Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: The return of “What is it?” This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess. Note: for this diary, post a single picture per comment so people can put their guesses as replies to the comment.
Website(s) of the Week: Project 60 by Kevin Gonsalves. One subject, 60 ways.
See comments section below for Andi’s and olivia’s What is it? |
Next Week’s Theme: Self-portrait. wilderness wench and KNUCKLEHEAD requested this theme idea in last week’s comments. If you don’t feel comfortable posting a self-portrait, pick a photo that represents you in some way.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
To accommodate travelling floggers.
And as the traveling flogger, I won’t be around to respond to guesses until late tomorrow.
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It’s a wild boar surfacing in a pond.
Petrified moose?
The tree to the left looks suspiciously like it might be a cypress. Somewhere in southern Illinois perhaps?
It’s definitely a cypress knee.
Yep. I should have known a Floridian would get it. 🙂
Nope, somewhere in Brown County (the lake at Happy Hollow to be precise). Bald cypress trees are native to southern Indiana.
Wow, you really got the-guy-who-grew-up-in-the-woods on that one! I had no idea we had them this far north.
certainly appears to be a cypress stump at a ponds edge…albeit with an eerie resemblance of a howling dog or animal in distress.
Mystery of 05 03 09
click photo for larger view
Jimmy Hoffa?
Water ripples over a rock? Or a brain – it does look like a brain. 🙂
a rock in a shallow stream….l like the ripple effect.
though kere’s “jimmy hoffa” is pretty good.
Neat shot (and I’m going along with the rock underwater guesses).
I love this game. I’m so glad you taught it to us.
Thanks, and yeah, it’s been a lot of fun seeing what folks come up with.
I haven’t a clue what it is, but I love the shades of yellow/gold. I couldn’t top keres guess in a million years!
multiple right answers, olivia, dada, AndiF, and, did I forget another…
This coulee, a couple hundred yards from the farm house, only runs in the spring and after heavy rains, so yes, very shallow.
It looks like the rocks around KY Lake that were coral in the ancient sea. I’ve got one somewhere in my collection – not underwater – that looks just like it.
I’ve been saving this one for just this theme.
an ET mushroom
Not Extra Terrestrial, but sub-terrestrial. I have yet to find the exact species for it, but it appears to be in the same family as truffles – not that I’d ever be tempted to eat one.
Imogen dug it up in our veggie garden. It was slightly larger than a base ball, had a white lumpy outer layer, then a gelatinous clear layer, all covering multiple round spore producing bodies. We put it back after I photographed it.
Here’s another view.
That’s definitely one of the more bizarre ones I’ve ever seen.
A s’more that fell into the campfire?
Darn, now I want a s’more, which means making my own
vegan marshmallows, and going to the import food store for some Graham crackers and Hershey bars.
Yum! Haven’t had one in I don’t know when!
A friend of ours went to great lengths to find the vegan marshmallow mix just so I’d make her s’mores. That was last xmas. I still have one package left . . .
Reptilian hornet eggs?
You sure got strange things down there.
Don’t we just.
This is so disturbing. From the thumbnail it looked like an ice cream sundae and I was all like “yum!”….then I clicked on it and did an abrupt turnaround.
A spider egg sac?
That would be very disturbing. Mmmm. Ice cream. Why does everyone keep mentioning dessert foods?
Fortunately it’s not a spider eggs, or that would be the world’s biggest spider.
Some kind of fungus?
Well yes, but them almost everything is or has (I’m prone to the latter) some kind of fungus.
What most people don’t realize about fungi is that what we see is only the “fruiting body”. The bulk of the fungus is thread-like tissues (mycelia) underground. There is a single fungal organism in Oregon that covers 890 hectares and easily out weighs a blue whale.
it’s serious ugly whatever it it is.
l gotta go with some kind of fungi spore, and not one that looks very appetizing.
Just ‘cuz it’s in the truffle “family” doesn’t mean it’s tasty (think of this one as the creepy alcoholic uncle).
Guess from Jim and me: Rocky Road ice cream that fell into the compost pile. 😉
Uh . . . I don’t know whats stranger, your answer, or that the two of you both came up with the same one. 😉
That’s why we’ve stayed married so long — a perfect mesh of bad senses of humor. 😉
bottles milk
that’s my guess too….milk bottling machine.
Bottles something. And carbonates it as well.
Come on folks, this is Australia, we don’t drink as much milk as we drink . . .
BEER! (Yay beer!)
I saw it sitting outside the Cascade Brewery in South Hobart.
That’s an easy one! It’s a Republican brain extractor/dum-dum injector machine!
Best answer!
mIxes paint color.
As the others have mentioned, it looks like a canning or jarring machine …
Oh. So. Close.
I think it looks like a canning machine too.
Pfffft. Like Australians eat fruit and vege. We’re talking the “mother milk” of the continent here – the life blood of the country.
Try to guess exact.
Solution, No Peeking!
Best guess? Elephant/mammoth skull or some other large herbivore dinosaur fossil skull.
Definitely an herbivore`s jaw. By the size of it`s masticators, probably prehistoric.
Looks like bones – teeth – but that’s all I got.
big herbaceous dinosaur…..mastodon?
You got it!
Whatever it was, it looked as if it was in dire need of a good dentist!
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ims, that’s henry david thoreau’ cabin at walden pond..
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Hameau de la reine
cause l didn’t get any what is it? stuff shot.
double cross
clik to enlarge
l guess the only mystery is why l noticed it and took it…
Nice patterns. I like the echoing lines in the drapery.
No mystery to me — it’s got lines, edges, shadows, and patterns. A wonderful shot.
A last minute mystery from late afternoon today

Ceramic cat tails.
Not ceramic, but close enough. They’re iron cattails topping a stone wall at our county library, done by the hand of an old-fashioned blacksmith.
My other thought was really scary hypodermics.
Late afternoon # 2

I see I’m going to have to find some tougher subjects. These are some copper trees adorning the same library.
and one from an early summer morning

Too easy for someone who went to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta for several year.
Hot air balloon.
Yeah, I figured someone would be familiar with the panel layout. Thought I would contribute a little color, though;-)
Always wanted to get out to Albuquerque for that.
You must. It’s one of the finest aerial displays on the planet.
All parts came from the Tip Shop (the garbage dump recyclers) or out of our shed.
What is it?

Bonus points if you can tell me what the white pipe is for.
It’s got to be a watering “hole” for livestock/critters, and the white pipe protects the water shut off mechanism from being inadvertently messed up by the drinkers.
Do I get a cookie?
You do!
It’s an automatic dog water bucket, and the white pipe is to keep Lily from chewing the top off the float and draining our entire 5000 gallon rainwater tank into the back yard.
So, the next time I’m in the vicinity of Tasmania I can stop by for the cookie, and if I split a wheelbarrow of firewood, maybe a tea?
A really freaky sundial?
Cactus spine
Keres, you are correctamundo.
Could be one of your underwater critters, but I’ll go with orchid.
You must have smelled a rat, though, since I`d added eyes to this orchid years ago.
Rats. Ask already guessed on the only one I was feeling confident about.
Since no one has ventured a guess, let me give it a shot.
It looks like a sculpture of some kind; a dragon or snake?
Well ask, I think you deserve to know.

The Maltese Falcon.
I thought it might be feathers, but it also looked like an iron pineapple, somewhat common in the north east.
It looks like strawberries on a goiter but I’m pretty sure that not right. 🙂
Some kind of coral, or sea anemone?
If it’s not fireworks, then wouldn’t that be a great one to see up in the sky?
Eastern rosella
Wow, I’m impressed. I was just going to guess a parrot, not the exact type. Ah … now that I google it, I see why. 🙂
Yep, I see them all the time.
I took this photo at the Domain, which is a large park on a hilltop in the middle of Hobart.

It’s a gorgeous bird. There’s nothing even remotely like that around here so I’m happy with the splashes of color we do get — I got all excited this year when I saw a scarlet tanager (very rare to see in the woods).
Sorry AndiF, Keres scores again.
The top of a buddha statue?
Ask, I don`t know how you do it.
Well, I’ve been to Nepal…
Walked the temple squares in Bhaktapur, Lalitpur (Patan) and Kathmandu a number of times. Buddha figures and all sorts of deities all over town in those places.
Yellow tang
It`s not fair.
Yours were way better than mine, & I didn`t even get one right on the whole diary.
But you`ve done it again with the Yellow Tang.