Prepare for more nastiness from the Pitbull (her term, not mine) and the War Hero.
Prepare for more “terrorist” slurs.
Prepare for more race baiting, including a liberal dose of the N word.
Prepare for more of “Obama’s a Muslim who hates white Americans like you and me.”
Prepare for the worst negative ads yet from McCain.
Prepare for the Pastors who claim a vote for Obama will send you to hell.
Prepare for the revival of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Prepare for more lies about Obama’s record and his policy proposals.
Prepare for more McCain supporters shouting “Kill him!”
Prepare for more push polling and voter caging.
Prepare for more vandalism of Democratic and Obama campaign offices.
Prepare for more intimidation of likely Democratic voters, particularly students, African Americans and Latinos.
Prepare for voter suppression on a scale we haven’t seen before.
Prepare for more funny business with electronic voting machines.
Prepare for long lines, broken machines and challenges to voters at the polls, maybe even you (unless you live in Republican-land).
Prepare for exit polls that don’t match up with the final results.
Prepare for Republican legal challenges of Voter fraud by Democrats and appeals to the Supreme Court if McCain loses.
Just be prepared.
For anything and everything.
Because even though we are fighting the wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong way, even though the global economy is in its worst crisis since the days of the Great Depression (that’s according to the IMF, by the way), just because more people are losing their jobs, more businesses and individuals are going bankrupt, more people are being denied health care, more people are becoming homeless, and more life savings of more Americans are being flushed down the toilet, doesn’t mean the political tactics of the GOP’s Rovian Dirty Tricks R Us Machine will not be employed full bore to steal another election.
Nuclear War could break out and the Rove faction of the Republican Party would be looking to exploit it for their benefit. This is not a party of statesmen or patriots. It is not a party of principles and ideals worth fighting for.
It is the party of corruption, greed and lust for power. It is the party of political victory first, country second. It is the party of the ends justify the means. It is the party of Dominionist Christianity, the most extreme and violence prone form of Christian heresy whose practitioners are willing to do anything (including lie for Christ) to turn this nation into a theocracy, and whose poster hockey mom is Sarah Palin, a woman who believes that witches are real, that preachers can prophesy her political victories and that we are living in the “End Times,” a woman who will be one heartbeat away for command of our nuclear codes should John McCain win election. It is the party of racists, bigots, warmongers, fat cats and pseudo-fascists like Rush Limbaugh who broadcast their lies, propaganda and virulent hate speech to millions each day.
It is a monster that has been terrorizing and destroying our nation and our Constitution for the last 30 years. Let us pray or hope its time is at an end. But make no mistake. It will not go quietly.
Jesus, I hope you’re wrong, and if you’re right, I hope that the majority of the public repudiate it.
There is too much dissonance between the negative attacks and the major issues of the day for the negative stuff to be effective. How do McCain/Palin do this when McCain takes the stage in front of a national audience and debates Obama as an equal? At this point, most Americans have made up their mind – thus the trends toward Obama in the polls. I feel fairly confident that McCain’s attacks will be seen through a cynical lens of political desparation.
I do worry about the dangerous game that McCain/Palin are playing. The anger reflected at McCain/Palin rallies will increase in coming days if the negative tactics continue. As Republican chances (across the board) sink, and similar to the top of the ticket, the anger and lashing out will increase.
I wish we had a media with some balls.
The two-minute-hate games they are playing at their rallies are sick and disgusting. I was glad to see that the secret service are investigating the guy who yelled “Kill Him” at the one rally, but found the whole response to the media (and black cameraman in particular) frightening.
“Prepare for legal challenges of Voter fraud by Republicans and appeals to the Supreme Court if McCain loses.”
It’s that last one that bothers me the most. Obama may win the election only to have it overturned by the Supremes. I say that with a heavy heart, but there will almost certainly be a lengthy court battle that will make Bush v Gore look like an episode of Boston Legal by comparison. That will be bad enough. But the last four days has shown me the darkest side of America’s hatred.
How many people do you know that will tell you on November 5th that “Obama is not MY President!”
He will be de-legitimized,de-masculated, and most of all dehumanized by the GOP. To tens of millions of Americans he will simply be “that one”.
You thought Clinton Derangement Syndrome was bad? You have no idea. I fully expect attempts to be made on Obama’s life from here on out.
Yes, Bush is a criminal. But I do not wish bodily harm upon him…only justice.
One of the worst case scenarios we should be prepared for is “What if something happens to Obama?” I can think of no other reason why we’re seeing the most vicious attacks yet from McSame/Palin…and the attacks will continue from now until somebody is provoked to take action to harm Barack Obama.
We should add that to your excellent list there, Steven.
What is the difference between a liberal and a conservative. One want’s to see Bush and company brought to justice before a court of law for their crimes. The other wants to form a lynch mob to kill “that one.”
One of the worst case scenarios we should be prepared for is “What if something happens to Obama?”
Yes, I agree. And I don’t trust the Secret Service a whole hell of a lot, to be frank.
Um, Steven, practitioners of Wicca call themselves Witches. They are real people and don’t require Sarah Palin’s belief in order to exisit.
The witches the Wiccans profess to be and the “witches” of Sarah Palin’s delusional belief system have very little in common other than the word witch.
Haven’t yet met a wicca or witch that I would trust before Palin.
oops, meant to trust wicca, not Palin
Let us pray or hope its time is at an end.
Roughly quoting Doug Stanhope, riffing on 9-11 and Bush’s “National Day of Prayer”: “You wanna pray, fine. But do it on your own time OK? You wanna be useful, put on your helmet, head down to Ground Zero and start digging, cus it looks like YOUR God takes Tuesdays off.”
Which is to say: don’t pray that this monster’s time is at an end. Instead, slay the monster.
Or as Mr. Obama says “be the change.”
Well some people pray here, and I have nothing against that. I also believe in the maxim that God helps those who help themselves.
I dig.
let me rephrase: praying is only PART of what needs to be done. It has to accompany action.
Steven D,
you covered a lot of territory there.
Gallup: Americans’ Satisfaction at All-Time Low of 9%
“It is the party of racists, bigots, warmongers, fat cats and pseudo-fascists like Rush Limbaugh who broadcast their lies, propaganda and virulent hate speech to millions each day.”
The bigots. Economic pain won’t erase bigotry. a lot of bigots won’t vote for Obama…. Can’t walk away from the comfort blanket they can ill afford. Yet they’ll tell all who’ll listen that, as abiding Christians, they love this country.
From your link at Huffington Post –
This highly politicized concept of dominionism is based on the Bible’s text in Genesis 1:26:
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
(King James Version).
Man failed and was driven out of paradise, that took care of dominionism! Man failed once again by the destruction of the world through pollution.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Say, Oui, if we are made in the image of God, and if we have an unconscious mind with a shadow self as CGJung writes, then, does God have an unconscious mind too? With His own shadow side also? Perhaps, this dark force is what we, today, term Satan. Maybe, S. is one of the Sons of God, like say older brother. Maybe, three sons: Lucifer, Jesus, and the Jewish Messiah, the youngest brother whose day is just dawning. What a cosmic joke that would be, would it not?
Stay tuned for a new theology for the 21st century.
Palin is pushing all the right buttons for us to soon see things like this:
And this:
I think there is a not insignificant portion of the remaining Republican base that would like to see the uppity niggers and their friends put in their place. I sense it when I hear their frustration at the total disaster that has become their party. They blame the “others”. That is what they do. It is the reflexive and involuntary reaction of most white authoritarian voters to their impending crushing defeat.
Some people might well end up dead before January. That is how visceral this has become to some people.
The republican party has morphed into something that is completely unrecognizabel as a political party. They are no longer a political entity-instead, they are a very real threat to democracy. They represent a very real danger to America, and they need to be stopped.
Quote from Steven D
"It is a monster that has been terrorizing and destroying our nation and our Constitution for the last 30 years. Let us pray or hope its time is at an end. But make no mistake. It will not go quietly."
Yes it will not go quietly but I must add that it is pure evil and evil always triumps when good men do nothing.
As I have said before here and else where John McCain WILL be the next POTUS Evil will not let Obama be President Evil will do whatever is necessary to preserve the power it has amassed and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Steven said to be prepared.
Start preparing for the worst depression this country has ever seen. Its not a question of if its only a question of when.
I believe the current "financial crisis" was thought up planned out and executed by the Bush administration
to take advantage of the economic slowdown which was coming anyway, and also to divert attention away from the issues of the campaign.
Have they succeeded? I dont believe I need to answer that question.
The Impending Global Liquidity Crisis
Sound familar????
Back again to the one person we should have all been listened to Mike Whitney.
This is the title of his article posted on ICH on
say last week??? NOOOOOO how about June 4, 2007??
Read and weep here…..
TPM is picking up on the Joe Klein piece that Palin’s stumps are creating crowds that are getting pretty vicious to attending reporters and camerafolk.
The attack dog doesn’t seem to have any political savvy to tell when she’s pushed the lines into hatred which may partly explain why McCain backed off Ayers last night.
Will the pundits begin to view this as a lover scorned relationship with McCain. Whew.
Don’t get complacent because of the recent polls. It’s only because the economy is tanking. You can be damn sure Rove-clone Steve Schmidt has some real nastiness coming. (He brought down Kerry with the “flip-flopping” coordinated with silent partnership in the Swift-boating.)
Too bad our side is clueless on how to attack back. That Keating 5 video was a touchingly pathetic attempt. It’s a 13 minute college lecture for god’s sake:-) You need TV ads of a minute in length at most hammering the same message in a few concise stabs.
There is so much good ammo that could be used – McCain/Pastor Hagee and Palin/Witchcraft videos, etc. to show Americans that McCain/Palin is definitely not one of them.