It’s somewhat unsettling to see swine like Ken Adelman endorsing Barack Obama, but it’s telling. Yes, a lot of people are beginning to see what side of the bread the butter is spread on. But there’s more to it than that. Adelman didn’t express any disappointment with McCain’s tactics. His big concerns were with Palin and with McCain’s erratic performance during the economic meltdown. But the elites within the Republican Party are definitely seeing the race-hatred that McCain and Palin are stirring up. And they don’t want to be associated with it. They’ve tolerated the whole anti-abortion, war on Christmas, anti-science-gibberish trend of modern Republicanism because indulging those people gave them the votes they needed for lower taxes, less regulation, and bigger defense budgets. But outright calling your opponent an anti-Ameican, socialist, terrorist-coddling, welfare-king? That’s too over the top for the likes of Ken Adelman or Colin Powell or Peggy Noonan or Lincoln Chafee, or Chuck Hagel, or Dick Lugar, or the editorial boards of countless right-leaning newspapers, or George Will, or David Brooks, or pretty much anyone with an ounce of self-respect and respect for others.

It’s an excellent sign for Obama’s presidency that he has such a broad range of elite support. He will have a nice honeymoon. But, what about the rancid, snarling, remnant of the modern conservative movement? Is this it? Railing against imaginary socialism? How long will it take for the GOP to regroup and retool enough that they can begin to attract back the Adelmans and Powells and Brooks and Wills and Chafees and Lugars and Hagels?

In the short-term, I only expect the GOP’s image to deteriorate further. No longer will we see people like Schwartzeneggar, Bloomberg, Whitman, and Pataki self-identifying as Republicans. The Scottie McClellans and Andrew Sullivans and John Coles are long gone.

McCain has unleashed the dirty, ugly, secret-underbelly of the GOP’s base. It’s the base the enabled center-right rule on Wall Street and in the Capitol. It’s going to be a while before it can make a comeback. This is a total crack-up for one of the two major parties.