The massacre of at least 11 people at Fort Hood by an Army Major set to be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan is a tragedy beyond words. Our hearts, prayers and thoughts go out to the survivors and family members of the victims. Until more is known about the alleged shooter, Major Malik Nadal Hasan, I think we should not speculate about his possible motives. And we certainly should not use this tragedy as an occasion to attempt to score political points against the President as David Horowitz chose to do (I provided the link but recommend you do not use it — trust me it is classless and in very poor taste).
(Air Force Times) – An Army psychiatrist was identified as one of the gunmen in a shooting rampage on Fort Hood, Texas, that left at least 12 people dead and up to 31 wounded.
One soldier, a suspect, was killed and two soldiers were taken into custody, according to base spokesman Lt. Gen. Bob Cone, who added that the three suspects were soldiers.
A Pentagon source identified the shooter as Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan; the source said Hasan was a psychiatrist recently reassigned from Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., to work with soldiers at Darnall Army Medical Center on Fort Hood. He was killed at the scene.
The Fort Hood Web site posted an alert that said, “Effective immediately, Fort Hood is closed.” The Web site said units at the base have been ordered to account for all personnel. The site said, “This is not a drill. It is an emergency situation.”
Fort Hood was “asking for EMTs because it’s a mass casualty event,” said Hilary Shine, spokeswoman for the City of Killeen, where Fort Hood is located. “They are having issues getting on and off post because they’ve locked it down. Right now there are a lot of questions and confusion.”
Fort Hood is set up like its own city with its own fire, police and medical facilities, Shine said. It has not asked for Killeen police to assist, but the police are on call if needed, she said.
Fort Hood is halfway between Austin and Waco, Texas.
FBI agents are traveling to Fort Hood to assess the crime and work with the Army Criminal Investigation Division, which is the lead agency, said Supervisory Special Agent Jason Pack, a spokesman for the FBI.
Temple Daily Telegram – Fort Hood Sentinel
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — 12 Die in Dual Shooting Fort Hood, Texas ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Major Nidal Hasan’s medical profile on the Virigina Board of Medicine website.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Not a lot of information there.
no, but it’s interesting that his post grad degree is from the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and his current rank as major would seem to infer he may have already been in the military when he attended, as graduates are normally commissioned as captains. especially relevant as he just completed his psychiatry education in 2009, according to oui’s link.
it’d be very interesting to know his previous military record, as he’s damn sure not a newbie.
l won’t specualate further, but expect limpbaugh, beck, etal, to go absolutely batshit over his muslim name.
get yer popcorn ready….circus time’s a’comin’.
As a Texas native, the prospect of their using Fort Hood as propaganda is disgusting. This is a tragedy, our volunteer service is under incredibly stress and anyone assigning blame at this early time has no moral conscience.
(Roanake Times) – Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is the son of Palestinian immigrants and Vinton residents Malik Awadallah Hassan and Hanan Ismail “Nora” Hasan. Nora Hasan ran the now defunct Capitol Restaurant on the Roanoke Market. Hasan’s father owned the Mount Olive Grill and Bar and the Community Grocery Store on Elm Avenue. Both parents are deceased.
Nidal M. Hasan graduated from Virginia Tech in biochemistry in 1995, according to Roanoke Times archives.
Troubling portrait of Fort Hood shooting suspect emerges
(AP) – Hasan attended prayers regularly when he lived outside Washington, often in his Army uniform, said Faizul Khan, a former imam at a mosque Hasan attended in Silver Spring, Md. He said Hasan was a lifelong Muslim.
“I got the impression that he was a committed soldier,” Khan said. He spoke often with Hasan about Hasan’s desire for a wife.
On a form filled out by those seeking spouses through a program at the mosque, Hasan listed his birthplace as Arlington, Va., but his nationality as Palestinian, Khan said.
“I don’t know why he listed Palestinian,” Khan said, “He was not born in Palestine.”
Nothing stood out about Hasan as radical or extremist, Khan said.
“We hardly ever got to discussing politics,” Khan said. “Mostly we were discussing religious matters, nothing too controversial, nothing like an extremist.”
Hasan earned his rank of major in April 2008, according to a July 2008 Army Times article.
He served eight years as an enlisted soldier. He also served in the ROTC as an undergraduate at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg. He received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry there in 1997.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yeah, it seems like he is totally an army doctor, trained and licensed from within. And he just got his license as a psychiatrist in 2009. What was he doing before that?
When did he join the military?
…because he was exercised over a poor evaluation of his skills. But an Army major? Sheesh. I can’t imagine getting lit up like a match over something that he could have fought through the usual channels.
Had he been in Iraq or Afghanistan?
I’m sorry to relate that some shrinks get into the business (and business it sure is) because they too have personal issues that they want to fix, and not just out of some great vocation or calling.
I’m staying tuned to see what develops, although it is too soon to pop any corn. Meanwhile, I’m sure ReichWingBlogistan’s Malkins and Becks will be stirring up the pot pretty soon over conspiracies so immense.
because he’s Muslim, with an Arabic name, you know the right wing wil be short-storking this all over until they spray on the wall (and yes, that disgusting analogy is intentional)….
Why don’t Al Qaeda and the right-wing haters here find a nice secluded spot somewhere and go at it to their heart’s content? (although the real cynic in me believes they’ll find common cause in their hate and take on the rest of the world)