Seeing the Republicans and their right-wing media wurlitzer criticizing the president for going to Denmark to lobby for the 2016 Summer Olympics to be held in the United States, I’ve become convinced of something. The Republicans have a strategy to attack every single thing that the president does. They don’t care if the criticism is absurd or hypocritical or fair or even sensical. They just don’t want him to get one news cycle, one event, that doesn’t have some kind of criticism attached to it.

Whenever possible, they want to put a racial angle on things. So, in this example, they discovered that an innocent Chicago teen was killed last Thursday in some kind of gang-related street-brawl. Therefore, the president shouldn’t be focused on bringing the Olympics to Chicago, he should be concerned with cleaning up all the crime-creating blacks on the streets of Chi-Town.

There isn’t really any logical connection here. But it makes a perverse amount of sense once you consider that they are meeting two of their prime directives at once. They criticize the president even when he does something completely uncontroversial, thus making it controversial. And they continue to morph the Democrats’ War on Christmas into Barack Obama’s War on Normal White Folks.

I hope there is some kind of breaking point coming where the semi-decent people in the national press corp finally decide that they can’t share a profession with the likes of Lou Dobbs and Sean Hannity, and call them out for the latter-day Father Coughlins that they are. This is getting ridiculously reactionary.