I don’t know the internal politics at the Washington Post, so I don’t know if Ezra Klein will pay any price for contradicting Fred Hiatt. But I do know that Ezra is kind of silly to attempt to take Hiatt’s idiotic arguments in good faith.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I’m sure you already read it Boo, but Ezra’s other article really brings it home to me why single payer purists (while presumably good intentioned) totally misunderstand the world in which they live. Meaningful reform gets HARDER as we entrench systems and fall short of getting anything accomplished. Opponents become increasingly emboldened and bystanders are less supportive of losers. We are 2 steps away from making this a reality, lets institute something that sets in place the elements we need to be reformed if needed. But we have to put something in place to hold up those currently falling in the cracks, trying to hit reset will only result in more deaths and a harder process.
maybe it’s a condition of employment.
“Mr. Klein, we really like your work. One question though: part of the job is treating Fred Hiatt like his opinions make sense. can you do that?”
“Um… ummm.. how much does this pay again?”
And if you noticed, he’s been afraid to call out tools like Jim Cooper ever since he got the Kaplan Test Prep Post gig.