Got any predictions? Electotal College math? Total House and Senate pickups? Last-second surprises? Election-day mayhem?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Here are my Electoral College predictions. First, what I think is likely to happen – Obama gets 375 electoral votes in this map:
The best possible scenario would be to add, in order of likelihood, Georgia, North Dakota, Montana, NE-02, Arizon, and West Virginia for a total of 412 electoral votes:
Winning any of those deep-red states would be really, really awesome. At this point, I just want to blow out the GOP so that the only states that can lay any claim to are in Appalachia, the Deep South, and pockets of the praries and Mountain West.
Electoral: Obama 342
Senate: Dems 59
House: Dems + 30
Last minute surprise: Bush appears on Teeve with a JD speech to the nation…. A Thank you, “I’ve found relief”
No OBL tape. It’s been magnetized. OBL is pushing daisies…so they resorted to the aunt.
As Josh Marshall wrote McCainism needs to be defeated, to be rebuked.
As long as Obama hits 270, I don’t care how or where he does it.
By the way, with La Belle Palin saying she’s up for 2012, those 4 years are going to take their toll on her son Trig. Think she’s going to cart him around when his Downs Syndrome asserts itself? What about Piper and Willow? They going to be dragged around, too?
while felons are being purged from voter rolls, In alaska, Sen. Ted Stevens gets a waiver so he can vote – Slate
So much for moral values:
Waiting til the last weekend before Election Day to drop a “surprise” doesn’t work when some states have already been voting for the past two weeks. It’s like the 12 Days of Christmas; we’ll have had the 17 Days of Electing in NC. I’ve seen so many people wearing “I Voted” stickers I predict there’ll be no one left to go to the polls on Tuesday.
given the various court proceedings –
I don`t know if this has been posted yet, but here`s a tape of Palin being punked by the The Masked Justices. Les Justiciers Masques
She believes the person she is talking to is Sarkozy.
Very funny & very sad.
Palin is so naive, but jumps right in claiming she hopes to be ‘president’ in 8 years & would love to go “helicopter hunting” with Sarkozy.
I’ve spent the day on GOTV here in NH. I feel pretty good about Obama here, and also pretty solid about removing Sununu from the Senate.
I’m in CD 1, and my friend and NH’s first Congresswoman, Carol Shea-Porter is in a dog fight. CD 1 is more conservative than CD 2, and Bradley is slinging crap everywhere. We think she can, we think she can, we think she can.
So, no predictions from me. Just hope. Hope that we repudiate the last 8 years. Hope that the exit polls show that the negative campaign by McCain backfired. Hope that we continue to trend blue here in NH.
Vote Hope.
Good of you. I did some phone banking NH PA and Ohio.
This should cheer you. Gallup Daily Nov. 1, 2008
Obama 52%, McCain 42% Among Likely Voters, – identical in traditional and expanded
Obama leads by a similar 52% to 41% margin among all registered voters.
according to a close friend of his, Alton Miller, an associate dean of the School of Media Arts at Columbia College Chicago…Terkel hoped to live to see Barack Obama elected president.…it’s sad that he didn’t get that final wish, but you can bet he’ll be smiling wherever he is come 5 nov.
he was, and will always be, a national treasure.
Another giant gone. I was reading him during my union activist days back in the 70’s and later got into his radio show that used to run on PBS. To say he was very special is a huge understatement, but I don’t know what else to say at the moment. Rest well Studs.
Lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth…somewhere.
I’ll be the optimist.
Electoral College: 393. Obama gets the Kerry states, plus Iowa, Colorado, Virginia, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Indiana, Missouri, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, and North Dakota.
Popular Vote Margin: 7.2.
And, by the way, that’s optimistic only for now. I’m starting to get a feeling that it might well be something like that. I think we’re watching some truly amazing things happen in early voting, especially in Georgia and North Carolina but also Colorado and New Mexico.
353 EV
58 Senate
+40 House
If everything goes the way it should…
I’m sticking with the landslide prediction that I made a few months ago.
I don’t believe this election will be decided before 12 AM, 11/5. Probably a bit later. Much flying bullshit in store.
My prediction? Chaos. Election Day Chaos at the polls. That’s what the neocons have in store for us. It’s all they have left.
(why does my spellchecker flag “neocon”?
because to allow the word neocon to slide as correct is an affront to the spellchecker’s sense of justice.
Nothing about the neocons is right except where they fall on a simplistic linear model based on french revolution era political seating charts
it is the spellcheckers moral duty to flag neocon as wrong, even if spelled appropriately.
Good job faithful spellchecker… good job.
I will now pet the spellchecker and give it several treats.
Sarah Palin show her foreign policy credentials..
i tend to believe that the first electoral map you have there is the more likely scenerio of the two, though i do find that polling shows missouri and indiana to still true toss ups, with obama slightly ahead in missouri and behind in indiana. N carolina seems to be his. how i would love to see N. dakota go for obama, that would be a huge psychological shock to the republicans. i expect the electoral score to be sonewhere between 353-375+ for obama.
what has surprised me is how well obama has done overall, and that the race has really not tightening much at all in the entire last month, still leading by 6-9%. very steady national numbers. i attribute that almost entirely to the near catastrophic economic news and it’s all being put at the feet of the reptiles i mean the republicans. i notice in a lot of obama’s speeches and remarks he say ‘bush’ and ‘mccain’ and ‘republican’ at least once or twice in the same paragraphs thereby connecting them in everyone’s minds. and he’s done it so often that….voila!
in your second map, i can imagine on a very strong turn out him winning georgia and n dakota, but that’s about the extent of it. w. virginia never, he’s 8-13 points behind.
58 or 59 seats in the senate. maybe they’ll have to have a run off in georgia on Dec 4 too if chambliss doesn’t get 50%, and that’s possible.
250-270 in the House. does anyone really know? it seems as if there’s been too few polls. i know that finally my hometown of syracuse is going to go democratic; it’s been ages. james walsh wisely decided to ‘retire’ this year, he was such a kiss-ass republican, good riddance to him and all like him in the northeast!
i never thought i’d live to see north dakota, north carolina and indiana as toss up/in play states in a presidential election with a black man as the democratic candidate. it’s amazing.