Kind of glad to see the backside of Jon Corzine.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Yeah, he got “Sached”. Concrete parachute
Jon called and said not to look for him at NN10.
Damn, haven’t you been watching the Teevee??? Corzine and Deeds were the foundational pillars on which Obama built his victorious election strategy a scant year ago.
And now it is all in ruins. Obama has been repudiated on a national scale. The GOP is at the gate, knives sharpened. Obama is probably writing his letter of resignation as we speak.
Haven’t you heard?? All is lost in Democrat land………Didn’t you get the memo from the Villager’s Supreme Council??
Wooohoooo……things are getting fun for them again. Good times in the village. Let the party begin!!
What Atrios said;
After tonight’s elections results, Joe Biden must resign, Sarah Palin must be confirmed as his replacement, and then Barack Obama must resign. The people have spoken.
The yappers are at it nonstop about the “lessons” of this election. No doubt Dem consultants will follow the dimwit line and try to get their candidate to “move to the center” even more. To me the lesson of Corzine is that nominating a candidate with nothing to recommend him except a lot of money doesn’t work. My inlaw in Joisey said it was right up to the wire for her whether she could stand to mark the ballot for a Goldman bandit. She did, but now feels dirty. So yeah, there’s a lot about this that feels like good riddance.
If Lautenberg keels over.
I never understood why Corzine bailed out of the Senate for a crappy Governorship. A post way more likely to go sideways by its nature.
Yeah, a governor is actually responsible for the potholes. A senator is too far removed.
It’s better to be a big fish in a little pond than a small fish in the biggest ego-soup in the universe. Can you imagine having to be civil to Tom Coburn or John Ensign? GEEOOOOOOODDDDD, I’d puke.
If you are Governor, you get to make decisions, and you get to see them enacted. A LOT of senators get real tired of all that Senatorial horseshit, and become Governors. Or try to like Hutchinson in Texas.
sure its wonderful that marriage equality is now dead in nj
But not happy to see the front side of Christie.