In a state where many are gun crazy, one more crazy is not out of the ordinary, until the shooting spree happens! Hasan clearly meant to die in the attack, luckily that didn’t happen so justice will be served.

Guns Galore and 13 separate ammo cartridges

(ABC News) – After buying the gun in August from a Killeen store called Guns Galore, Hasan later returned to purchase 13 separate ammunition magazines capable of holding up to 30 bullets each.

Store employees told investigators that they became suspicious of Hasan’s purchase of so many extra ammunition magazines. The employees said Hasan claimed he needed the extra magazines so he would not have to reload when he fired at the practice range.

Employees at Stan’s Shooting Range where Hasan practiced just two days before the massacre told investigators that Hasan purchased ten separate targets and fired more than 200 rounds with his newly purchased semi-automatic pistol [FN Five-seveN].

Right next door to the Guns Galore store is the strip club Starz which Hasan visited at least three times.

Major Hasan’s E-Mail: ‘I Can’t Wait to Join You’ in Afterlife

Major Hasan also wrote, “My strength is my financial capabilities.”

Federal investigators have found that Hasan donated $20,000 to $30,000 a year to overseas Islamic “charities.” As an Army major, his yearly salary, including housing and food allowances, was approximately $92,000. A number of Islamic charities have been identified by U.S. authorities as conduits to terror groups.

Hasan may have wired money to Pakistan

My previous diaries –

  • Hasan’s Spiritual Leader and Israeli Occupation
  • A Soldier of Allah … Nidal Hasan

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."