“In recent years, when it comes to stem cell research, rather than furthering discovery, our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values. In this case, I believe the two are not inconsistent. As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research — and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly.
It’s a difficult and delicate balance. And many thoughtful and decent people are conflicted about, or strongly oppose, this research. And I understand their concerns, and I believe that we must respect their point of view.
But after much discussion, debate and reflection, the proper course has become clear. The majority of Americans — from across the political spectrum, and from all backgrounds and beliefs — have come to a consensus that we should pursue this research; that the potential it offers is great, and with proper guidelines and strict oversight, the perils can be avoided.
That is a conclusion with which I agree. And that is why I am signing this executive order, and why I hope Congress will act on a bipartisan basis to provide further support for this research.” – President Barack Obama
OT, but you feeling any better?
yeah. Today’s the first day I don’t feel sick, but I didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m tired. Haven’t had a flu like that since I was a kid.
Gawd, it’s nice to have a president who can (and is willing to) think and speak in complete sentences.
Glad you’re feeling better, Boo’M!
Glad you’re feeling better. Don’t overdo things today.
Why didn’t he just say “Bans are lifted except for those on creating furries”?
“But after much discussion, debate and reflection, the proper course has become clear. The majority of Americans — from across the political spectrum, and from all backgrounds and beliefs — have come to a consensus that we should pursue this research; that the potential it offers is great, and with proper guidelines and strict oversight, the perils can be avoided.”Like velociraptors and intelligent sharks.
Seriously, I am so very, very glad to see a President not go “Despite this being good for the entire country, I don’t like it on personal reasons, so screw you.”
unlike the
troglodytespols in the georgia lege, who apparently see things a bit differently:and of course boehner and cantor continue to pander to the fundies:
who’da thunk.
Zero votes, asshole. Zero votes. Fuck you and that high horse you rode in on.
so much for “I hope Congress will act on a bipartisan basis to provide further support for this research.” – President Barack Obama.
not gonna happen….their base is the bottom dwellers, fundies, and dead-enders… it’s all they’ve got left.
they’re going to go the way of the whigs if they keep this up. the 2010 midterms could very well seal their fate.
frankly, the sooner the better.
Nancy Reagan issued a Thank You statement
All this from people who don’t give a damn about living, breathing, thinking people, be they American children or Iraqis.
I cannot get over the republican party and their ridiculous posturing over Stem Cell Research. The most corrupt political party the United States has ever seen, who completely supported the most corrupt president the country has ever had, is now going to lecture everyone on morals and ethics! Who are these blowhards, really? I mean-really-who are they?
I have a strong bias in this area, as the parent of a paraplegic, but that disclaimer aside…
This entire debate clearly indicates the distinction between religion and law like no other. I’ve run into so many folks who ask: “When does the Constitution say life begins?” That, of course, is a silly question, and while Obama may have worded his response badly, it’s well out of the realm of any Constitution.
The Constitution tells us when the diverse folks that are Americans have agreed to give rights to citizens–and that happens to be at “birth.” (and per Roe v Wade, an acknowledgement that “birth” can mean any sort of delivery when the fetus is independently viable.) It does not represent the views of those who think life begins at conception, those who think life begins when the embryo becomes a fetus, or those who think that rights accrue gradually. It is a mutual compact between folks of very different religious and philosophical persuasions with absolutely no effort to establish a religious truth.
But religious fundamentalists want their constitution to impose their religious beliefs on the rest of the country. That simply can’t be done.
There is a fundamental misunderstanding of Constitutional government here, and I can’t help but think it’s been deliberately perpetuated. The Constitution is not a Bible, Koran or Torah. It’s a pact among all of us.
Hurray for science!
The kinda statement that makes me proud to be an American! But I was pretty annoyed by the NY Times piece on the matter. I can understand Republicans being unhappy about the whole thing as it’s their worldview that’s being tossed into the trashcan, but yeesh! To use the final five paragraphs at the end of the piece with no rebuttal to feature nothing but Republicans whining?!?!?
They are going through the 7 stages of grief. Slowly emerging from denial (that was the unamimous Rethug vote against the recovery bill), and are now moving through anger. If memory services me right, the next stage is bargaining, though it is getting hard to see what exactly that have to bargain with, given the chips they are casting away in anger.
whoops. posted this on the wrong section. meant it to be upstairs.