I’m waiting for the Catholic Bishops to ask every congressperson who supports the death penalty for the 9/11 plotters to resign from Congress in order to save their soul. Seriously. I’m waiting for them to do that since they are asking that of pro-choice Democrats. I’m not Catholic, but I’m very tolerant of religious differences. I’m not tolerant of hypocrisy and sanctimony.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I love that Chris Matthews insists on calling this bishop “your excellency.” What kind of custom of that?
Oh, how silly you are sometimes. Killing the infidel menz is not even remotely comparable to controlling and punishing the womenz for their icky nasty sexy bits.
What kind of custom of that? Monarchical. Everyone on the Right gets all tingly with thoughts about a God-ordained hierarchy – with themselves in the upper echelons, of course.
Isn’t Chris catholic himself? I think he is.
yes, of course, that’s the biggest part of his self-identity, that he’s Irish-Catholic like Maureen Dowd and Pat Buchanan and nearly every other guest he permits on his show.
Hypocrisy is, of course, a uniquely human trait. And it certainly knows no political, cultural or ethnic bounds. But when it is so intensely concentrated in those whose life’s purpose and claimed calling by some higher power to direct and judge the larger moral compass of humankind, I find it supremely galling.
I no longer have much of an affinity or really even a significant tolerance for religion. And people like the Catholic Bishops and a wide array of popular fundamentalist evangelical Christians who seem to selectively choose obviously contradictory things which they claim to morally abhor on the one hand and casually accept as “God’s way” on the other, I have to call bullshit on them.
If there is anything that will make me grind my teeth down to a nub, it is the shit like they are now pulling.
I’d be satisfied if the Catholic clergy agreed to stop their systematic child-rape.
Be glad you’re not still part of the British Commonwealth. Priests, both Anglican and Catholic, who got “a reputation” in the British Isles were frequently sent to Australia to predate upon the more quiescent colonials.
This is one of the reasons I left the Catholic Church. It’s one thing to say this is our morality. It’s another thing entirely to say this is the ONLY morality. I disagree with that. I believe we all have a conscience and need to follow that. I don’t think anyone else’s conscience should control our own. I do think one needs to inform themselves so they shape a healthy conscience, but in the end, there’s no decision more personal than whether a mother keeps her fetus. No church, no government, and certainly no disinterested party like the rest of the American people should EVER have a say in that. Nor should they ever prohibit it, or defund that choice.
hahahah! Expecting non-hypocrisy or non-sanctimony from religious people.
Were you just born or something?
Don’t hold your breath while waiting, BooMan.
This makes perfect sense if you grant that the centrists have a sincere ideology and are not just pushing cynical self-interest. If what you want is centrism, you want a balance of power between the parties, and the current democratic majorities are counterproductive to your agenda, even if you are a Democrat. This is pretty obviously going on with Lieberman, but it is also the general logic of centrism. This is what it hard to deal with these people; they would like the party to lose some seats, other things equal. Not their own seats, preferably, but, as others have said, they can get lobbying gigs and such.