Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Up.
Website(s) of the Week: Dog photography by Erin Vey.
AndiF is Up
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Up, Up, and Away
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Bubbling Up
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An Uplifting Lifting Up
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olivia’s up
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Garbage collection, Venice
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Hall of Mirrors, Versailles
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Taking flight
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Next Theme: Where work is done. On BobX’s suggestion from last week that we do an Office Space theme, we’re
doing a bit of a twist — where work is done. (And work is broadly defined
as the expending of energy.)
Please note: The flog will be on hiatus next week due to the US Thanksgiving holiday. The flog will return on December 4th.
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
I like the range of “up” ideas you offer. I “oohed” over the bubbles, then I began to wonder what would produce such bubbles. Considering that I went to a kind of, “Eeew.” Interesting how the context provided just by thoughts changes the interpretation and response to an image.
I am definitely responding to “Uplifting” from the physical, as I got the shivers and thought, “It’s cold, Girl! Cover up quick.” 😉
You can take back your ‘eeew’ because the bubbles were made by fast flowing water and then trapped behind a leaf dam.
Here’s another view of Eos (the name of the sculputre) and as you can see she’s well clad. 🙂
click for larger
Eos (Greek for “Dawn”, in case no one knew) is fantastic. Where does she live?
Columbus, Indiana
Things you might see if you look up. All of these were taken in the last week.
This was lucky, we were at one of the local springs and we heard it before we ever saw it. We were ready to leave and strolling out, there it was, up in the tree, eating it’s lunch.

Wow – So glad you were paying attention to sounds and you could actually see this (and get photos).
Had you been by/to that restaurant before? I am often surprised by what I keep discovering about familiar places. Your photo has such a cheery feel to it.
Did you intend a second theme related to food? 😉
We’ve been to the restaurant before, first time I ever shot that particular shot. it’s at The House of Blues, Orlando. Something else you see looking up.
Ha, no intention, but now that you mention it…
I don’t see the ladder up to the restaurant
Ya got to shimmy up the pole.
Amazing close-up shots. I am very, very. very jealous.
Thanks, I was very lucky to get those.
Wow Bob, great catch!
Thanks, I love the Hall of Mirrors shot, the frescos are beautiful, the color looks perfect.
Great raptor shots! What are they: kestrels, sharp-shinned hawks, or sparrow hawks?
Thanks, it is a red shouldered hawk. They are very common in this area around the St. Johns River where these were taken.
I didn’t quite understand how “Garbage Collection,”even in Venice was “up.” But then I clicked through and got it. 🙂 I don’t often think about garbage collection when I go places, but it is really an important question these days, isn’t it? And you begin the questioning with a beautiful image.
Did you enjoy Versailles? It looks sooo overwhelming. Can there be too many humanly made beautiful things in one place?
“Taking Flight” leaves me speechless! Absolutely stunning!
Thanks tampopo. That was one of the things that fascinated me when I was in Venice – all the infrastructure work etc. done by water. I watched construction crews w/ their gear on boats etc. It was interesting. A city w/ no cars/trucks … still doing the work/jobs a city requires.
Versailles was completely over the top and out of this world grandiose. Beautiful but garish sometimes. So, yes … I think there definitely can be too much. 🙂
What once was up is now down
Leaf on Leaf

Leaf on Leaf PhotoShopped

Cool beans! Or I guess … cool leaves! I love how the absence of frost around the inner leaf outlines it.
Hi NDD … so pretty. I like how we can see the ice crystals on the larger view.
Quaking aspens?
Looking down to look up
Up on a wall
Coming down from being up
Batter Up
Looking Up The Hood
Great set but “batter up” is my favorite — love the perspective, the color, and how the shadow enhances the sense of drama.
Fantastic work with one of my favorite cars.
Perfect rendition & it certainly brings me “up” a little too.
Great selection and play on the theme, esp the first pic. Love the car too. Gorgeous.
Bryce Canyon:
Great framing. Wish I was there.
Beautiful! Love the contrast of the green trees through the red stone arch.
It is so neat how the reflected light makes the rocks glow.
down the up staircase
[scanned 35mm slide]
totem pole…[that bird’s nest of wiring, wrapped in a hefty trash bag, has been the bane of my lack of intertubz and fone service of late]
clik to enlarge
Down the up staircase is a real “wow” photo. I’d love to see it larger.
the lighting and perspective of the stairway shot is … well … the standard dada non-standard way of seeing. Excellent.
Hey d … sorry about your wire probs. Hopefully that bottom shot will be one for posterity once they fix them … 🙂 Agree w/ keres on the staircase, that is gorgeous.
Up above the rooftops

Up through the treetop

Up on the desktop

Up on a ridgetop

Up on the dawn breeze

Great set of shots (treetops is my favorite). Glad you take your camera to the library — it sure does provide some nice pictures. 🙂
The views are lovely up there and convenient to quick after-work stops as well.
LOL, I love up on the desktop … love it. 🙂 Up on a ridgetop is beautiful. The beautiful colour of the trees and the barn, and love the framing.
The fall colors seemed especially brilliant that year (2002).

Wow – yes, very colourful!
Very nice set.
I love the farm shot.
I was wondering about that big “fur hat” opposite the cat.
The Big Fur Hat:

She was, without a doubt, the most delightful cat personality that ever lived with us.
The balloon lift off is my favorite.




















I really like “Climbing up”; such minimalism tends to be very evocative.
Thanks Keres,
It`s strange that while climbing, the plant sends out very thin leafy branches so perpendicular to it`s upward march.
Your grandkids are always irresistible but I think this time they’re going to take second place to that gorgeous hummingbird.
The grandchildren are just as flighty.
Hi Head. Besides the cutie patooties, growing up and transcending both stood out. Love the colour gradient in transcending and the detail captured.
Transcending gradients.
A little color, a bit of shadow & a mist of blush often changes ones perception of reality.
I should know.
I`ve had so many girlfriends.
Like Coconut outside the window on the last shot too … 🙂
I like the delight on the lady’s face as she gets to know the baby. Babies do seem to bring out that emotion, don’t they? Also enjoyed the Growing Up portraits. I can relate, having three grandchildren close to that age group.
I`ll tell her, she`s baking cookies in the kitchen.
That`s the latest addition to the grandparent family of ours.
The two “growing up” are my/our granddaughters & the little baby is Teri`s(the ‘lady’ pictured) first grandchild, a little boy named Finn.
And yes, we can learn plenty from the little ones.
Little Finn is very cute.
Don`t be alarmed, I do this all the time & have for years, but I predict you`ll be holding a young child within the year that will be close to you.
You shall be a sister, an aunt, a grandma or even a mom.
I should also mention it will be a great event in your life & that I`ve never been wrong.
I love the flag girl photo!
Thank you jim.
It was a great surprise downloading that set.
(Are damned hard to photograph)
Flying above the glacier topped mountains of the South Island of New Zealand.
Gorgeous, gorgeous view.
Imogen says she took this. So kudos go to her.
Well you did one fine job of it. Those are spectacular.
I really like the framing of the shot of the lamb and ewe — and the subject matter is charming (but that lamb sure does look awfully big for still eating at home).
Also, the New Zealand shot is gorgeous — I’m so glad your window wasn’t too scratched up for a shot.
One of our trees was literally buzzing with bees and hoverflies for several weeks. The hoverflies were tiny, maybe a quarter inch long, but I just keep shooting with the macro lens – figuring that the odds were that I’d get one or two clear shots.
Yes, that’s a big lamb to still be bellying up to the milk bar. Makes me think of my Angora goats and how two big kids would come charging for their mother, slide in on their knees, hitting their mom’s udder at the same time from opposite sides, and actually lift her back feet off the ground from the force of the blow(s). Weaning usually followed very soon thereafter.
It must have been a new window. Every other one I’ve ever looked through was full of tiny stress fractures.
Well those flies rewarded your efforts handsomely.
LOL re your Angora goats … 🙂
I miss them some times. Alpacas are nice but goat kids are hilarious. Even if they do jump on your back every time you squat down or bend over. The tiny hoof-shaped bruises were merely an occupational hazard.
Suburban to Urban
Amazing perspective.
It`s strange that the optical illusion in the bottom threads, so much resemble Newton rings, in traditional black & white images.
During the processing stage of this, they were much, much more visible.
That could have been in Metropolis.
What an uplifting bunch of photos at the FFF! But gravity will out.
Up at Sequoia NP

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Anti-up at Yosemite NP

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Both of those images are vertigo inducers.
The waterfall with the valley below would give nightmares to one suffering from acrophobia, if you could ever get one of them up there.
They’d have even more of a nightmare if they could have seen him leaning way out over the edge with me holding onto his belt.
I know that position – although usually not from the anchor’s perspective.
Someday I’ll put up some photos from places where my goat-footed wife has led me.
Those are fantastic. I’m definitely feeling queasy w/ the Yosemite shot. Tell me you weren’t looking through the viewfinder; that you held out your arms and pressed the shutter.
In 1992 with Kodak Royal Gold ISO125 or ISO25 film, I tried to make sure what I wanted was at least in the frame. That means my eye was on the view finder. I was leaning out over an iron railing, and Andi and I had enough debt and not enough insurance so I knew she’d hold on to my belt.
So it’s not “’til debt do us part”.