Foreclosures to Be Suspended Over Holidays

As a gift to bank executives, Freddie Mac and his lovely mrs, Fannie Mae, of the Port Northmond MacMaes, have decided to suspend evictions from foreclosed homes until January.

Traditionally, the wealthy have lightened the crushing weight of their boots on the poor during the so-called Holiday Season.  This slight alleviation of oppression has several positive effects.  The relative freedom encourages the poor to increase spending and accumulate  debt, it may count as “points” in the unending quest of the wealthy to appear upstanding within their communities and religious organizations, and it creates a congenial atmosphere in which those who can afford to may revel in greater excess under the cover of holy celebration.  

During the 2008 Holiday Season, the let-up of pressure has some deleterious extra benefits.  It allows the layoff of workers who otherwise would process the paperwork for foreclosures, and it allows Executives to ignore the problem of accumulating foreclosed properties, while giving them additional time to indulge themselves using the delightful cash provided to them in the form of lavish salaries and expansive bonuses.