Prepare for more nastiness from the Pitbull (her term, not mine) and the War Hero.
Prepare for more “terrorist” slurs.
Prepare for more race baiting, including a liberal dose of the N word.
Prepare for more of “Obama’s a Muslim who hates white Americans like you and me.”
Prepare for the worst negative ads yet from McCain.
Prepare for the Pastors who claim a vote for Obama will send you to hell.
Prepare for the revival of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Prepare for more lies about Obama’s record and his policy proposals.
Prepare for more McCain supporters shouting “Kill him!”
Prepare for more push polling and voter caging.
Prepare for more vandalism of Democratic and Obama campaign offices.
Prepare for more intimidation of likely Democratic voters, particularly students, African Americans and Latinos.
Prepare for voter suppression on a scale we haven’t seen before.
Prepare for more funny business with electronic voting machines.
Prepare for long lines, broken machines and challenges to voters at the polls, maybe even you (unless you live in Republican-land).
Prepare for exit polls that don’t match up with the final results.
Prepare for Republican legal challenges of Voter fraud by Democrats and appeals to the Supreme Court if McCain loses.

Just be prepared.

For anything and everything.

Because even though we are fighting the wrong war in the wrong place in the wrong way, even though the global economy is in its worst crisis since the days of the Great Depression (that’s according to the IMF, by the way), just because more people are losing their jobs, more businesses and individuals are going bankrupt, more people are being denied health care, more people are becoming homeless, and more life savings of more Americans are being flushed down the toilet, doesn’t mean the political tactics of the GOP’s Rovian Dirty Tricks R Us Machine will not be employed full bore to steal another election.

Nuclear War could break out and the Rove faction of the Republican Party would be looking to exploit it for their benefit. This is not a party of statesmen or patriots. It is not a party of principles and ideals worth fighting for.

It is the party of corruption, greed and lust for power. It is the party of political victory first, country second. It is the party of the ends justify the means. It is the party of Dominionist Christianity, the most extreme and violence prone form of Christian heresy whose practitioners are willing to do anything (including lie for Christ) to turn this nation into a theocracy, and whose poster hockey mom is Sarah Palin, a woman who believes that witches are real, that preachers can prophesy her political victories and that we are living in the “End Times,” a woman who will be one heartbeat away for command of our nuclear codes should John McCain win election. It is the party of racists, bigots, warmongers, fat cats and pseudo-fascists like Rush Limbaugh who broadcast their lies, propaganda and virulent hate speech to millions each day.

It is a monster that has been terrorizing and destroying our nation and our Constitution for the last 30 years. Let us pray or hope its time is at an end. But make no mistake. It will not go quietly.