In 1913, Edward Eggleston, a farsighted white man of profound intellectual abilities who was dedicated to the scientific method, set out to demonstrate why America would ultimately have no racial problems in the future. He admitted that, in fact America had a racial problem, but he told his readers that in the long run the problem would literally die out. The reason was obvious as his book, The Ultimate Solution of the American Negro Problem explained. You see the beginnings of his argument on page 27 where he has this to say about the reason for racial divide in our country:
[T]he superior mental attainment of the modern European is the result of aeons of favorable environment; and by inference, that his laggard black brother is mentally thousands — if not millions– of years behind, and must need lose out in the conspicuously unequal struggle for existence.
This led Eggleston to his ultimate conclusion that in the struggle between the mentally deficient black race and the majority whites with the superior “mental attainments” sooner or later the Black American would die out, go extinct as it were, except perhaps for a few isolated fringe communities of no great significance. Thus there was no need to ship blacks off to Africa, or to take other more drastic and extra-constitutional actions to deal with the race problem, since natural selection and the inevitable force of history, would do the all work for the majority whites. In short, the black population in America was doomed to decline because of the black race’s mental inferiority, poor hygienic practices and general unfitness to compete with the superior white race.
Fast forward ninety-six years. A black man is the American President, elected by a majority of Americans of all races. In 1910, when Eggleston wrote that the Black population was already in decline there were, according to the available Census reports, 9,827,763 blacks in the United States or 10.7 % of the country’s population. In 2006, the best estimate of the US Census Bureau was that there were 37,051,483 Black only Americans or about 13% of the entire US population. So despite the best efforts of lynch mobs, higher infant mortality rates, higher incarceration rates, higher rates of murder of young African American males, much of it due to gang violence, but much of it also due to police shootings and hate crimes, less expenditures on eduction at all levels for American blacks, and lower life expectancies, Eggleston’s prediction has yet to come true. despite all the odds stacked against them, African Americans have increased their numbers both overall and as a percentage of the total US population.
Just Food for thought the next time you see Charles Murray or Pat Buchanan on Television. These racist propagandists have never got it right. Not now, not then. They do keep the white fear of the black man pot boiling though. Just ask Harvard Professor Henry Gates. Or better yet, ask Robert Tolan. (h/t to the field negro).
If I were prone to misusing evolutionary biology — and I most definitely am not — I’d be tempted to argue that the survival of American blacks under the conditions they’ve been subjected to is proof of their evolutionary fitness.
Being an admirer of science for the sake of truth, though, there’s no genetic support for the notion of meaningful “races” of humans, so I’m forced back to the conclusion that people are people, and superficial details aside, one man (or woman) is as good as the next.
in 1913, blacks were the new Indians.
Sadly, Thomas Jefferson had similar opinions.
It’s interesting to read the opinions of the popular writers and mass entertainment from past generations.
For a comical view of Indians check out David Crockett’s “autobiography” “autobiography”, which was wildly popular in its day. Or check out Metamora, the Last of the Wampanoags, for a description of the Noble Savage.
Then it’s interesting to read the works of people who were sympathetic to black Americans but still had what would today be considered odd racial views, as Harriet Stowe and Mark Twain and others did.
Eggleston was probably a liberal in his day, arguing against the genocide/deportation propaganda that attracted significant followings. The lesson is that wise folks will dismiss out of hand anyone talking about some “ultimate solution” to a “problem” involving a minority group — whether that talker is a neo-racist of the Buchanan/Dobbs kind or some liberals with a one-size-fits-all “answer”.
In Eggleston’s day it might have taken some exceptional sophistication to get past the notion that white/Euro set the standard for higher development. That was only one of a staggering array of beliefs, including “scientific” ones, that were universally believed despite being screamingly, obviously wrong and stupid. Today there’s no such excuse for the neo-racists. They apparently think culture stopped sometime in the early 19th century, and nothing that’s happened since is real.
To maintain the racist thread today requires maintaining the delusion that nothing has changed for at least a century. Which makes for an interesting connection between American racism and the nation’s current slide from being the sparkplug of contemporary world culture to irrelevance. The cost of the long line of kneejerk racists from Jefferson to Eggleston to Dobbs is enormous. It ain’t always pretty when the chickens come home to roost.
Berg says he and his colleagues “are moving forward” with plans to sue the city. He also says the Tolan family has yet to hear any apology from the city or the mayor.
“You would think that as the mayor of a city in which a citizen was shot by the police, you would be a lot less worried about covering your ass than whether your citizen was OK,” he says. “Not just as a politician, but as a human.”
Bellaire police sergeant facing charges
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Since this diary is about racial profiling as/and such, I think we see this through the real clear glasses of logical thinking.
A) this incident has been discussed to death on the tube,,,,tv that is; has out run it course. It has been addressed and is done,as far as I am concerned. Everyone has had their say and it is done and over with. Why keep this shit going on. It just creates more hostility.
B) The press is guilty of all the hot topics that is bothering us all today. They need to get a life and start to get done an d over with this issue.
C) if all in concerned take a moment and say “hey folks, I am sorry that it got to this point. we need to just stop this nonsense and get on with living”, and then drop it!
D) no one is perfect and thankfully no one was hurt, except for feelings on both sides of the argument.
I truly think this police officer, who was supposed to know better on how to defuse these kinds of things, didn’t do his job. What is he teaching the other officers, is what I want to know, for heavens sake!!
I am truly involved with this because my son is a police officer of 10 years on the force. He knows better and he works in Memphis, and he has taken courses on how to defuse such a thing. I think at the briefing of the police that took place, one said he didn’t vote for Obama and that there told me the story that this was a set up for all the shit that was going down. no matter what union was involved.
When one is involved in working with the public, one has to take into consideration all factors of a situation. Why were there other officers in the yard when the 1st one (crowley took mr gates out to the front porch) There are a lot of questions I would want answered first before I made up my mind on this matter.
We had to know where was Crowley before he made this call? What was he coming from and to what was he told about this call.
You see there is a lot that is not out in the press that one needs to take in to consideration.
Just you wait and see, something will happen soon to take this off the front page. Just like AG would say, bet on it…;o)
My way of handling the thing would have been,,,,after assuring myself that this is mr gates home, I would have asked him if he was ok and is there anything I could to do help him. I would state that there is always a reason to assume that some one could be in harms way and try to get help to the citizen. I would then shake mr gates hand ans say good night. Ask him to call the police if there was anything they could to to help him in any matter.
This would have helped the matter tremendously, I would think. Then leave…instead, someone called out the troops…why!!??? I want to know more about the situation….a little old black man is not to do harm to me if I was a big bustling police officer…he had not gun or was not threatening him with his cane…so what was going on that made this escalate to this that is is today???
Yes, that’s how a good cop would have handled it. It’s disappointing but predictable that the union would be bullshitting around like it is to defend this behavior. I think it’s legitimate to wonder whether the incident would have gone down the same way if the guy had been white. We’ll never know for sure, so you’re right: it’s time to let it fade away.
wow. we have a lot of experts on law enforcement here. funny.
white people are, in fact, arrested for disorderly conduct when they are exhibiting aggressive and disorderly behavior toward law enforcement officers when the the law enforcement officers are attempting to resolve and issue.
haven’t you ever watched cops?
Sure, where “disorderly” generally means “not kissing cop ass”. There’s a reason we call them pigs. And yes, it’s quite possible that a white homeowner who expressed his displeasure with the uninvited presence of cops in his home would have been arrested for raising his voice, too.
I wouldn’t have raised my voice with the cop. Not because I don’t think I’d have every right to, but because I dealt with enough cops when I was younger to know that no good could possible come from it. Gates is quite frankly lucky that the cop didn’t pull some drugs out of his pocket, drop it on Gates’ coffee table, and proceed to arrest him for possession. And then maybe beat the fuck out of him and charge him with assaulting an officer. Having watched these kinds of stunts when I was a minor with nothing to lose, I have no desire to see a repeat as an adult.
Cops are best avoided, and if you can’t avoid them, you are well advised to treat them like royalty. Not because it’s right, but because they can act with impunity and they know it and seem to really enjoy it.
I should, at this point, spew some CYA bullshit about how most cops are good cops, but that would be lying. Most cops are indifferent cops who keep quiet when the relatively small minority of actively rotten cops abuse their powers. Good cops? They’re probably relegated to desk jobs and filling out parking tickets.