I normally get annoyed at these kinds of columns that seek to equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. But Howard Jacobson’s piece is worth reading for a couple of reasons. First, it’s instructive to see how dramatically different public opinion about Israel is in the United Kingdom. And, second, he makes many worthy points. In the end, while I empathize with Jacobson’s pain and disconsolation, I do not think he quite understands the magnitude of Israel’s moral collapse. World opinion is responding to actions taken by all sides in the Middle East. There are no shortage of anti-Semitic people in the world, but that is not a sufficient explanation for the sharp decline in sympathy for Israel. The ‘fighting in Gaza’ was not justified by the rocket fire. It’s that simple. The War in Lebanon was not justified. The Israelis continue to expand the settlements on Palestinian land. All the rest is just window dressing.

Nevertheless, I think Jacobson made some accurate and cutting observations about some of the lazy and thoughtless criticism Israel receives. It’s a good read.