In a state where many are gun crazy, one more crazy is not out of the ordinary, until the shooting spree happens! Hasan clearly meant to die in the attack, luckily that didn’t happen so justice will be served.
(ABC News) – After buying the gun in August from a Killeen store called Guns Galore, Hasan later returned to purchase 13 separate ammunition magazines capable of holding up to 30 bullets each.
Store employees told investigators that they became suspicious of Hasan’s purchase of so many extra ammunition magazines. The employees said Hasan claimed he needed the extra magazines so he would not have to reload when he fired at the practice range.
Employees at Stan’s Shooting Range where Hasan practiced just two days before the massacre told investigators that Hasan purchased ten separate targets and fired more than 200 rounds with his newly purchased semi-automatic pistol [FN Five-seveN].
Right next door to the Guns Galore store is the strip club Starz which Hasan visited at least three times.
Major Hasan also wrote, “My strength is my financial capabilities.”
Federal investigators have found that Hasan donated $20,000 to $30,000 a year to overseas Islamic “charities.” As an Army major, his yearly salary, including housing and food allowances, was approximately $92,000. A number of Islamic charities have been identified by U.S. authorities as conduits to terror groups.
My previous diaries –
A couple of recent articles and op-eds about Hasan that are relevant:
Over at Tikkun Olam, Richard Silverstein notes:
So, here’s Wright in an op-ed in the NYT:
Another piece of news points to one further straw that may have broken the camel’s back. In a diary over at pff (maybe he’ll cross-post it here), fairleft points to accounts that Hasan had been trying to get some of his patients prosecuted for war crimes and had gotten a rejection of that attempt the day before the shooting. According to ABC News:
The Dallas Morning News adds:
For a while, a couple of years ago, some porn site was giving free memberships to American soldiers who posted “war pictures”. As a result, there was an abundance of postings of pictures of death, dismemberment and desecration of the bodies of the enemy by our troops.
By “the good guys”.
The above quote implies that Hasan heard a great deal about the acts that his patients committed &, perhaps, sought forgiveness for. Psychiatrists, however, aren’t in the forgiveness business.
Additionally, Hasan is a Palestinian who grew up in America. An America which has denigrated Palestinians since the 1970’s at least.
He didn’t need to be a terrorist. An honest look at our culture will tell you that injustice after injustice after injustice finally pushed him over the edge.
Of course that degree of honesty might be a bit … uncomfortable.
Booman Tribune ~ Big Red Flag in Ft Hood Shooting
Are we to deduce from this paragraph that Hasan contributed to terror groups or what? If I donate to a Christian Charity and a number of Christian Charities are known to have supported (e.g.) the ANC fight against Apartheid – does that mean I have supported terrorist groups?
We need to be told…
“Hasan may have wired money to Pakistan”
– you mean that well known ally of the US in the fight against the Taliban? – the one in receipt of many millions of US taxpayers dollars?
Why are we quoting this shit without de-constructing it?
Alms? This guy went bat crazy in a victim role. He gave away his personal belongings and money conform fundamentalist Islamic teaching. Come on, his actions leading upto the shooting have been clarified. Over @EuroTrib, bloggers doubt he could be the alleged murderer. Must be a conspiracy? Hasan has been charged as lone gunman of killings at Fort Hood.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m more than a bit fed up with the TYPICAL federal government bullshit blame game going on, i.e. people at Walter Reed stating the “FBI should have done this or that” because they were aware of Hasan’s emails.
“soldier of allah”??
Hasan’s superiors at Walter Reed are TOTALLY TO BLAME for not firing Hasan AND informing law enforcement of his potential to do what he ultimately did. STOP trying to blame the FBI for your incompetence.