The unintended consequences of cracking down on illegal aliens from Planet South of the Border:
The Orthodox Jewish community in the United States is facing a shortage of kosher meat after the country’s biggest producer was forced to halt operations.
In some communities shops have been out of kosher beef for weeks. […]
Early this month, Agriprocessor in Postville, Iowa, filed for bankruptcy. It had supplied more than half of the country’s kosher meat until May when a raid by customs officials found hundreds of illegal immigrants employed there.
Following the raid, production declined and the company has now halted work at this and another plant.
Not that racist idiots distinguished journalists like Lou Dobbs and Glen Beck give a rat’s nether regions for the Orthodox Jewish community. After all, there’s a larger principle at stake! Now that our economy is headed for third world territory, maybe we’ll find some “real Americans” who’ll want to work at a meat slaughterhouse for low wages and few benefits. Even one that makes Kosher meats.
Meatpacking plants were typically unionized until 1980, and they paid wages high enough for one worker to support a family. For this reason, many midwestern towns welcomed or tolerated meatpacking
plants despite their smells.Unionization and wages in meatpacking fell 50 percent during the 1980s, while the speed of the kill lines increased by 50 percent. A 1986 US Supreme Court ruling permitted meatpacking companies to merge, and a merger wave permitted four companies, led by IBP with 32,000 employees, to control 80 percent of US meatpacking.
The meatpacking work force in Iowa and other Midwestern states is increasingly comprised of Hispanic and Asian immigrants. Turnover rates are very high–often over 100 percent per year, which means that workers average fewer than six months on the job. Critics argue that meat packers deliberately keep turnover high in order to have most of the workers at entry level wages; companies counter that they try to reduce turnover to reduce training costs.
It is not clear how much training is provided by companies. Meatpacking companies report that they spend up to $3,000 to recruit and train each production employee who, with overtime averaging 10
hours per week, can earn about $25,000 annually. Starting wages are typically in the $5 to $6 per hour range, or $10,000 to $12,000 per year.
Don’t you just love the smell of disaster capitalism in the morning? It smells like — like cow shit! And at minimum wages it offers jobs for the whole family.
In some communities shops have been out of kosher beef for weeks.
What happened to the law of supply and demand? Why can’t the producer that was raided—it “had supplied more than half of the country’s kosher meat until May”, so we’re not exactly talking about a perfectly competitive market here—raise wages, so that it doesn’t have to hire illegal aliens, and pass on the higher costs to consumers?
Seems like this “free market” thing that Obama keeps on talking about don’t work so well.
They would have to take the unions back and they would rather go out of business than negotiate with the lower classes like they were equals.
Meatpacking jobs paid $20/hour in Philly in the 1970s, and yes, there was at least one plant in the city, just north of center city. I got stuck there one day—had to wait in traffic until the truck unloaded all the hogs.
Empire Poultry in central Pennsylvania was raided 8 or 10 years ago, and the newspaper article was fascinating because the illegal workers came from just about any place you can imagine: Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, a true global village in a small country town (probably outnumbering the locals).
since The Jungle was written.
I guess people have forgotten.
Time for a sequel.
My gosh, it’s deja vu again in the meatpacking industry. Immigrants are getting hammered in tough conditions and those damned “haves” care only about money – theirs.
I guess a progressive revolt is long overdue. Perhaps, one will begin from the throes of the coming economic depression. Unfortunately, suffering will be wide spread and the misery index will soar. It is always such a battle trying to achieve social justice and fair play for all classes in our diverse culture. But, battle we must for the progressive cause is worth it, indeed.
More reason to cut as much meat out of your diet as possible.
Agriprocessor have been real bastards, the owner should be in jail. Unfortunately, the Bush Justice Department really leaned hard on the workers, actually giving them jail sentences so that they’d never ever qualify to reenter the U.S. The company should be sued out of existence and the owners should do hard time.
This diary at DKos has more on the impact of what happened in Postville. The company imported workers from Palau, then quit paying them. The Mexicans and Guatamalans are still stranded there. Neither group has any income or any place to go. The local church is struggling to help.