The Department of Justice sent out a press release this afternoon explaining that they’ve done away with ‘enemy combatants’ as a legal term.
In a filing today with the federal District Court for the District of Columbia, the Department of Justice submitted a new standard for the government’s authority to hold detainees at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility. The definition does not rely on the President’s authority as Commander-in-Chief independent of Congress’s specific authorization. It draws on the international laws of war to inform the statutory authority conferred by Congress. It provides that individuals who supported al Qaeda or the Taliban are detainable only if the support was substantial. And it does not employ the phrase “enemy combatant.”
International laws? Of war? Will Glenn Beck’s head explode? Will he feel more surrounded than ever?
would still smell:
I don’t know that there is anything wrong with holding terrorists in detention. What is needed is a process where we are forced to prove they are terrorists and charge them with something.
Hence the problem with:
Emphasis mine.
This seems like another bucket of shit we’re forced to eat.
We’re still holding people without charging them in criminal court. Obama is still using the John Yoo playbook on infinite detentions.
Nothing’s really changed.
They’re being held under the laws written by Congress after 9-11. Not at the President’s whim. Big difference.
You can call a pound of s*** a dozen roses if you like, but it will still not look pretty in a vase or make the room smell good.