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- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
- Day 20: Super Bowl Edition
And Happy birthday to keres (in a few hours your time)!
Hw did that old cafe get so full?
Too busy watching the health care coverage of C-Span?
ugh. don’t remind me…Saturday…blech. 🙂
How was your walk
Well it’s cloudy and kind of grey and the trees are bare but it’s in the 60s so the walk was lovely. 🙂
It’s going to be in the 60s all week here so I hope these balmy temps are heading your way.
Very sad. Morning!
Damn, that’s the second time my sloppy fingers have posted an empty comment.
Anyway, good morning to you.
‘Morning everyone. It’s a blessedly cool Tuesday morning following a stinking hot Monday. You know you slept hot when you wake up feeling dehydrated (and not because of excessive partying the night before).
Oh, and yes, it’s my birthday – celebrating 47 unproductive years on this planet! Imogen is away until tomorrow, but is making up for missing my birthday by taking me to Beer Fest this Saturday. 😀
Oh and Andi, not only did I get photos of the Huntsmans, but I got a video clip of one catching a moth and eating it. I’ll put it up on YouTube – especially for you.
[cringes at mention of the Huntsman and then moves on to more important topics like]
Heh, I see the word Huntsman and cringe for you, ManEe!
I’m sorry to have introduced the Northern Hemisphere to the word. They’re still the only spider I find creepy.
Gracias Amigo. What I wouldn’t give for a good tostada dinner with sopapillas and honey for dessert to celebrate the evening.
Happy birthday, keres! And damn, quit being younger than me. 😉
You know, as hard as I’ve tried I haven’t been able to do more than age parts of me more rapidly, but the whole package seems permanently mired in this particular time/space continuum. If I have any quantum leaps, you’ll be the first to know.
Hey, you’ll always have me to be a decade younger than.
(wow, that’s an awkward construction)
Nice that I get a present on your birthday. Can’t wait to see the spiders.
Here’s some cake to tide you over till Imogen gets back.
Happy Birthday youngster!
Happy birthday, keres!
(the little that is left of it)
Five more minutes until this yummy quiche comes out of the oven…
Dentist appointment first thing this morning but no worries — the dogs got me up at 4:30 to make sure I had plenty of time to get to it.
Canines all around, then.
Darn, I should have thought of that pun.
Ah, but you are sleep deprived. While I am brain-fueled by an entire bag of snickers-minis (It’s my birthday after all, and in the absence of cake . . .)
Lots of moths, but as of yet, no hunters. And after I went to the trouble of rigging up a red spot for the video camera. Dang critters, they rarely are when and where you want them (and are just as frequently when and where you don’t want them).
Are they frozen snicker-minis? Because those are the second best frozen candy bars (Charleston Chews are first) and I am jealous.
Crossing fingers for the spidey-sense not to extend to video camera.
mmm…you know how to celebrate. 🙂
‘Morning, all. Just checkin’ in for a quickie before the day begins. Hope y’all enjoy this autumnal Tuesday to the best of your abilities.
Happy Belated Birthday, keres!
Good morning ww! It is a beautiful day here! Have a good one!
Hi WW. How’s the dome coming?
click for larger
Good morning Andi! Mother earth in repose again displays her sensuous curves for us, I see.
Happy Day Off, boran2!
Whoa, settle down, ID. 🙂
Very drippy couple of days here with the remnants of tropical storm IDA. Almost makes me wish we had raked some of those leaves up first…
Oh, we’ve been watching those foreign films again. They make us so much more in touch with the sensuous, don’t cha know.
You have to excuse him — he’s a city boy (hey, he lives in a town with 900 people in it!) and so has a slight over-reaction. 🙂
We’re in the midst of some very un-November weather here — it’s not gray, it’s not wet, and it’s not cold. I’m a little freaked by such pretty weather.
I do love being able to see the shape of the land once the leaves are gone.
Better start raking those leaves. 😉
Hey, want to make some money — I’ll give you $5 to come here and do it for me. 😉
When the front page loaded, the “new comment” number on the cafe was -1. I’ve never seen that before.
We had a spammer that I banned and deleted in the wee hours of the morning.
How are you today?
It’s interesting that it keeps track of new comments that are deleted. Or maybe just a waste of processor cycles. 🙂
Just fine. And you? Are you solidly in the waddling stage now?
Saw it last night. SN had already given it a donut, he got one from me as well.
Hope you have a wonderful day filled with laughter, good friends, and cake. 🙂
Thank You!!!
Happy Birthday to refinish!
Thank You!!!
Thank You Miss Andi!!!
You made it through a very tough year and that’s a testament to your strength and positive attitude. Congratulations!
Now, here’s hoping this coming year isn’t quite so dramatic.
Thank you so much!!!! I am working very hard to keep moving on with my life instead of backwards. LOL The love and support of the great people here has been more helpful than anyone will ever know. This is not a journey I could have made without lots of prayers and good thoughts.
Happy, happy birthday, RF!
Thank you!!!
Late as usual, but only because here your birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday RF, and good morning to everyone else.
Thank you!!!
Hi refinish69 – I’m adding my Happy Birthday greetings! Hope the coming year will be a relaxing and serene one for you for a change;-)
Thank you so much!!!!
Today’s theme is Self-Portrait. Click here for the diary.
Posted some pictures for you. Some old and some more recent.
Hi Everyone!
I’m getting in a belated Happy Birthday to Keres and RF. I hope you each had wonderful day with many more to come your way.
Take care,
How great to see you, FM!!!!
How are you doing?
FM! It’s so good to see you here this morning!
Hi Family Man! We’ve missed you around here!
Thank you!!!! Good to see you!!! I hope things are going well.
I got to sleep in this morning. Yum. I thought today would never get here…
I’m trying to avoid catching anything from flu boy the younger.
Good luck with the flu avoidance. I figure it’s only a matter of time till Jim brings it home to me.
We Tamiflu’d him, and he’s actually quarantined himself having seen all the stories about the flu and pregnant women.
I’ll be glad when this passes.
Sorry he is sick!!! Sending warm thoughts of Love and Healing!!!
I haven’t gotten off my butt to get a flu shot this year, let alone H1N1….so I’m just obsessively washing my hands. So far we’ve been lucky, but with B taking public transportation every day it’s just a matter of time.
Hope you remain unflu’d.
I got the sesonal flu shot several weeks ago. I am still obsessive about washing my hands and all that. I am not sure if I will get the Swine flu shot as I am not in a high risk group. LOL I’m too old and not pregnant. LOL
I’ve never had a flu shot but I’m thinking maybe this is a good time to start.
I usually get one because I have asthma. I really haven’t had the flu in years. A few weeks ago I had a pesky thing that felt mildly fluish, so I hope that was it for this year.
Hopefully you’re right.
Kick ass. They found water on the Moon.
You go first and set up a colony. Does IKEA deliver up there?
Look at the way the ISS is being built. It’s all flat pack and you build it. Ikea is the space program.
Gun season for deer starts today. It’s the dogs favorite time of year; the woods turns a great take-out (and take home) restaurant.
As long as they just eat it and don’t roll in it, I’m good.
Tell them to be very careful and keep a low profile out there. This is the time of year I avoid the woods altogether.
Yeah, I do worry about the dogs this time of year but fortunately we’ve had very few problems with people coming on our property and none for years. They allow hunting over at the camp, though, so walks are definitely constrained.
Orange vests for the lot-o-them. Or at the very least some spray on orange hair coloring from a costume shop. A spot high on each shoulder, where they’ll have trouble licking it off, should do the trick (I’m not kidding – I know someone whose horse was accidentally shot by a hunter).
They have orange collars but our main defense is that we don’t allow hunting on our property, the dogs don’t like the sound of guns so they stay close, and 40 acres is a pretty good buffer.
I’m sure all will be fine, but I still worry.
Imogen found two new Orchid species. One is the most spectacular thus far – Tiger orchids, and the other is a tiny green spire known as a onion orchid. I have yet to get a decent photo of the micro-blossomed latter.
Wow, what a fantastic find. I hope you get some nice pics of the other discovery soon. I do love seeing all these different orchids.
We’ve found just ten of the Tigers, and only four of the Onion orchids.
Most people think of orchids as big and blousy, but those are usually the tropical or bred variabilities.
Finding most native orchids is a lot harder than is sounds. Especially since they tend to bloom for very short periods. Most of ours are only in bloom for a week or so, every five to eight years. This year we had a really rainy early Spring – which means more species will flower this year than in most other years – but it may well be another five years until we see this particular species of orchids again.
In the mean time, we’ll probably find others. 😀
Well I salute your orchid-finding skills. Long may they blossom. 🙂
Yes, please take care.
We do. And thanks for caring.
Hope everybody’s week starts well and stays that way.
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It was a good day for me, but possibly a bad day for the skinks.
I thought I was going to see the tail of a skink in the beak.
Not yet. Although it was clearly honing in on one at the time. There’s a pile of bricks and timber right under where it was sitting that is very popular as a skink hideout.
The swallows managed to fledge three of the four chicks. They’ve been flying around, occasionally revisiting the nest – which means I still can’t get in the shed without being loudly peeped at and dive bombed.
Unless you’re horehound – the Horehound Plume moth, Wheeleria spilodactylus.
It looks very soft — like a plush toy.
I couldn’t say; it was really too small to touch. We have native Plush moths, but this one was introduced to control the introduced Horehound plants. I wonder what they’ll introduce to control these some day.
You could take your video camera with you and get some nice action shots.
I’d love to, but my shaky hands make for worse watching than “Blair Witch” footage. I tried filming a Purple swamp hen today, and I’m not sure it’s even watchable. Another reason I have many tripods.
I’m really sorry to hear that. I’ll just let my imagination roam free seeing you accompanied by a band of tiny attackers and Lily/Lilly excitedly snapping at them.
Great photo!
Thanks again for all of your great photos, keres. It’s great to have an eye on your part of the world.
Ooh, can I borrow this for the new cafe?
What a beautiful, beautiful shot! Just love that palette.
Our colors here are mainly gone — so it’s lovely to see a reprise.
Wishing you the same for your week, Andi. Me, I’m still trying to cheat weather & continue work on The Endless Project. You shoulda seen me the other day, trying to lay plywood in a stiff wind. Ha ha. Ha.
Sadly, all our color is gone now too (that shots was from October 29). But with photos at least they’re never wholly gone.
Hope the wind dies down — or even better blows in the other direction so it holds the plywood in place.
Unfortunately, it’s a circular building.
But I thank you for your continued good wishes.
Who am I to make a comment about laying plywood in a stiff wind?
Yeah, what a waste that wood, laying, and stiff would get a rise out of you and not Manny or Booman or some other male member. 😉
(Last pun contributed by JimF)
After a few months in Australia I decided that every word I didn’t understand was a euphemism for the male member. I doubt any country’s version of English has more ways to refer to wedding tackle.
I haven’t heard wedding tackle in a long time…
good morning!
Good morning to you.
Hmmm, so it’s a country built on male performance anxiety?