What should be the new strategy for Republicans to retake the White House in four years? That’s easy. Don’t base elections on how many people vote for a candidate but on how many counties vote for one. Here, let my man Rush Limbaugh explain it to you:

As Chuck Hagel says,

“We are educated by the great entertainers like Rush Limbaugh . . . You know, I wish Rush Limbaugh and others like that would run for office . . . They have so much to contribute and so much leadership and they have an answer for everything. And they would be elected overwhelmingly.”

And you know Rush would be elected overwhelmingly for President, if only we voted by the size of the county, or the number of counties, and not the number of people who live in each state. Stupid founding fathers. They should have based our electoral system on counties not states. People are nothing. Land is everything. If we had we never would have sinned against God by electing our first Black Muslim (or is it not a Christian?) President.

CNN’s Rick Sanchez reported on a church marquee that reads “America we have a Muslim president. This is a sin against the Lord.” Mark Holick is pastor of The Spirit One Christian Center in Wichita, Kansas where the sign is being displayed.

Holick told KSNW, “The main point of the marquee is to cause the Christians to understand he is not a Christian, Again, they will call me and they will tell me that he’s not a Muslim because he is a Christian. That’s not the point. The point is he’s not a Christian.”

I think amending the Constitution to allow counties to vote should become the new cause célèbre (or “freedom fries”) of right wing bloggers (after Sarah Palin, of course). It’s either that or restricting the vote to white male land holders. One or the other.