“[Cornyn’s] trying to find candidates who can win. I’m trying to find people who can help me change the Senate,” said Jim DeMint of South Carolina, a leader of the conservative bloc. “To think we can grow the party by picking people who are more liberal and don’t share our core values doesn’t make any sense.”
This from the article sounds somewhat familiar, albeit from a couple years ago and a different political hue:
The Republicans already suffer from too much inbreeding. It’s the same with dogs. If you mate the pups with their mothers eventually things go haywire. Is that Michelle Bachman’s excuse?
Yeah, why bother finding candidates who can win?
i think that the tendency is that we find that the goopers keep shooting themselves in their feet and that the “public” will see through thier insanity. well, maybe we are wrong. wrong in the sense that as long as the major media sources in this country continue to overlook, play down, and accept as truths the continuing lies, the apparent ignorance of the general public might just lead to a usa that is totally unacceptable for any liberal to remain a part of. yup, i know what i am saying might sound a bit on the harsh side but when one examines the blatant lying and complete diregard for the truths that the right are now willingly utilizing, what is any sane individual to begin to think?
i am really interested in some responses to what i am saying–please!
Hey billjpa, New Zealand is looking better all the time. I agree with you, the right wing is going bat shit crazy and America is resembling an institution for the mentally bewildered more and more every day. You are not even on the harsh side anymore. Your problem is, as I see it, that you can think and that you care. In these times, a sure fire formula for being unhappy.
Anyone see Tom Tancredo walk off the Ed show when Markos made a quip about his military “service”? Priceless.
That was a riot:
Markos did very well, but the best part was the way David Shuster wrapped it up. A “must see”!
very funny, thanks for posting this!
I think the republicans are right about this to be frank.
When you elect people that stick to a set of principles–and yes the no tax hate minorities principles are fascistic and stupid no argument there–you’re stronger even as a minority. You don’t see any wishy washy republicans in the house who might want to save 45000 people from dying because of lack of health care. Because, hey, that’s principle. Evil twisted bassackward principle but principle it is…and guess what the democrat blue dogs are going to help them. Thanks Rahm.
We could’ve elected better dems if Rahm wasn’t making sure that we weren’t.
Philip Shropshire
There are a lot of Rahmbots among the list of shitty Democrats. That is for sure. Better Democrats would fix that problem. But having Republicans in those seats would not.
Who said anything about electing Republicans? I really think we need to seriously think about Third Party/Independent party efforts. What good is it if we have all the better dems in the world if the party is run by Rahm? One horrible thing to consider: Perhaps the White House wants the public option to die in the House so all that’s left is the weaker senate bill?
For years now, in the wilderness, I’ve been pushing for a 5/25 plan that could be adapted by a Third Party organization. That’s five senate seats and 25 house seats. They would run on basic principles like, you know crazy stuff, like affordable health care. You need 300000 for a competitive house race and 2 million for a bare bones senate race. There are already murmurs in this direction from Accountability Now and David Sirota and Glenn Greenwald. They just need a plan.
You could recruit a third party or start your own. The important thing is to elect them as a block that doesn’t have to answer to the current dem establishment…just a thought.
One more thing:
The republicans already run the Senate! They could have 10 members in the senate and we would really have to have bipartisanship….