The more things change, the more they stay the same. President Obama and Defense Secretary Bob Gates both want to limit production of the F-22 Raptor to 187 units. The Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee begged to differ and offered an amendment to produce 12 more of the planes (a combined cost of $369 million). The amendment would not have passed if six Democrats had not crossed the aisle to vote for the planes. Six Democrats decided to buck the president and his Secretary of Defense.

Reps. Jim Marshall (GA), Joe Courtney (CT), Gabrielle Giffords (AZ), Eric Massa (NY), Bobby Bright (AL), and Mike McIntyre (NC).

Rep. Marshall has the excuse that the planes are assembled in his district. It’s possible that parts are supplied in the others’ districts, but I have no evidence for that either way. This is the second time Eric Massa has pissed me off. The first time was when he panicked during the swine-flu hoo-haw and asked the government to shut the border with Mexico. Massa has been a friend of the blogosphere, but he’s losing my respect. I hope he learns to represent his constituents better. Right now, he’s representing Lockheed-Martin. That’s not change we can believe in.