I recently wrote a piece called No, Folks. He IS The Boss. Bet On It in which I pointed out:

He [Obama] is the boss.

Bet on it.

“Do Not Tread On Me” might well be the subtext behind all of that Mr. Nice Guy front that he has been running.


Now The Daily Kos is rarely worth the electrons it takes to transmit it as far as I am concerned, but every once in a while…well, go to  about 1:20 of the following vid for all I need say on this matter.

Read on for more:
 I wrote:

He’s a hard guy, this Obama fella. Bet on it. Hard and smart. Argue with him and he will listen. Make sense and he will understand. But fuck with him? I don’t think so. The first cabinet member, congressperson or international power broker who tries to play backroom, backdoor power games with him will have their legs cut off at the knees so fast they’ll think that they were born short.


It’s going to be an interesting next two years.


FDR level interesting.

Bet on it.

Barack Obama said in this interview:

If somebody comes at me…I will knock ’em out. If not, then I will try to understand their point of view.

I give people the benefit of the doubt; I try to understand their point of view…


If…I perceive that they try to take advantage of that, then I will…crush them. (Followed by a self-deprecating laugh that should definitely not be taken too seriously by anyone who wishes to take him on.)


This is a tough guy.

Bet on it.

Maybe tougher and smarter than anyone that I have ever seen in or even near the White House.


May you be born(e) into interesting times.

In spite of yourself, if necessary.

(Sooner or) Later…