You know Michelle Malkin is fond of suggesting internment of Muslim Americans — for their own good, of course — would be the right thing to do. After all, it worked out so well when we did it in WWII to the Japanese American population (but not the German or Italian American ones. I wonder why that slipped through the cracks in our country’s wartime security measures?). And now that the Ft. Hood shooting has occurred, the usual suspects are suggesting legal discrimination against American Muslims would be a good thing until we can separate the “Jihadis” from the “Good” or “Moderate” Muslims.
This sort of thing usually goes under the name of collective punishment or profiling or scapegoating. But those are harsh terms. Maybe we need to re-examine our core beliefs at a time when terrorism rules our reptilian brains. And, as a means of unifying the nation for our perpetual war on terror, the righties have a point. For example, look at how well Germans under the Nazis were able to come together after the Nuremberg Laws were passed.*
But why stop at Muslims? I mean there are lots of other groups that need our special attention to preserve our freedoms for future generations and save lives. Here’s a short list I’ve come up with that should also be considered for “special treatment” if we are to provide for the general welfare and fully secure our liberties:
1. Pro-Life Groups: Lots of terrorists who have killed people in this group, including (without limitation) Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder have belonged to Pro-Life groups, or been influenced by Pro-Life beliefs.
2. White Supremacists and Patriot Militias: One name should suffice for why anyone who has ever thought about joining a militia, read the literature of white supremacists, or posted comments online at sites which support these organizations: Tim McVeigh (though if you need another one they aren’t hard to find).
3. Members of Southern Heritage Organizations: For example, members of the Sons of the Confederate Veterans, the Council of Conservative Citizens and the League of the South to name but a few, should be interned. Why? They are known sympathizers and supporters of American traitors who carried out an armed rebellion against the United States, that’s why. That makes them a clear and present danger by my thinking. Who knows which ones are “moderates” and which are potential “rebels” and future terrorists? Hmmm? I say lock up anyone who displays the confederate flag as a potential terrorist threat and throw away the key. As Dick Cheney knows even a 1% risk is too high.
4. Members of the NRA: How many people are killed by gun owners each year? Just saying …
5. Tea Baggers and those who support them: People who carry guns at events where the Commander in Chief makes an appearance? People who carry signs suggesting the need for rebellion and like “Don’t Tread on Me” and sprinkling the “Tree of Liberty” with blood? How can we know for certain those individuals who show up at these events won’t take their anger one step too far into violent rebellion? Sadly we can’t. Thank God for the precedent of indefinite detention set by the Bush administration.
6. African American and Latino Males: The existence of urban gangs is all the proof anyone should need to lock up these folks.
7. White Males: Let’s be honest, shall we? White men have a disproportionate number of serial killers, rapists, child sex offenders and mass murderers. Can we really ever be safe so long as so many of them on the loose?
8. Gays and Lesbians: They want to subvert our traditional values from within. Plus, reliable sources claim that gays are the next looming terrorist threat. Can we afford to wait?
9. Women: I know what you’re thinking, that most women are non-violent, but consider who have all those male children? At the very least, they should all be sterilized for the good of the country.
10. Kids: Eventually they are going to grow up, and who knows what murderous fiends they might become? Better to nip the problem in the bud.
Now, some of you might begin to get the idea that I’ve boxed myself into a corner. This list covers nearly everyone in the country. Not to worry. We can outsource the work needed to build and man the detention facilities to China or India. I hear both have a reliable source of cheap labor. And I’m sure that more than a few Japanese companies (known for their efficiency) would be willing to act as general contractors for this project.
Hey, it’s not like these internments will last forever. The camps only need to be maintained until the threat to our Nation that these groups pose is over. I figure every one of these people now living ought to be dead within 100 years at the outside. That’s a small price to pay for our security.
* Obligatory Godwin’s Law content.
can we put all these people in Florida and just seal it off?
You fogot “anchor babies”
Let’s start with Filipino-American suckups to white supremacists and see how that works. For their own good, of course.
Hmmmm….just think of it. The lines will be shorter everywhere…in stores, theaters, everywhere! It will open up new jobs and the internment camps will need employees thus stimulating the economy. Brilliant!
In 1999 or 2000, a friend gave me a newspaper clipping about the WWII internments. Italians of suspect politics were interned. In fact more Italians were interned than Japanese by absolute number, but definitely not by percentage. The article said that internment of Germans was discussed, but abandoned as a logistical nightmare, Bund membership being so high.
Yes, sorry will correct.
So, Steven D. You’ve adopted the point of view that there’s nothing wrong with the US that twenty thousand miles of anchor fence topped with razor wire cannot fix.
Now there’s a way to get America manufacturing something again.