I don’t know if there’s a good guy in the Gaza Strip travesty; if there is one, it sure isn’t young Mr. Bush, or Lord Cheney, or Keystone Kondi Rice, or, lamentably, Barack Obama, and it sure as h-e-double hockey sticks isn’t Israel.
Speaking of perdition, somebody needs to throw another handful of clean coal in the brazier under Yasser Arafat, and hopefully someone has confirmed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s reservation for the spot next to Arafat’s. Bush and Kondi and Lord Cheney and Bad Will Ambassador John Bolton must be looking forward to occupying adjoining rooms with a view of the inferno in the LBJ Hilton, because they appear bent on squeezing in as much last minute evil as they can before a house drops on them.
Never tired of watching its own horror show, the Bush team is reprising the scenario it ran in Lebanon: Cheney goads Bush into giving tacit approval for Israel to launch a military offensive against a group of sand colored people who, in terms of relative firepower, amount to an ant colony. Kondi does her hair up like a fright wig and drags out the ceasefire process until Israel a) has killed all the sand colored people it wants to kill or b) starts getting its tohkes kicked by the sand colored people and wants mommy to make them stop it.
Take Two
Dick Cheney says Israel didn’t seek “U.S. approval” to begin the ground attack into Gaza. Heh. They didn’t seek “U.S. approval” before they attacked Lebanon, either. They sought Dick Cheney’s approval, and he gave it to them. Dick Cheney isn’t the “U.S.” He’s just the vice president, and the president of the Senate. He’s not in the military chain of command at all, and according to him he doesn’t even work in the executive branch of government.
No word yet on whether Israel got Dick’s permission to use cluster munitions on the sand colored people, this time or last time. Israel’s Haareetz says the Israeli Defense Force is aiming the cluster ammunition at “open areas.” I have trouble imagining Hamas placing suitable cluster bomb targets in the open. You might shell an open area to set off mines that could be buried there, but if you use cluster bombs to do that you’ll create another minefield on top of the one you’re trying to clear. Cluster bombs are made for killing people. Maybe the IDF is shelling open areas with cluster bombs as a humanitarian gesture, something to remind the Palestinians to stay in the closed areas where it’s safer, but I doubt it. Journalist Jamal Dajani of Link TV, posting from the Israel-Gaza border, judges Israel’s self described “surgical strikes” to be “as surgical as shooting chickens in a coop with a shot gun.”
Mr. Bush blames the Gaza debacle on Hamas, saying it has “once again shown its true colors as a terrorist organization” with attacks on Israel. Bush didn’t mention that Israel broke the ceasefire in November when it sent ground troops into Gaza. Cheney probably didn’t let anybody tell Bush that part. Maybe it’s a moot issue; Israel has had Gaza under a blockade since January 2008, six months before the ceasefire went into effect. Since a blockade is an act of war imposed by armed force, one has to marvel at how even the most adroit Rovewellian can say with a straight face that a ceasefire exists within a blockade.
But then logic has never been a requirement of Bush administration rhetoric. Kondi says that, “Hamas has held the people of Gaza hostage ever since their illegal coup against the forces of (Palestinian Authority) President Mahmoud Abbas.” The “illegal coup” she refers to was the January 2006 election in which Hamas won a large majority of Palestinian Parliament and ousted the corrupt, self-serving Fatah party. Fatah, you may recall, was the political organization of the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who built a personal nest egg of $1 billion and $3 billion out of public funds.
Kondi says that she won’t settle for a ceasefire that allows Hamas to keep its rockets to defend itself with. Hamas makes the Qassam rockets themselves, since they can’t afford to buy weapons from anybody. The rockets are simple steel filled tubes with no guidance system. The fuel is a mixture of sugar and fertilizer, and the warhead contains fertilizer and scavenged TNT. Qassam rockets are worthless against the F-16 fighter-bombers we gave the Israelis.
FOX News put fear and loathing merchant John Bolton on the air to say the Israelis has a right to use those F-16s to “eliminate” Hamas. After that, Bolton said, Israel should use the F-16s to attack Iran for us.
Bush neocons aren’t the only U.S. politicos lifting their skirts for Israel. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, “When Israel is attacked, the United States must continue to stand strongly with its friend and democratic ally.” Dick Cheney must not have let anybody tell her that Israel attacked first either. On Meet the Press last Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid prattled on about how generous the Israelis were when they gave the Palestinians control of the Gaza Strip in 2003. He didn’t mention that Israel was giving back land the UN parceled to the Palestinian Arabs in 1947 when it established Israel.
It’s too bad for the Palestinians they can’t afford to set up a lobbying group like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute and to buy all of our politicians and our media like the Israelis have done.
Lonely at the Bottom
The Armistice Agreements that ended the 1948 Arab-Israeli War eliminated Palestine as a defined territory. The land not ceded to Israel was distributed to Egypt, Syria and Jordan, who essentially told their Palestinian Arab pals to go fish in a sand dune. In early December 2008, Egyptian president Mubarak blocked the Iranian Red Crescent from delivering food to Gaza to relieve Palestinians who had been reduced to eating grass. I reckon Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni hadn’t heard about the grass eating business when she said, “There is no humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. Or maybe she doesn’t think Palestinians eating grass constitutes a humanitarian crisis.
The Telegraph describes how the U.S. blocked the UN Security Council from passing a statement urging an immediate ceasefire on both sides on Saturday. Historian and journalist Gareth Porter exposes how the Bush administration has been plotting the current Gaza confrontation since early 2007.
I once had the audacity to hope that my country would become that shining city on a hill, a champion of the oppressed and abandoned. Human societies don’t get much more oppressed or abandoned than the Palestinians, but political regimes don’t come any more malignant than the Bush administration.
It would be nice to believe that change is just around the corner, but the ear-splitting silence from Barack Obama, on a holiday surfing safari as the Gaza debacle unfolded, has me suspecting that the Israelis now own U.S. foreign policy trigger, stock and barrel regardless of who the American public puts in power. I don’t buy Obama’s “one president at a time” excuse. Bush, Cheney and the neocons have gotten away with atrocity after atrocity after atrocity for eight merciless years because people who could have stopped them didn’t want to speak out of turn.
I’d also like to believe that Barack Obama is more concerned with doing the right thing than with what the John Boltons and Sean Hannitys and Bill Kristols of this world have to say about him.
But just now, I’m more inclined to believe in Scientology.
Commander Jeff Huber, U.S. Navy (Retired) writes at Pen and Sword. Jeff’s novel Bathtub Admirals (Kunati Books), a lampoon on America’s rise to global dominance, is on sale now.
Perfectly said Jeff.
Thanks for this, man.
Don’t leave out the spots on the brazier for Sharon (already hell just not dead yet), Netanyahu, Barak and Livni.
My sources tell me they’re roasting tin the belly of a brass bull. 😉
LOL!! Or the red heifer.
Hamas needs a real and serious lesson.” “We have
restrained ourselves for a long time,” said Israeli
Defense Minister Ehud Barak
You are wrong there, Jeff.
There is no Hell.
Except here.
No Heaven, either.
You live your own eternal reward.
The dead? They are just the escapees.
Bet on it.
If these people are not punished here…and on the evidence of all of human history there is a short term reverse justice system in place on this planet, a system that has been in place since time immemorial…if they are not punished here they are not punished anywhere.
Sorry. That’s just the way it is.
Have a nice day.
Perhaps, AG, but as Marcus Aurelius said, whether there is eternal order and justice or not, we have to conduct ourselves as if there is or we are just like THEM!
Oh…as a paradigm? An archetype? A model?
Except…who defines its borders and content?
I prefer to deal with the directly observable.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said:
Given certain things that I have seen and learned in my life, I can see the truth of that statement. I can see it in the gradual evolution of life on earth, and I can see it further in my own perceptions regarding the truth of the Sufi dictum “As above, so below.”
Thus I have no need of mythic bugbears to frighten me into submission to whatever moral code is being pushed by the cultural/religious/moral corporation that is currently residing in power over my little section of the universe.
Just sayin’…
I am sure that the Moses, Muhammad and others of similar positions in this world have seen in necessary to set up some kind of system that will have the desired bugbear effect on people. That’s their job, and they did it well.
Ain’t fer everybody. tho’.
Ain’t even necessary for everybody.
Not be a long shot.
Set on it.
Some people find it possible…or at the very least feasible… to get a little closer to the horse’s mouth.
So it goes.
What is the source of morality authority for this moral universe?
MLK, I am absolutely sure would say that it comes from the same source that gives us Heaven and Hell.
I’m afraid that MLK Jr. quote is one of those exception that proves the rule thingies, no?
A thought experiment to reveal your own source of Moral Authority (feel free to reply if you want to see where you stand):
Don’t just answer Yes or No. Answer WHY you think so.
Touche et pointe!
Kudos Jeff.
Add Tony Blair, the pretender Middle East Peace Envoy, who gives his blessings — there’ll be a ceasefire after Israel destroys the smuggling tunnels:
from the Independent, UK:
Blair: Gaza solution is possible
A ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is attainable within days if the smuggling routes which supply arms and money to Hamas can be shut down, international envoy Tony Blair said today.
Ya know the same tunnels that smuggles in food and medicine.
from Prof. Juan Cole:
The Analysts at Jane’s Defense Weekly expect the Israeli attack on Gaza to last another 10 days or so. They do not expect it to achieve any tangible success, and therefore predict a long-term poor security situation in southern Israel
Interesting, I think we all believe what we want (or need ) to. Personally, having seen the law of karma acting in my own life, I choose to believe there will be a punishment or reward for everything. Maybe not in this life – evolution is a long process.
I’m confused. Is it politics or religion when you choose to use phosphorus as a fertilizer or as a weapon?
There used to be a law about this kind of stuff: Isreal Rains Fire On Gaza Don’t worry, we’ll get there, step by step.
Aside from the spectacular photo, the interesting thing about that article is the language. They call it a “conflict” and the weapons are “controversial.” With journalism like that, we’re lucky to have this forum for people to express their version of truth. Your writing does it well for a lot of us – thanks.
I do believe in the audacity of your hope, as well as Barack’s. Don’t even talk to me about Scientology.
Watch Al Jazeera in English: go to livestation.com
Hi Jeff … All comments are in italics, most likely cause: you need to use HTML code < /em > at the end of the text in your diary to end Italics..
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
They’re not on my screen, Oui.
Oh, okay, the comments, you mean. Yeah, I see the italics in Safari but not in Mozilla. Lemme reckon how that happened.
I do believe that more and more Americans are questioning the veracity of Israel’s motives, and Max Blumenthal reported the same this morning.
Unprecedented Numbers of Americans Question Israel’s Actions in Gaza
By Max Blumenthal, Huffington Post. Posted January 6, 2009.
Other interesting stories on Huffington close to the same topic:
Democrats Are Cowards in the Face of Israel’s Brutality
Stephen Zunes
Hamas Is Not Iran’s Puppet
William O. Beeman
Tragedy in Gaza — Desperately Seeking Leadership from Obama
Sunera Thobani
The Long and Bloody Hypocrisy of U.S.-Israeli Acts of Terrorism
Robert Parry
America’s Hidden Role in Hamas’s Rise to Power
Stephen Zunes
the worm has turned and not just in America.
Israel’s action are laid bare given their two year siege and blockade of basic necessities to 1.5 million Gazans.
the world saw Collective punishment for what it is.
Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. How quickly the Ashkenazis repeat!
Finally, as a consequence of this godforsaken invasion, Americans are hearing about the reality in Gaza. The UN representatives are particularly strong on the deprivation caused by the siege.
Plus they are seeing real people on their TV screens.
Robert Fisk has an excellent lead article in The Independent, UK:
The beautiful flares are phosphorous.
What I need to say about all of this isn’t fit to print, and that’s saying a lot because I usually speak freely. But this fresh hell that Israel has unleashed on those poor people has begun a cultivation of a raw hatred within me that’s better kept to myself.
How anyone can remain composed when they express how they see this murderous atrocity is beyond my simple comprehension skills. But you managed to convey your thoughts about it very clearly and unambiguously. Still I sense your incredulousness and exasperation despite your words. And I sure share those same sentiments.
And I wonder whether you know just exactly how calculated and pre-planned this all was, and how little it has to do with anything any Palestinian has done more than simply being alive and breathing, and how little any Palestinian or anyone else could have done to prevent it (i.e. nothing at all). If you don’t know, then I won’t tell you because it sounds as if you are already enraged enough.
So, DO SOMETHING, PLEASE! March, protest, inform yourself of as many facts as you can and write a letter to the editor, call a local talk show, SPEAK to people you meet in the street and in line at the supermarket. Write to your Congress member, call them every day.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.“
Edmund Burke, 17th Century Philosopher