I am waiting for all the bedwetters who live nowhere near New York City to start crying about how dangerous it is to put al-Qaeda suspects on trial in New York. Also, it is so unfair to put people on trial rather than just endlessly detaining them with no due process of law. Of all the issues facing this country, the one that irritates me the most is this issue of how to deal with Guantanamo Bay. A country that can send young people to die in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan can ask its civilians to accept a small degree of risk to uphold the rule of law. I despise politicians who argue that we are a nation of cowards even as they cheerlead our imperial wars. If this country can’t hold these trials, it is unworthy of not only respect, but fear. Is John Boehner right? Are we a nation of bedwetters? The president doesn’t think so. I’m not sure. We shall see.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Nothing more to add. I agree completely.
That didn’t take long, did it?
Not a bedwetter:
Bush, Blair, and others elevated a gang of psycho murderers to the status of near-godly holy warriors whose unearthly powers must overwhelm a prison system that had no problems with McVeigh or the Mafia or its streetgang successors or any number of serial killers.
The ironies abound. Apparently these killers’ beliefs confer magical abilities on them that is denied to believers in America’s home-grown notions — so perhaps the only way to fight them is for all of us to convert. Seems like a strange thing for the Christianists to admit.
Seems like a strange thing for the super-patriot teabeggers to admit that America is too weak or stupid to keep a few theocrat psychos behind bars, too.
So are we a nation of cowards? Hard to say. Certainly the loudest mouths among us fit the bill nicely.
I’d argue that a democratic nation that sends soldiers to war can be asked to accept the same amount of risk the soldiers accept. Otherwise, it has no right to send them. One might argue that this would only apply with a conscript army, but even with an all-volunteer army, it certainly applies to supporters of the war.
We hardly have an all-volunteer army. The National Guard didn’t volunteer to fight criminal wars oversees after signing up to help mitigate disasters in the US.
unless you read the fine print, that is.
To be fair, I don’t think it was a big secret that the National Guard is a reserve combat force. Its use for disaster relief is a secondary function.
That said, I’m pretty sure no one in any part of the armed forces signed up to fight wars for Exxon-Mobil.