Bernie Madoff is going to plead guilty. That means that he’ll get sentenced and go to prison, which means he’ll have to say goodbye to his luxury penthouse. What do you think the penalty should be for defrauding people out of $50 billion? I think life without the possibility of parole is a merciful sentence.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Bernie should have to work in a soup kitchen wearing leg irons and raggedy t-shirt that says, “I am a common thief”. He should have to scrub toilets in the bathroom of a shelter. He should have to write letters of apology to every single person who lost money because of him.
He should be held in a real prison, not a minimum security resort. I say he should be bunking with a large, grumpy inmate who hates white collar crime. That ought to do it.
Forfeiture of all his wealth, life without parole in a regular prison, not the equivalent of Club Fed.
Drop him off a tall building. Seriously.
you guys are kind of stepping on the point of my latest post…
One person has already committed suicide because of his machinations. He deserves death.
He should have to wipe Rush’s butt for life. What could be worse than that?
When I think of the guys serving sentences in AZ under that Sheriff from hell when their crime was sharing food as opposed to Bernie, there just isn’t a punishment that brings justice.
Perhaps an old fashioned one such as staking him out in the sands with a bucket of honey poured on top of his body and left to the ants, yes I like that one.
All the suggestions above plus one incarnation for every one hundred million he stole, living in Bangledesh as a homeless and impoverished peon. Let’s see that would be ten times fifty or five hundred lives of the worst poverty imaginable. That should help him develop some sympathy for his fellow man and woman.
Cheez, what kind of karma awaits for the biggest crook of all times?
Publicly displayed in a cage near the New York Stock Exchange. As a warning to all that there are others still around looking to steal your money.
Maximum security facility being Tiny’s bitch.
Here is the situation;
Madoff lived like a billionaire for 15 years off other peoples money, now he gets a prison sentence (let’s assume life). But his family gets to continue living like billionaires for another 5-6 generations. That is quite a deal.
Looking at it that way there is no sentence that matters. There will never be ‘justice’ applied to the Madoff’s. This is why Madoff is ALWAYS smirking when there is a picture of him. He got away with it! This is why his sons turned him in. It’s all like some kubuki play.
The only TRUE onerous justice would be for every single penny that ALL the Madoff’s have squirreled away gets taken from them.
Every single penny.
That will never happen. I have no doubts that this has been planned for years, maybe from the beginning. They have money stashed everywhere.
Even if the plea deal involves full restitution, it will mean nothing.
He should be blessed with self-awareness & tortured by empathy.