What do you want to hear from President Obama in his speech on Afghanistan tomorrow?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Limited goals, followed by an exit strategy, and an acknowledgement that Afghans deserve better than to be treated as the cannon fodder for a conflict largely not of their making.
(1) Exit strategy.
(2) Measurable goals.
(3) Exit strategy.
And when it comes to defending escalation of war, a little passion wouldn’t hurt either.
Passion? Obama?
Short term exit strategy.
Long term switch from military solutions to law enforcement and strategic economic policy designed to weaken the hold of the Taliban and al qaida goons.
sounds good.
That was my question to him in this article at Consortium News this morning:
Our original reason for being in Afghanistan was all about Osama bin Laden. But he may be dead now, or, if living, he’s believed to be in Pakistan in any case. So WHY ARE WE THERE now???
I want him to tell military families why this is so damn important to send our men and women over there for????
How he plans to pay for it, considering we are pretty much bankrupt and in hock to China.
When all of our troops can come home from the hell holes of Iraq AND Afghanistan
And I would bet if there was talk of the draft being reinstated this war would be over by Saturday.
And what are his employment plans are come Jan. 20, 2013 since he won’t be president anymore.
We are like crazy drug addicts for war. We go into Iraq for WMD and don’t find it so every year we invent another reason for being there. Now this same addiction afflicts us in Afghanistan.
“F*** it, we’re leaving!”
For sure. The only words between his “Hello and good evening” and “Thank you and may God bless America”. The most memorable speech ever.
Total withdrawal.
Keith is doing a special comment tonight on Afghanistan.
the names of some of the dead and then explain what they died for.
“I caved to the military brass on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ on (not) closing Guantanamo, on (not) releasing all the Abu Ghraib photos and on the Land Mines Treaty. But no more. I am the commander-in-chief, not Timmy McChrystal. It’s time for an orderly phased withdrawal of all US troops from Afghanistan.
Immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan,
or as A href=httpwww.boomantribune.comstory2006751458128345DuctapeFatwaA used to bluntly say,
BLOCKQUOTErepatriate your gunmenBLOCKQUOTE
This is all he should say, but as a U.S. politician, will never say, nor ever intended to say, no matter how many of his supporters somehow believed he would end what he never intended to end.
BLOCKQUOTEI know we all like to make jokes about the stupidity of the various inhabitants of Washington and their various henchmen, but in reality they are not stupid and they have been quite candid about their intentions. BLOCKQUOTE
Immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan,
or as DuctapeFatwa used to bluntly say,
This is all he should say, but as a U.S. politician, will never say, nor ever intended to say, no matter how many of his supporters somehow believed he would end what he never intended to end.
“I would rather serve as a one-term president and stand firm in my support for the important changes we need to make as a nation than to be a two-term president who compromised away those essential changes for the sake of that second term.
With that in mind, we will not be escalating our armed presence in Afghanistan and will seek instead to deal with those who might use terrorist threats and acts against us as criminals rather than elevating them to warrior status.”
What do I want to hear?
Shoulda been said in his inauguration speech. By the time the media recovered and began their counterattack he would have had a 90% majority of the population agreeing with him and the media would have been powerless to change things.
What do I expect to hear?
The usual compromising bullshit, of course.
Business as usual, and so it goes.
Ever downward with brief periods of relief until the country eventually bottoms out.