Senator Tom Coburn made a big fuss (stink) the other day when he threatened to read the entire health care reform bill on the floor of the Senate, a process that likely would have taken 34 hours of valuable debate time on health care reform for little if any purpose other than to show that Congress can draft really large bills when major political and social issues are finally addressed. Naturally he believed his PR stunt would have the full support of all his GOP Senate colleagues. Well, it seems he guessed wrong. Even some Republicans are getting tired of looking like obstructionist idiots all the time, I guess:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Tom Coburn is backing off his threat to require that the Senate read the 2,074-page health care bill because some GOP colleagues aren’t supporting the effort.

Well, whoever those Republican Senators are who have told Coburn to take his reading project and stuff it, my hats off to you. Republican politicians have gotten enough bad publicity lately thanks to Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Maybe they just decided enough was enough. Then again, considering Senate Democrats and their continuing obeisance and subservience to whatever Joe Lieberman wants, they are hardly the only ones making our politics look like a third rate Vaudeville dog act.