Via AP: Senator Diane Feinstein after today’s refusal to accept Senator-designate Rolland Burris (D-Ill)has parted with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid; on day two she flexes her muscles chairmanship:
Feinstein says Senate should seat Burris
WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Senate Rules Committee has parted with many of her Democratic colleagues and says that the Senate should seat former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said Tuesday that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, however tainted by corruption charges, has the right to appoint someone to President-elect Barack Obama’s former seat. The Rules Committee decides whether Burris is qualified to serve.
Feinstein said that blocking Burris would have ramifications for other governors’ appointments.
DiFi has a good point here. Reid is not the Lord of the Senate.
Imo, after all the implications and legal issues are weighed, Senator Reid and Dem colleagues will be on the loosing end.
We live under a judicial regime of innocent until proven guilty. Governor Blagojevich’s responsibilities and power of the Governor’s Office remains valid.
[Update 1]: The Harry Reid Circus:
Burris was rejected by the Secretary of the U.S. Senate on the basis his credentials was not in order — missing is the signature and seal of Illinois Secretary of State.
Oops via Politico
Illinois Secretary of State backs Burris, downplays own role
The Illinois Secretary of State, Jesse White, downplayed his own role in preventing Roland Burris from joining the Senate, and put the responsibility for not seating Roland Burris on the shoulders of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
He also said he hopes Burris is seated.
“They could have seated him without my signature,” White — previously seen as a key opponent of the pick — told WGN Radio, saying his signature was purely “ceremonial.” Burris was not seated because the Illinois State Seal — which White controls — was not on his credentials.
White’s words put the ball firmly into Reid’s court, and leave Burris on offense in the public fight.
“What the senate did to Roland Burris yesterday…they played a little bit of a game with him,” he said.
The host asked him if he thought Reid had made him a “fall guy.”
“You’re absolutely correct,” he said. “It’s ugly.”
(highlights added)
According to further AP reporting: Chicago Tribune
lot’s of folks weighing in on this matter
the rude pundit gets after the burris snafu, as well as franken and c. kennedy, with Advice to Senate Democrats: Just Fucking Seat Burris:
and digby, along with jane hamsher, had a great take on reids’ and the demoRATs early infighting, vis-a-vis burris the other day:
and reid’s working overtime to walk it back after using a specious, at best, tactic to hold it up. according to npr:
reid meanwhile, continued his argument that “l don’t work for Obama” with this bit of sophism…or revisionist history, if you will…
you have to wonder where that particular belief’s been hiding the past two years, eh.
Reid: “I don’t believe in the executive power trumping everything… I believe in our Constitution, three separate but equal branches of government.”
So let me ask where was Reid during the last eight years going along with Bush to get along? On the Burris seating, Reid is the loser — makes him look like a whimp when he caves: