Driving to work in Charles Town, WV, this morning I stopped to pick up coffee at the drive-thru window of the Ranson Chic-Fil-A on Route 9. I don’t usually get my coffee at Chic-Fil-A… but there was such traffic at their drive in window I thought it must be pretty good.

Well, it wasn’t any different than the coffee at McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Sheetz, or the counter at Needful Things (which, as it turns out, is all that remains of an old F.W. Woolworth lunch counter).

But it made me think about the economy and why I buy coffee in the morning when I used to get a breakfast.
Life has gotten tighter… I spend less. Chic-Fil-A is priced the same as their fast food competitors, so it’s no real deal. The people who talk to you on the speaker and who hand you your stuff are unusually nice in a very Christian sort of way… this, of course, is because it is the “born again” fast food chain (as I discovered 9 years ago when I was working in Texas) which is closed on Sundays (has been, their sign says, since 1946… the year I was born).

Which left me with the kind of American Dream that made me chuckle: Chic-Fil-A bought out by an atheist organization and opening on Sundays… creating new jobs and earning millions. The economy rebounds as a direct result.

The cows are dreaming this, too.

Under The LobsterScope – Note: New URL.