In 1913, Edward Eggleston, a farsighted white man of profound intellectual abilities who was dedicated to the scientific method, set out to demonstrate why America would ultimately have no racial problems in the future. He admitted that, in fact America had a racial problem, but he told his readers that in the long run the problem would literally die out. The reason was obvious as his book, The Ultimate Solution of the American Negro Problem explained. You see the beginnings of his argument on page 27 where he has this to say about the reason for racial divide in our country:

[T]he superior mental attainment of the modern European is the result of aeons of favorable environment; and by inference, that his laggard black brother is mentally thousands — if not millions– of years behind, and must need lose out in the conspicuously unequal struggle for existence.

This led Eggleston to his ultimate conclusion that in the struggle between the mentally deficient black race and the majority whites with the superior “mental attainments” sooner or later the Black American would die out, go extinct as it were, except perhaps for a few isolated fringe communities of no great significance. Thus there was no need to ship blacks off to Africa, or to take other more drastic and extra-constitutional actions to deal with the race problem, since natural selection and the inevitable force of history, would do the all work for the majority whites. In short, the black population in America was doomed to decline because of the black race’s mental inferiority, poor hygienic practices and general unfitness to compete with the superior white race.

Fast forward ninety-six years. A black man is the American President, elected by a majority of Americans of all races. In 1910, when Eggleston wrote that the Black population was already in decline there were, according to the available Census reports, 9,827,763 blacks in the United States or 10.7 % of the country’s population. In 2006, the best estimate of the US Census Bureau was that there were 37,051,483 Black only Americans or about 13% of the entire US population. So despite the best efforts of lynch mobs, higher infant mortality rates, higher incarceration rates, higher rates of murder of young African American males, much of it due to gang violence, but much of it also due to police shootings and hate crimes, less expenditures on eduction at all levels for American blacks, and lower life expectancies, Eggleston’s prediction has yet to come true. despite all the odds stacked against them, African Americans have increased their numbers both overall and as a percentage of the total US population.

Just Food for thought the next time you see Charles Murray or Pat Buchanan on Television. These racist propagandists have never got it right. Not now, not then. They do keep the white fear of the black man pot boiling though. Just ask Harvard Professor Henry Gates. Or better yet, ask Robert Tolan. (h/t to the field negro).