Thanks to Phillip Weiss of Mondoweiss for drawing attention to the following contrasting videos about Israeli Apartheid Week and the many educational videos that are being used to defend Israel’s actions not only in Gaza, but over the past 60 years. Hasbara means “explanation,” but when used in most critical settings, “propaganda” is its intended meaning.

There is even a site, Hasbara-Org, where one can go to obtain “explanations” from the Israeli side of the universe. For example, the settlement building that has been going on in the West Bank and East Jerusalem for 40 years, is not what we think it is. But first, the Palestinian view.

This video announces Israeli Apartheid Week, an international event taking place in many cities throughout the world.

Israeli Apartheid Week

Here’s another production by the New York peace activist group, Adalah, on the Israel boycott effort, which received a boost from the Gaza massacre.

US activists urge boycott of Israeli companies – 15 Feb 09

Now the Israeli rejoinders:

This video is about the myth of Apartheid, which brings us the “truth” from the Israeli side about what is really happening in Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The Myth of Apartheid

Here’s another video about the occupation that doesn’t apparently exist. In this video, numerous hasbara themes are repeated, while little is stated about the actual occupation, the Israeli forces stationed in the Palestinian territories who support colonial tactics.

Myth of Occupation

How are hasbara troops trained? Apparently through fellowships intended to provide skills to counter the very idea  that apartheid exists or will ever exist in Israel. Only the URLs are provided: just click.

Israel Apartheid Week Part 1 What To Do

The Palestinian Genocide that wasn’t

Israel is behind everything

The True History of Palestine

History of the Middle East

There are many similar videos to be found on YouTube that hasbara troops can use to defend Israel’s occupation and  its colonization of the Palestinian territories, which continues today.