This story about prominent Idaho political figure and Republican National Committee member Blake Hall and his conviction for stalking his former girlfriend is pretty disturbing, nonetheless, especially from the “ewww!” factor alone:

Blake Hall, a leading figure in Idaho and national politics for 25 years, was fired Monday as a deputy prosecuting attorney in eastern Idaho and has resigned from the Republican National Committee. […]

Idaho Falls police reported that witnesses said Hall disposed of used condoms on the lawn of the woman’s house. Nineteen condoms were turned over to police, collected on 10 different dates, according to a police report. Both Hall and his lawyer acknowledged the condoms belonged to him, according to a police report. […]

“I was so tired of being victimized,” the woman said. “It is unimaginable that a 56-year-old would be so deviant.”

Well, at least he didn’t try to choke her to death. And it’s clear from his behavior he hasn’t been seduced by the Gay Side, so far as we know. In Republican Political circles I guess that makes him a stand up guy. Which is why, even though he has to serve a six month 15 day jail term, resign from the RNC, and was fired from one of the government jobs he held, he still gets to keep his second government job as a civil attorney for Fremont County, Idaho:

But Hall, 56, will keep his $31,000-a-year job as the civil attorney in nearby Fremont County, according to Prosecutor Joette Lookabaugh, a Republican who hired Hall in January.

Lookabaugh said she told Hall he would keep his job “unless or until his ability to do an outstanding job for Fremont County citizens is compromised.” […]

“I understand that political figures are held to a higher standard,” she said. “What is disturbing is the fact that often people who have devoted their lives to public service are not given the same benefits, or are treated more harshly, than the public at large. There seems to be a certain amount of political glee in striking down the well-known for any real or perceived foible.”

This behavior by Mr. Hall was only a “real or perceived
foible? I guess a conviction and jail time for stalking a married woman who repeatedly asked him to stop harassing her and leaving used condoms on her lawn is only a “foible” if you’re a Republican. As opposed to a blow job given to a Democratic president which was, after all, an impeachable offense committed by a man who nearly destroyed this great nation of ours, and was, without a doubt, the worst, most immoral thing ever done by a White Male President.*

Still, he’s not really that bad of a guy. By all accounts (i.e., his attorney’s statement), he took his punishment like a real man, with grace and dignity, but most of all with great strength:

David Leroy, a former Idaho attorney general, is Hall’s attorney.

“In my opinion, he accepted this severe penalty with extreme grace,” Leroy said Monday. “He was calm and strong.”

I think this qualifies him to run for Vice president, don’t you? Clearly, he’d make a great running mate for Sarah Palin in 2012. I mean, he’s a bit of a rogue, too, and he comes from Real America, which would make their ticket a match made in Republican Heaven. What more could she ask for?

* Trying to pass a health care reform bill is undeniably the worst thing any President has ever done, especially when you are the country’s first African American President and a well known Marxist, Socialist, Fascist baby killer, the second coming of Adolph Hitler, and a terrorist sympathizer who’d rather appease Muslims than save American lives, too.