You know what would be classy? Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, is in Montana caring for his ailing mother. That seems important to me. I think Max should stay in Montana for as long as he feels it is necessary. I think the Ranking Member of the Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, should call Max and let him know that he doesn’t need to return to Washington DC tomorrow night to vote for cloture on the health care bill. Chuck should tell Baucus that if a 60th vote is needed, he’ll cast it for him so that Max can stay with his mother at this difficult time. After all, if the cloture vote fails because Baucus can’t make it back, the only thing that the Republicans will gain is a couple days of delay. So, why not help Max out? Why force him to make a choice between his responsibilities as a senator and his responsibilities as a son? Surely, Chuck Grassley is classy enough to see my point. Right?

Of course, any other Republican could extend the same courtesy. We’re all civilized here.