I congratulate Barack Obama on his victory over John Mc.Cain in the election. The voices for change were heard very loudly and clearly last night Obama now has a mandate from the people to lead this great country from the failed policies of the Bush administration, and chart his own course. I wish him well.

Obama has talked a good game, but now he must deliver on his promises. The American people will allow him to set his plans in motion, but if he immediately starts jumping way to the left, like Bill Clinton did, he will find out that overreaching is not the way to go. In 1992, Mr. Clinton started overreaching from the get go, and the country rewarded him by voting in the Newt Gingrich led Republican revolution. From that moment on, Clinton went to the middle, picked the fights he knew he could win, dealt with the Republicans when he had to, and easily won a second term. Despite the numerous scandals, Clinton left office with one of the highest approval ratings ever.
With the Democrats in complete control of both the presidency, and the Congress, it would be simple for them to go hog wild with the spending, and various pork barrel projects. With a ten trillion dollar deficit, we can’t afford the luxary of doing that. Obama must reign in spending whenever he can, and must have the courage to tell the Democrats no from time to time. The Republicans spent money like drunken sailors, and look where it got them.

Another thing is just because the Democrats control things now, doesn’t mean Obama has a free hand to do whatever he wants to do. The Republicans still have the filibuster, plus the blue dog house members will keep Obama in check somewhat. The American people want things to get done, and not bogged down in partisan fighting. Obama must work with Republicans when he can, and not completely ignore them. He can start by putting a Republicans or two in his cabinet, like he said he would. There is talk of Richard Lugar of Indiana as a possible Secretary of State. That might be a good start.

Barack Obama won a great victory last night. He ran a great campaign, and deserved to win. But the words he spoke about last night at Grant Park must now be implemented. The Democrats have a chance to turn around the last eight years of miserable failure. Moderation is the key. Mr. Obama, you have been handed the keys to the most powerful job on earth. The world will be watching, please don’t blow it!!!