation.
The governmental process, as constitutionally delineated, is no longer functioning. Neocon dominance has only speeded the process of disintegration — but it could be that the system has been fatally flawed from the start. Ben Franklin himself didn’t feel that the system as created could withstand more than a few score years; due to its critical intrinsic flaws.
My opinion is colored by my experience, to be sure: by any measure, I’m what’s known as ‘poor’ & therefore see, for myself & those in my situation, absolutely zero representation by those entrusted with that duty.
There will be more & more of us as well, in the coming decades, if the root causes of poverty are not adressed seriously as a matter of public policy.
& since the poor have no true representation among our legislators, why should it be?
For me, there’s no more concise an image of the current functionality US governance than the floating corpses of New Orleans.
When the fact of humanity is irrelevant, the system is a failure & therefore presents no recourse for desperation.
I appreciate this dialogue with you very much & wish I could hang out for more. Believe it or not, however, I’m engaged in non-paying work in order to have a place to live & I have to go do it.
A bientot..
I wish you hope and good fortune…
Thank you. I wish you the same.
No one running for office can afford to propose a sensible solution until they have all the money they will need for this cycle at least. It could be solved in January if they first pass effective public financing of elections. That would be a true revolution and it would be televised. Pointing out to them that federal elections have become “Pick a Pimp Pagents” with their constituents as the whores, as I have done in letters to congress, does not endear me to my representatives. If enough constituents wrote similar letters it might start to sink in. It can’t hurt.
Our representatives are very intelligent people who uniformly have high opinions of themselves. The situation most are in right now over the bail out bill cannot be comfortable. Point out to them the reasons why they cannot consider solutions that might work. Note that remaining in this bind is a choice on their part, collectively. A move to a massive public financing of election expenses will be a leap in the dark. They will only take that leap when they realize that their current position is untenable.
The constraints arising from campaign finance are now so severe that it should be relatively easy to make the point in LTEs. I got such a letter published in the neo-con, neo-classical Arkansas Democrat Gazette, which I call the Arkansas DINO Gazette. Send similar letters to the office of Senator Obama and Senator McCain. It might start to sink in to the awareness of the staff people at least.
One of the good things to come out of this fiasco has been the repeated driving home by Democrats of the fraudulent and self-defeating nature of the entire neo-classical economics of Friedman, Reagan, Greenspan, the Bushes, etc. This is the ideal time to discredit such noxious bullshit. Next we need for people to understand the deliberate and self-serving process that brought us that policy on behalf of a wealthy few.
This may be a once in a political lifetime opportunity to enact fundamental change. That change has to start with campaign financing. Too much of what needs to change will impact wealthy donors in ways most will consider adverse. There is an old bridge players maxim: “If there is only one lay of the cards that will allow you to make your hand, assume that that is how the cards lay and play it!” That is what we need to do.
how might this impact the EU/Lisbon vote?
Very hard to know. On the one hand it is making the Government even more unpopular, but on the other hand, people are beginning to realise just how high the stakes are and that we may need to be on good terms with our European Partners in order to get us out of this mess.
My guess is that a new referendum, perhaps with slight modification and codicils clarifying that all the crazy things alleged to be in the Treaty are NOT part of the Treaty – could pass if held at the same time as the European Parliament and Local elections next June – when a high turnout is assured, and people can take their anger out on the local and European party candidates.
What crazy things are alleged that need rebuttal?
That the Treaty would enforce abortion, military conscription into a European army, secularism etc. onto Ireland
I think there’s plenty to fear in what’s there already rather than worrying about what’s not there. It does seem countries lose some soveignty. For example, the EU can order its nations to go to war. That’s not quite conscription, but it does mean they may have to join a war they wouldn’t have voted for if they were an independent country.
Booman Tribune ~ The Looting of America
It can’t. Not even close. There are provisions for £enhanced security cooperation – on things like Darfur, Kosovo and UN peace missions – but they are subject to ratification by national parliaments.
I think that depends very much on the interpretation of the language. I read the Lisbon treaty a while back, and was perusing it again just now. In some cases, all states would have to unanimously consent. But in other cases, the European Council could vote for an action and pass it by a ‘qualified majority’ (defined in the treaty as 55% of the votes), so I understand the fears are not without basis.
In addition, it appears there’s now an effort to possibly add some special provision to keep Ireland’s troops from being sucked into an unsupported action – see this article in IrishTimes today (tomorrow, my time!)
That’s an example of a more serious opt-out which the Government is floating in the hope that it will not actually happen, because Ireland’s participation in UN/EU peace keeping missions has been very successful and very popular. The are trying to demonstrate the serious implications of what some of the No side were advocating – with a view to discrediting the No case.
I have to say – I wish we’d let the South secede. So I’m not big on unions. Look at the fools they’ve lavished upon us.
Ireland is full of smart, liberal, compassionate people. Or at least, so it appears, from a distance. I’d hate to see them have to bow to some of the others in the union.
I have to say that I’m kinda glad that we didn’t…
Are we talking about the Deep South or the Republic of Ireland here? The USA or the EU? If the latter, I’m all for it, as are 70%+ of Irish people.
If found to be true, could provide a new perspective on the forces to split “old” and “new” Europe on issues like the missile defense shield, Middle East policy on Israel and Hamas “terrorist” declaration, policy towards Syria plus NATO expansion to Ukraine, Belarus and Georgia. The EU and NATO are quite divided on these issues and just sitting out the Bush “lame (or dead) duck” administration. The Orange and Rose Revolutions have of course been handed a defeat by Russia and Gazprom.
I do like this cartoon in Times Online:
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’ve had a few dealings with Libertas – see
Does anyone find it ironic that George Bush, having built his Presidency around 9/11, is now completely undone by a financial 9/11 of his own making?
much, much worse than one can imagine. And it’s gone global. —financial globalization enhanced by fWMDs created and exported by U.S.A. Our friends and allies are angry.
Not much Obama can do. First, he has surrounded himself with Clintonites. Second, the train has been derailed. The flawed $700 billion plan was a joke considering that today, in one day, the Feds injected $630 billion into the financial system before mid-day. The market plunged. Just imagine if short selling was not prohibited.
Heaven help us if McCain wins.
Put on protective gear, the worst is ahead.
Great diary, Frank. And where do you live? What country?
I’m half Irish. I want to visit!!
You’d be very welcome