I thought the WSJ might be different. Maybe they would be strong and full of courage like the city they work in. Nope. They saved it for the very end, but they wet their bed anyway.
Terrorists also love a big stage, and none come bigger than New York. Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, made his civilian trial a spectacle. Not even the best judge can entirely stop KSM and others from doing the same. And Mr. Holder has invited grave and needless security risks by tempting jihadists the world over to strike Manhattan while the trial is in session.
Boo-fucking-hoo. You know who has faced grave security risks ever since 9/11? Our armed forces, that’s who. So, stop whining. You want the typical response from New Yorkers? Here it is:
briane on November 13th, 2009 2:00 pm
Jeez, it’s a good thing the trial’s gonna be in NYC. Let us deal with the terrorists. It’s personal. All you in the rest of the country can go lay down on the fainting couch until you grow a pair.
All of the rest country can stay on the fainting couch if they agree with this, from the WSJ editorial board:
Most Americans, we suspect, can overlook the legal niceties and see this episode through the lens of common sense. Foreign terrorists who wage war on America and everything it stands for have no place sitting in a court of law born of the values they so detest. Mr. Holder has honored mass murder by treating it like any other crime.
I don’t care whether terrorists detest our values or rely upon them; that has nothing to do with me. I want my country to uphold its values, not surrender them to the assholes who attacked us. But, then, I’m not a bedwetter.
Wow, Madrid and London must have completely trashed their democracies and cities by trying bombers there. And just think of it, the rest of the EU must comprise a real bunch of namby-pambies because they did protest the trials of the bombers in EU countries where, as a matter of tact, the crimes occurred. The people of the EU did indeed protest against the transfer of Gitmo prisoners to their countries because they have nothing to do with them. Solidalrity with the US? Let the US clean up Gitmo. Let the US return Guantanamo to Cuba.
why are they so afraid of THE CONSTITUTION?
Timothy McVeigh, mass murderer and terrorist, was given a fair trial. The republic did not fall apart.
He believed in the correct flavor of god…. That makes it ‘ok’ in their view…..
There are really days that I feel like we are living in an alternate universe. I mean, I disliked what Republicans did and stood for as far back as the 1980’s and Ronald RayGun, but this is a whole different universe of nuts. This stuff is really crazy, what the heck happened to that party? When / Why did they loose any sense of normalcy and decency?
When they made Reagan and the gangsters around him their icons. This is not a whole different universe — it’s just taking Reaganism to its logical conclusion. Those who remember that regime will have no trouble recognizing the “hate our government” “idolize the rich” “hate the poor” “worship ignorance” cult we see all around us now.
It is important that all the relevant Constitutional protections be thrown out the window in prosecuting them, so that they will already be gone when the time comes to prosecute us.
It’s heartening to be reminded that some common sense and decency still blooms among the dead landscape otherwise choked by plastic windbags.
The cowardly scum of Wall St. and The Village need look no further than the firefighters of FDNY for real examples of everyday courage and honor.
WSJ = cowards. They live in fear of their own shadow, whther it is noon or midnight. In other words, they live in perpetual fear.
Holder honored mass murderers by treating them as criminals? Wow. Maybe it stands to reason that editors who make a living genuflecting to the likes of Goldman, Madoff, and Citi would think that “crime” is an honorific.
Those who have not devoted their lives to justifying high crime remember who elevated these scummy psycho murderers to the status of warrior combatants. Holder is simply revoking an honor conferred on them by Bush to justify a ruinous war in response to a gang of sneaking killers. I guess it should come as no surprise that these WSJ pegboys for the merchants of war are miffed about that.