I’m sure this news item will up the Rapture Index a few notches.
A gay version of the Bible, in which God says it is better to be gay than straight, is to be published by an American film producer. […]
The film studio said it would also adapt and direct the revised Bible as a two-part mini-series, The Gay Old Testament and The Gay New Testament, once it is completed.
Hey, with a Gay Bible, we could have a Gay Religion, with Gay Communion and Gay Baptism, and even (wait for it) Gay Marriage. God is Gay!
And then we could sue each state where gay marriage is prohibited to enforce gay people’s first amendment right to practice their religion free from government interference or oppression. Freedom of Religion. What a concept, eh?
god is gay, by the Frogs (sorry no youtube video for this one):
And, naturally, the gay church would qualify for tax exempt status, like all other religious institutions. I think Sarah Palin and company would suffer a massive case of cognitive dissonance. I can hear their mental circuits burning already.
Maximus headus explodus.
Couldn’t a church that recognizes gay marriage sue the government for infringement of the first amendment by restricting its right to marry people? Has this been tried?
A Church of the Gay God would at least be good for a few laughs and provoke a few well-deserved aneurysms. It would also yet again expose the inherent self-serving nature of organized religion.
Unfortunately the religious freedom ploy has been much tried without success: Native Americans, Mormons, Santeria, and on and on. Like history itself, religious freedom is defined by what suits the parochial interests of the powerful.
We can all condemn this and then marriage seems normal. Wow, the producer just made gay marriage the conservative position.