Do Republicans know how stupid they look and just not care? Or, do they live in some alternate universe where being ridiculous is seen as cool?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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An alternate universe wherein seeking advice from an ignorant, biased everyman will provide insight into solving complex, macro-economic problems. This is also known as re-enforcing your own opinions by having a parrot say them back to you. “Pretty bird.” “Pretty bird.”
it’s not just the gop’s fetish for joe the unqualified moron.
you’re talking about a town whose culture says it’s OK for someone as corrupt as tom daschle to be secretary of HHS. a town that hands out no-strings-attached bailouts to the banks, TWICE, and then scratches their collective heads and wonders why the banks used the money to pay bonuses. A town where harry reid calls joe liberman “the most progressive person in connecticut”. the kind of town where democrats and republicans alike vocally defend Ted Stevens.
in short, washington dc is a town filled with people whose brains are nowhere near as gigantic as their egos.
i mean “Seersucker Suit Day”?
So i don’t think it’s either of your choices. they literally don’t realize how stupid they look. none of them. we are SO doomed.
They nominated George W. Bush – twice – and rallied behind Sarah Palin. Stupid is as stupid does, no?
Nod. Pandering to the lowest common denominator of stupid has more or less worked for them for the last eight years (some would say the last 14).
Why would they stop now when they still control the Village?
See Glen Greenwald, here, for instance:
or here, with some good discussion of Feinstein:
or Stirling Newberry’s diary at the Agonist. For instance.
Judgement may still be out on Obama, but on the Democrats in Congress it is not. Their collusion in every crime of the last 20 years is clear.
The Republicans have Joe the Plumber. The Democrats have Schumer and Frank, and Daschle and Feinstein, and Pelosi and Reid.
On whom is the joke?
More on who should/should not be laughing.
Having done as much as anyone to wreck our economy, but enrich his friends, Senator Schumer has an idea how to fix things.
Pure democratic ‘leadership.’
Maybe they just know their base.
I wish I could tell you that I just made that up…but I didn’t.
It’s not ridiculous unless the Village says it is ridiculous. And so far the Village is playing along and treating Joe as a viable advisor.
So the question should be;
“Why in the world should the Republicans stop doing what they do as long as the media takes them seriously?”
Soon we will have Broder accusing the Democrats of ‘partisanship’ because they won’t invite Joe to their strategy sessions.
The Democrats will always be partisan unless they are completely subservient to every single demand the GOP wants.
Sadly, for the last several years the Democrats have done just that. Now that the Dems have discovered 5% of their spine again, the Village is blaming them for rocking the boat.
After all as far as Washington is concerned, the GOP is still in charge and always will be.
Does anyone pay taxes anymore? Dashchle should have been tossed over board.
I can’t wait until he’s a physicist.