
Cheney’s DNA has gone viral, like twitter, and spread across red-meat America. Lying dormant through the Bush years, seething since Clinton “got away” with it, and now ready to bloom into full blown metastasized paranoid, hysterical hatred for all things not God and Guns.

Nevermind the contaminated Cheney Virus does not possess the god gene. But because the gun gene tends toward overkill we have a cancer which eats piety and excretes scorn like Church Bells in Hell.

All in all, gentlemen, things have not gone so smoothly and according to plan since the Elders wrote the Protocols. Weishaupt was a genius and all hail to the ONE.


The people are ready to explode. Both the right and left see the same thing through the refracted prism of mainstream propaganda. The right sees its paranoia confirmed and the left its myths destroyed.

The rug has been pulled out from  under the people’s feet. Society is godless. Man is God. It his law and his flaw which rule. Man achieved his self-determination and was found wanting. And what has happened? Society and civilization are on the brink of chaos. Humanity has proved an utter failure. A house cannot be divided against itself and what is religion but a wrecking ball? The Great God of the major religions is invisible and absent and yet the slobs cling and cling to the fairy stories of primitive man.

As we have taught them.

And now we are at the moment planned, worked, prayed and sacrificed for – The Last Hope of the People, the great Barrack, is shown as a pawn in a Game of Kings. Power is revealed for all to see. And there is nothing the people can do but surrender or resist.

And oh, the arm-chair revolutionary tea baggers and brave tax resisters, and those freedom-loving Jeffersonian Jingoist Patriots will resist for about a week and a half before they see their towns and friends and families destroyed with the overkill only pretentious poseurs can appreciate. Before you can say, Don’t Tread on Me, the vast majority will be back in the bread lines and job lines and housing lines and debt-pay lines and thanking god they’re still alive to scrape and scrounge and forage for survival like the coagulated lump of humanity they are.

Let us remember, gentlemen, the secret of Life: It is the WILL alone which separates a man from the mass. And nothing subverts the WILL like fear, doubt and hesitation.

The New World Order, gentlemen, will return our civilization to its most efficient mode – King of the Hill. Billions will drop off the bottom rung. Billions more will slide down to take their place. And millions will fight and claw and scrap and scrape to keep from falling away. And then there are those who will lie, cheat, steal, kill, maim and destroy their way to the top.

By their fruits ye shall know them, gentlemen. Let us not forget our purpose from Man to Superman. From mortals to gods. Marx had it half right – each according to his ability. But needs? Lumps and masses have no inalienable rights. If a man can’t fend for himself then he is a useless eater, a parasite living off the abilities of others. Is there anything more pathetic than this New Age fetish that humans all share the same value?

Remember our Founder: “Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery.”

The human mind is as malleable as creation itself. Men will learn as truth anything under the sun. Prejudice is a weakness exploited by the strong. Religion and Politics are both our enemy. And so we set one upon the other in a battle between Superstition and Reason.

In a short time now we will tell the people of the world the new structure of society and civilization. We will introduce a new god; a new religion for the New Man. Not a man at the mercy of the elements but with dominion over creation as god intended, expected and still patiently awaits its realization.

And what is this new god? And this new religion? Liberty, of course. Equality. Justice.

The same rhetoric we used to break up England and place her forever in our service. Nothing bankrupts an empire more efficiently or quickly than defending its possessions. The U.S. has more than 700 military bases around the world and believes itself the victim of 911.

When we attacked the financial system on September 11, 2008 we set in motion the final movement in a symphony of manipulated synchronicity. All which remains is for the people to accept the bit. We expect Americans to be especially tough, like Islamo-fascists, if you will, because certain elements of the population are true believers in the concept of America. Many are likely to give the rebel yell and dream of mustangs and six-shooters and wild-west saloons and fighting for a cause greater than themselves. And they will fight for us. Because, we are the force of liberty, justice and equality. It is no secret the great commanders of the American Revolution were from our organization.

Now we were work on two fronts in the final battle – the Armageddon of logic and reason versus passion and “truth.”

We maneuver forces to the power symbol of Jerusalem. We foment war. Soon Religion will cause conflagration. And as always, the people will ask, “How could God allow such a thing?”

And the answer is – only a false god.

And the people will ask, “How could our venerable institutions fail us?”

And the answer is – Men cannot govern themselves.

And with no God and no Government men will ask for deliverance from us. The Elect. And we will provide. And they will pay tribute. And together, master and slave, we will march into the future.

Destiny fulfilled.