Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i have to say – at the bar where I watched this, EVERY WOMAN commented to each other negatively when she winked. All of them looked at each other at once and said what the hell was that? It was hilarious that we all felt the same way, instantly!
Have you seen the video of her meeting Zardari? The one where she acts like a 13 year old meeting the latest teen idol, grabs his hand in both hers (big no no), and giggles like an idiotic school girl with no dignity when he tells her she’s gorgeous?
And not only Americans. One couple in the bar was from the UK. They couldn’t understand why people in the US don’t realize Bush stole his way into office. They say they still vote on paper ballots that are handcounted at the precincts. Interesting.
I can’t wait to see some of those Biden bits replayed. His line re “the original bridge to nowhere” got a big reaction in the bar. He really scored on that one.
And then when he choked up over his son? That was so genuine, so unfakable, so real – I just thought that had to endear him to mothers everywhere, and many other fathers as well.
She is a joke. For Joe Biden to stand on the same stage with her is an insult to Joe Biden. The Republican party insults the country and the world by putting her on the ticket. WTF?
What we are really fed up with is republican crap. That crap is all that came out of Palin’s mouth. This was not a debate because Palin answered no questions. It was just canned crap delivery. With the election around the corner with polls they way they are anything that either McCain or Palin says or does will be revolting.
Republicans are masters of crap cuz they live in a land called Crapola. McCain and Palin are excellent representatives of bull shit politics; rarely, if ever, does a truth appear in their statements. And, my how they can evade a question and falsify an opponent’s record. What pathetic human beings they really are.
Just came back from a TV viewing of the Debate and the immediate after-spin and analysis (sic on MSNBC.
First impression: Calling Buffy! Calling Buffy! You’re needed to drive a stake through Pat (The Walking Dead) Buchanananananan. God, he looked like he was about to start lurching about the stage muttering, “Brains. BRAINS! BRAINS!”
Second impression: this is a complete disaster for the McCain campaign. Major ooopsies by Palin:
More power to the VP – only requires a constitutional amendment.
Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem – WTF-excuse-me? She just said the McCain administration would make a MAJOR change in US Foreign Policy and Doctrine for the Middle East — one that BUSH, doofus that he is, hasn’t even tried to do. And one a plurality of Israeli’s don’t want to see. AND one that caused the Jewish contingent to gasp.
She said she wouldn’t answer the questions. She didn’t answer the questions. She didn’t rebut Senator Biden’s specifics. This is really going to matter as the debate moves to YouTube & people get a chance to deconstruct what she said. We’re going to see Question:Non-Response for the next 33 days.
Again and again she came out with out and out lies or factual errors.
General McClellan? We’re still fighting the Civil War? (News to me.) Oh fergit it. The trained musketry of the Army of the Potomac WILL WIN in Iraq and we won’t surrender until the <del>Rebs</del> <del>Succesionists</del> Iraqi’s <del>are brought back into the Union</del> do … something. WHAT they are supposed do remains unknown but – by God – we’ll stay there until they do it.
Impression of Biden: Loved the guy. He did exactly what he had to do, kept his cool, and restricted his attack lines to McCain. His “Bridge to Nowhere line came at the right point, at the right time. He destroyed her on substance and that will play-out really well over time.
Sorry to be the one to break the bad news to y’all elitist Pollyannas, but there it is.
There is no IQ requirement regarding being eligible to vote, and her cutesy shit will go over BIG in older, more patriarchal circles.
Bet on it.
The grandmas will be reminded of their favorite niece and the grandpas will remember that feisty l’i’l thang that first got their juices ‘a runnin’.
The next generation of dummies? In their 40s and 50s? The women will identify with her hockey mom persona and the men will want to fuck her lights out.
That’s a lot of voters, Jack.
A lot of voters who go out and vote.
Biden? He was better than was she on every level. Given a rational choice between the two as a potential president, it’s a no-brainer.
Except he ain’t cute.
And it’s only a no-brainer if you indeed have a brain in the first place.
Do you really think that he changed many minds?
I don’t.
This election is going to be won or lost largely along IQ lines, just like the last two elections. Need I point out who won the last two?
It’s what’s for dinner.
Only economic worries will bump the anti-Ratpub vote up a notch or two. Not relatively abstract issues and not fitness for office either.
The Republicans done fucked up the economy, Jed. Let’s vote fer the new guy an’ give HIM a chance. Cain’t get much worse…
All the rest?
Just media filler.
Gotta put SOMETHING on to fill the airwaves. Might as well be a debate.
I watched the first Obama-McCain debate and tried to view it through the eyes of a person that didn’t know when they were being bullshitted because they haven’t been paying attention. And I thought it was basically a draw on those terms. But the post-debate polls said people thought Obama won pretty decisively. And, lo and behold, the tracking polls reinforced that three days later.
Tonight is a little more complicated, but the post-debate polls show that Biden won decisively. Palin helped herself in some sub-categories, but she lost among people that made up their mind.
I have no crystal ball, but I’m thinking that she lost more votes than she won. Or, rather, Biden won more votes than she won. And then there are the regional factors. McCain needs votes in certain states. He doesn’t need to boost his lead in Alabama, he needs to narrow his deficit in Pennsylvania. And I think she did best in the places they need least and much worse in the places he needs most.
I’m sure she won over some of the GOP base, but I think her plastic and stilted insincerity comes through loud and clear to anyone who isn’t thinking about boinking her, AG.
Sex…a certain fairly narrowly delineated style of sexual attraction, but one that exists quite deeply in the American psyche…is really all that she offers.
But y’takes yer votes where you can get ’em in Amurrican politics, and a hardon vote counts just as much as any other.
The dedicated Republican vote, the racist vote, the fundamentalist Christian vote, the CILTF (Candidate I’d Like To Fuck) vote, the old fogey vote, the Kiill ‘Em All And Let God Sort ‘Em Out vote, the lower IQ end of the hockey/soccer mom vote…that spells coalition, folks. Admittedly those categories tend to overlap a great deal, but on the other hand the people within those categories (with the possible exception of the CILTF guys) do historically tend to actually leave their houses and go to the polls on Erection…errrr, Election Day.
I’m not denying the unlimited stoopid of the American population, I just think that playing to the folksy folk of Alabama isn’t going to be enough to close the gap for McCain.
I’m more concerned about the need to wring every last advertising and polling dollar out of this election…to the point where the makeup of the polled population has to be changed to further favor McCain every few weeks so the pundits can continue to wonder why the “race is still so close”.
The “sexiness” thing is very much an individual matter. I am one who finds her distinctly UNsexy, especially after she starts yapping her mouth, but even before. Perhaps surprisingly a large percentage of my male colleagues, friends, and acquaintances have admitted – when they knew it was “safe” to do so – that they don’t find her sexy or even more than moderately attractive.
And here is an interesting anecdote: I have a very old and good male friend who has a major history of womanizing, and he found her extremely “hot and sexy” – until, that is, I showed him the aerial wolf hunting ad produced by Defenders of Wildlife. You see, he loves animals, and that was an instant turn-off.
Kept waiting for her to do the little “shooting pistols into the air” that Tina Fey did. This really was the whole “when you get backed into a corner, you seem to get more adorable” act that SNL called her on.
Talking Caribou Barbie with pull string. She says ten different phrases! That’s more than the real Sarah Palin! Everything else will “pale in” comparison!
It is cool. But I am having a tough time getting started in the biz. I have been giving my voice away to worthy causes to build my resume. I have been a PA announcer at the OC Race for the Cure the last two years, I did imaging for the radio station inside Children’s Hospital Orange County, I voiced an ad in support of community organizers that is posted online somewhere and was supposed to be shown in battleground states, but I never got any confirmation if it actually aired. So, it is slow going. But I keep plugging away and auditioning. It’ll come eventually. In the meantime, I continue to substitute teach despite the kids treating subs like crap and the district cutting sub pay by 10% due to budget cuts.
Well, keep on hanging in there, and keep on building your resume. Don’t know how long you have been at it, but most aspiring actors give up after five years, so create a plan and benchmarks that go at least a couple of years beyond that. It does help to have an agent, but you don’t absolutely need one.
I’ve been at it less than two years, and that includes a long break in the middle when I stopped auditioning to refurbish the house we bought. I just finished building a recording booth in the spare bedroom, so I’m starting to audition again.
What I have been told is that nowadays in VO, agents wont even consider you until you are a regularly working non-union voice or you have landed a union job. Maybe a few people get signed before then, but not many.
With websites like and Craigslist out there, I can audition for multiple jobs a day even without an agent. But I’m also competing against a global talent pool. I actually landed a part for a cartoon pilot this summer (Emo Panda), but the project never happened (financing or lack of animators or something). Hopefully it will eventually happen and it will be my big break. But I am not holding my breath.
It was an interesting form of flirting with me, I thought. She must have had a paunchy tax attorney with gray hair before; once you have one, you never go back.
i have to say – at the bar where I watched this, EVERY WOMAN commented to each other negatively when she winked. All of them looked at each other at once and said what the hell was that? It was hilarious that we all felt the same way, instantly!
She definitely believes her own hype. I just cannot stand women who try to act “girly” and cutesy–it’s unprofessional and inappropriate.
I just cannot STAND that type of behavior.
Have you seen the video of her meeting Zardari? The one where she acts like a 13 year old meeting the latest teen idol, grabs his hand in both hers (big no no), and giggles like an idiotic school girl with no dignity when he tells her she’s gorgeous?
OMG, I couldn’t believe he went there. I can understand why he did, but it was overkill.
And I’d never mistake Palin for anything approximating “dignified.”
… and America throws up a little in its collective mouth.
I’m proud to be an American, mouth, collective throwing. Maverick. Greed on Wall Steet.
Make that, a TEAM of mavericks.
Giggly, winking mavericks.
And not only Americans. One couple in the bar was from the UK. They couldn’t understand why people in the US don’t realize Bush stole his way into office. They say they still vote on paper ballots that are handcounted at the precincts. Interesting.
I can’t wait to see some of those Biden bits replayed. His line re “the original bridge to nowhere” got a big reaction in the bar. He really scored on that one.
And then when he choked up over his son? That was so genuine, so unfakable, so real – I just thought that had to endear him to mothers everywhere, and many other fathers as well.
And here it is:
Huh. The things you miss when you listen on the radio.
The McCain trolls have yanked it already.
No they didn’t.
Someone needs to do a youtube combining her winks with those weird eye twitches John McCain has.
is playing this video in slow motion and demanding release of her medical records.
She is a joke. For Joe Biden to stand on the same stage with her is an insult to Joe Biden. The Republican party insults the country and the world by putting her on the ticket. WTF?
What we are really fed up with is republican crap. That crap is all that came out of Palin’s mouth. This was not a debate because Palin answered no questions. It was just canned crap delivery. With the election around the corner with polls they way they are anything that either McCain or Palin says or does will be revolting.
Republicans are masters of crap cuz they live in a land called Crapola. McCain and Palin are excellent representatives of bull shit politics; rarely, if ever, does a truth appear in their statements. And, my how they can evade a question and falsify an opponent’s record. What pathetic human beings they really are.
The entire analysis on Charlie Rose has so far consisted of what Tina Fey will be able to use on Saturday Night Live.
Why are you guys always looking back? Let’s look forward, why doncha?
You betcha!
Just came back from a TV viewing of the Debate and the immediate after-spin and analysis (sic on MSNBC.
First impression: Calling Buffy! Calling Buffy! You’re needed to drive a stake through Pat (The Walking Dead) Buchanananananan. God, he looked like he was about to start lurching about the stage muttering, “Brains. BRAINS! BRAINS!”
Second impression: this is a complete disaster for the McCain campaign. Major ooopsies by Palin:
Impression of Biden: Loved the guy. He did exactly what he had to do, kept his cool, and restricted his attack lines to McCain. His “Bridge to Nowhere line came at the right point, at the right time. He destroyed her on substance and that will play-out really well over time.
“Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem…“
You mean like Obama promised when he rushed headlong to kiss a** at AIPAC as soon as he had the votes for the nomination?
Sorry to be the one to break the bad news to y’all elitist Pollyannas, but there it is.
There is no IQ requirement regarding being eligible to vote, and her cutesy shit will go over BIG in older, more patriarchal circles.
Bet on it.
The grandmas will be reminded of their favorite niece and the grandpas will remember that feisty l’i’l thang that first got their juices ‘a runnin’.
The next generation of dummies? In their 40s and 50s? The women will identify with her hockey mom persona and the men will want to fuck her lights out.
That’s a lot of voters, Jack.
A lot of voters who go out and vote.
Biden? He was better than was she on every level. Given a rational choice between the two as a potential president, it’s a no-brainer.
Except he ain’t cute.
And it’s only a no-brainer if you indeed have a brain in the first place.
Do you really think that he changed many minds?
I don’t.
This election is going to be won or lost largely along IQ lines, just like the last two elections. Need I point out who won the last two?
It’s what’s for dinner.
Only economic worries will bump the anti-Ratpub vote up a notch or two. Not relatively abstract issues and not fitness for office either.
All the rest?
Just media filler.
Gotta put SOMETHING on to fill the airwaves. Might as well be a debate.
I watched the first Obama-McCain debate and tried to view it through the eyes of a person that didn’t know when they were being bullshitted because they haven’t been paying attention. And I thought it was basically a draw on those terms. But the post-debate polls said people thought Obama won pretty decisively. And, lo and behold, the tracking polls reinforced that three days later.
Tonight is a little more complicated, but the post-debate polls show that Biden won decisively. Palin helped herself in some sub-categories, but she lost among people that made up their mind.
I have no crystal ball, but I’m thinking that she lost more votes than she won. Or, rather, Biden won more votes than she won. And then there are the regional factors. McCain needs votes in certain states. He doesn’t need to boost his lead in Alabama, he needs to narrow his deficit in Pennsylvania. And I think she did best in the places they need least and much worse in the places he needs most.
I’m sure she won over some of the GOP base, but I think her plastic and stilted insincerity comes through loud and clear to anyone who isn’t thinking about boinking her, AG.
Plastic and stilted insincerity – I think you nailed it!
I think that I nailed it.
Sex…a certain fairly narrowly delineated style of sexual attraction, but one that exists quite deeply in the American psyche…is really all that she offers.
But y’takes yer votes where you can get ’em in Amurrican politics, and a hardon vote counts just as much as any other.
The dedicated Republican vote, the racist vote, the fundamentalist Christian vote, the CILTF (Candidate I’d Like To Fuck) vote, the old fogey vote, the Kiill ‘Em All And Let God Sort ‘Em Out vote, the lower IQ end of the hockey/soccer mom vote…that spells coalition, folks. Admittedly those categories tend to overlap a great deal, but on the other hand the people within those categories (with the possible exception of the CILTF guys) do historically tend to actually leave their houses and go to the polls on Erection…errrr, Election Day.
Add on the vote various fraud possibilities?
I’m tellin’ ya…it ain’t over yet.
Not by a long shot.
I’m not denying the unlimited stoopid of the American population, I just think that playing to the folksy folk of Alabama isn’t going to be enough to close the gap for McCain.
I’m more concerned about the need to wring every last advertising and polling dollar out of this election…to the point where the makeup of the polled population has to be changed to further favor McCain every few weeks so the pundits can continue to wonder why the “race is still so close”.
I loves me some ‘Murka…
The “sexiness” thing is very much an individual matter. I am one who finds her distinctly UNsexy, especially after she starts yapping her mouth, but even before. Perhaps surprisingly a large percentage of my male colleagues, friends, and acquaintances have admitted – when they knew it was “safe” to do so – that they don’t find her sexy or even more than moderately attractive.
And here is an interesting anecdote: I have a very old and good male friend who has a major history of womanizing, and he found her extremely “hot and sexy” – until, that is, I showed him the aerial wolf hunting ad produced by Defenders of Wildlife. You see, he loves animals, and that was an instant turn-off.
Kept waiting for her to do the little “shooting pistols into the air” that Tina Fey did. This really was the whole “when you get backed into a corner, you seem to get more adorable” act that SNL called her on.
Talking Caribou Barbie with pull string. She says ten different phrases! That’s more than the real Sarah Palin! Everything else will “pale in” comparison!
Voice acting! How cool. I have done some of that myself, mostly for children’s stuff.
It is cool. But I am having a tough time getting started in the biz. I have been giving my voice away to worthy causes to build my resume. I have been a PA announcer at the OC Race for the Cure the last two years, I did imaging for the radio station inside Children’s Hospital Orange County, I voiced an ad in support of community organizers that is posted online somewhere and was supposed to be shown in battleground states, but I never got any confirmation if it actually aired. So, it is slow going. But I keep plugging away and auditioning. It’ll come eventually. In the meantime, I continue to substitute teach despite the kids treating subs like crap and the district cutting sub pay by 10% due to budget cuts.
Well, keep on hanging in there, and keep on building your resume. Don’t know how long you have been at it, but most aspiring actors give up after five years, so create a plan and benchmarks that go at least a couple of years beyond that. It does help to have an agent, but you don’t absolutely need one.
Thanks for the advise and words of encouragement.
I’ve been at it less than two years, and that includes a long break in the middle when I stopped auditioning to refurbish the house we bought. I just finished building a recording booth in the spare bedroom, so I’m starting to audition again.
What I have been told is that nowadays in VO, agents wont even consider you until you are a regularly working non-union voice or you have landed a union job. Maybe a few people get signed before then, but not many.
With websites like and Craigslist out there, I can audition for multiple jobs a day even without an agent. But I’m also competing against a global talent pool. I actually landed a part for a cartoon pilot this summer (Emo Panda), but the project never happened (financing or lack of animators or something). Hopefully it will eventually happen and it will be my big break. But I am not holding my breath.
It was an interesting form of flirting with me, I thought. She must have had a paunchy tax attorney with gray hair before; once you have one, you never go back.