It actually did, although it was a long day (busy with some posters that need to go to production today). I have a real office with a door and windows, and they’re so much better organized than the place I left. I have a shelf full of reference books that I need already (didn’t have to bring my copies from home!), and have time for a little software refresher training this week. Oh, and I have a new computer that works with the double monitoring – a huge improvement from the battered piece of junk that you couldn’t even undock and re-boot at the last place. 🙂
That’s my all time favorite of all your local forest shots. It’s just a marvelous mixture of light and shadow, shapes and textures, I almost feel like I’m there.
Should I ever find myself at your doorstep, just point me down that valley, and I’ll hike on into tomorrow.
Thanks, NDD. I’d love to have you come visit my place. Wouldn’t take you very long to hike through that little hollow, though. But there’s another one at the end of it and then another or ridge so you can still keep going.
Most years but it’s not reliable and we may have only a few days a winter with enough snow. There weren’t enough days for me to really pick up any skill at it so I gave up after a few years. Now if it snows a lot, my snow sport is postholing. 🙂
Luna actually staggered to the house, after I climbed into the car an hefted her back end while Imogen lifted her from the front. Once in the house she collapsed again and hasn’t been up since. Lily has actually been very reserved this evening, after giving mum a good checking out. Turns out the kid might have some brains after all.
Luna’s awake. She went out briefly for some water, and is now back inside looking a bit dazed and confused. She tried a few kibble but gave up on the idea fairly quickly.
Lily has been banished to the back yard, which means she comes to the back door and whines and bark every 15 minutes or so – like just now.
Lily is exiled from the house so that she won’t bother Luna, Hector is exiled to his room so that he won’t eat Luna’s kibble (which is just SO wrong), and Luna is soon to be left all alone as I have a 1:20 appointment in town.
I just got home to find a much re-invigorated Luna, which she demonstrated by trying to kill Lily when she came in the house and started hoovering up scattered kibble. It was turning into a real WWF throw down when I had to intervene. I don’t recommend getting between fighting dogs, even when they are both yours. I got bit fairly badly once that way. Fortunately Pyrs do not bite, they body-slam instead, so dispite all the growling and bared teeth I was only in danger of being knocked off my feet.
Actually I was worried about Luna’s stitches, or I’d have let them work it out all by themselve.
Years ago I had two dogs (one half-corgi and the other half-spitz) who just couldn’t back down in fight. I’d come home to them with blood caked faces and ruffs, while my other dog, a Pyr, was also coated in their blood, but only on her shoulders where she had pushed between them to break up the fight. Pyrs really are like big fluff police officers. Hey you, stop that!
And yes, it was one of those two fighters who bit me when I tried to separate them.
None of the dogs we’ve had have ever done anything more than some growling and bared teeth; no actual fighting. Giddy is pretty assertive but Sniff and Bebo always back off immediately when she bares her teeth.
It’s a little chilly outside today. We’re in the mid-40’s right now, but tomorrow morning we’ll be down into the 20’s. The weather people are even predicting a little snow, which I doubt will happen, but I can dream.
I just can’t picture myself shoveling snow. In my neighborhood we don’t have sidewalks, plus I have a Southern outlook on shoveling snow – If you’re fool enough to get out on the snow and ice, then you deserve to fall.
I’ve observed the southern outlook on snow – which is that if you wait long enough, eventually the sun will melt it all. Trouble is, sometimes that takes a week and all the schools and businesses are closed in the meantime for an inch of snow.
You will have snow this year, FM. You will have more snow than you’ve seen in quite a while. My vision of snowflakes on your eyeglasses will manifest in reality. Y’all mark my words.
Pre-emptive disclaimer: I, wilderness wench, hereby make no pretentions whatsoever to being an actual Southerner. I only lived in North Carolina for six or seven years — & that was in Asheville, which may not count.
No, Asheville doesn’t really count in a couple of ways. It’s progressive, with an active gay community and big arts scene. And, the weather there is more like Cleveland than Raleigh, which is just a few hours away. But you knew that.
30 miles outside of Asheville is a whole ‘nother story. 🙂
I woke up at 1:30 this morning thinking I had to do something first thing in the morning. For the life of me, I can’t figure out or remember what it is I’m suppose to do. Very frustrating. I should have been asleep awhile ago, but every time I lay down my eyes pop open.
Yep, I took George out at around 3:00 am. The only thing I could be shoveling around here is leafs, and as far as taking pictures, wouldn’t you know it, but I can’t find the batteries for the camera. Darn. 🙂
That would suck. I hate getting up in the dark. I think we’re fairly in the middle of our time zone (GMT+10, which has Sydney as its largest city. Just to make life confusing we are only half an hour ahead of Melbourne
Its 18 degrees F at our house this morning. Big change from just a few days ago. Brrrrrrrrrr!
I could’ve slept in easily, but must go to the 4-H fairgrounds to pick up holiday wreaths from the kids there. At least I’m not standing around an unheated barn for several hours with sticky pine goo on my hands.
Speaking of 4-H (I was FFA), we have five new ducklings as of a few hours ago. I suspect there will be at least one more in the morning. They all look like papa – mostly black with a white shirt-front. I’d also say they all look like mama, who looks an awful lot like papa, but we have two white females, one slate gray female, and one black with a white tux female named Boogie Shoes – who is the one who actually sat the eggs. Who actually laid the eggs is anyones guess because they all lay in the same nest.
I can well imagine! When we were living out by the state forest, I had a couple of dozen Rhode Island Reds. Our brooder was in the kitchen alongside the wood cookstove. Mrs. ID had Aracanas (blue & green eggshells) and honeybees. Since we moved to town, we only have the cats for company and, as you know, they have to be in the right mood to reciprocate our attentions.
Mrs. ID is on a holiday outing with the 6 yo granddaughter to see The Nutcracker over at the IU Musical Arts Center. I’m contemplating some serious slacking (thank you Family Man) while they’re away.
Looks like the other three eggs might be duds. I have a friend who wants some to give as a xmas gift (to a friend of hers who was wanting to get some Muscovy ducks).
The Nutcracker excursion was apparently a big hit with the g-daughter. She got to meet some of the dancers after the show and when asked what part she liked the best, she exclaimed, “All of it!”
We had rain and chilly temps, and there was talk of a few snowflakes overnight (that never happened) so of course there was a run on milk and bread at the grocery store. But we’re generally clear and 50s this time of year and that’s fine with me. 🙂
I usually tell the “skeptics” that Gravity is only a theory too, and that they should feel free to ignore it as well – with likely the same consequences.
I recently went to a performance called “Bugger the Polar Bears, this is Serious” in which the performer, Rod Quantock, identified such people as self-selecting to be the first ones we should eat.
Sorry about the mess in the old one…been a little busy this week. Switching jobs mid-week is a little hectic.
And now it’s already humpday! And time to start Christmas shopping, so I’m ready if the CabinBoo shows up early.
Hope everything went smoothly at the new job.
It actually did, although it was a long day (busy with some posters that need to go to production today). I have a real office with a door and windows, and they’re so much better organized than the place I left. I have a shelf full of reference books that I need already (didn’t have to bring my copies from home!), and have time for a little software refresher training this week. Oh, and I have a new computer that works with the double monitoring – a huge improvement from the battered piece of junk that you couldn’t even undock and re-boot at the last place. 🙂
How is your week going?
Sounds very nice — except for the having to go to the office thing. 😉
I’m still recovering from all of last week’s family socializing.
Having to go to the office isn’t so bad when you know it’s going to end for a while soon. New baby smells anyone?
Sounds like your holiday weekend was a whirlwind. Good thing you have a chance to recover. 🙂
Ah, I remember those new baby smells. These days, it’s the sound of an obnoxious 10 year old.
Which can only be exceeded by the smell of the teenage boy…NOT. 🙂
and another and another and …
click for larger
That’s my all time favorite of all your local forest shots. It’s just a marvelous mixture of light and shadow, shapes and textures, I almost feel like I’m there.
Should I ever find myself at your doorstep, just point me down that valley, and I’ll hike on into tomorrow.
Thanks, NDD. I’d love to have you come visit my place. Wouldn’t take you very long to hike through that little hollow, though. But there’s another one at the end of it and then another or ridge so you can still keep going.
Thanks for the invite.
I’ll have to think of some good excuse for taking a tour in that direction sometime. I bet Happi would enjoy her 4-legged tour guides too.
Do you get enough snow there to do x-c skiing?
Most years but it’s not reliable and we may have only a few days a winter with enough snow. There weren’t enough days for me to really pick up any skill at it so I gave up after a few years. Now if it snows a lot, my snow sport is postholing. 🙂
I’ve been meaning to compliment you on this shot and the gilded fern up top. There’s a lot beauty in those humpy old forested hills of ours!
Thanks ID. I agree, the topography of Brown County is gorgeous. I really enjoy the revelation brought by the absence of leaves.
I posted an update on Luna in the last cafe – the shorter version is: still sound asleep, but at least now she’s in the house.
Morning all you Wednesday laggards. It’s about 20 minutes to bed time here.
Wow, I don’t envy you that haul to get her in the house.
Luna actually staggered to the house, after I climbed into the car an hefted her back end while Imogen lifted her from the front. Once in the house she collapsed again and hasn’t been up since. Lily has actually been very reserved this evening, after giving mum a good checking out. Turns out the kid might have some brains after all.
Glad to hear that everything went okay. Have a nice nap, Luna.
Luna’s awake. She went out briefly for some water, and is now back inside looking a bit dazed and confused. She tried a few kibble but gave up on the idea fairly quickly.
Lily has been banished to the back yard, which means she comes to the back door and whines and bark every 15 minutes or so – like just now.
Lily is exiled from the house so that she won’t bother Luna, Hector is exiled to his room so that he won’t eat Luna’s kibble (which is just SO wrong), and Luna is soon to be left all alone as I have a 1:20 appointment in town.
Aww, rough day at your place.
I just got home to find a much re-invigorated Luna, which she demonstrated by trying to kill Lily when she came in the house and started hoovering up scattered kibble. It was turning into a real WWF throw down when I had to intervene. I don’t recommend getting between fighting dogs, even when they are both yours. I got bit fairly badly once that way. Fortunately Pyrs do not bite, they body-slam instead, so dispite all the growling and bared teeth I was only in danger of being knocked off my feet.
I guess showing your dominance is one way to make yourself feel better. Glad everybody ended up unscathed.
Actually I was worried about Luna’s stitches, or I’d have let them work it out all by themselve.
Years ago I had two dogs (one half-corgi and the other half-spitz) who just couldn’t back down in fight. I’d come home to them with blood caked faces and ruffs, while my other dog, a Pyr, was also coated in their blood, but only on her shoulders where she had pushed between them to break up the fight. Pyrs really are like big fluff police officers. Hey you, stop that!
And yes, it was one of those two fighters who bit me when I tried to separate them.
None of the dogs we’ve had have ever done anything more than some growling and bared teeth; no actual fighting. Giddy is pretty assertive but Sniff and Bebo always back off immediately when she bares her teeth.
find the Planned Parenthood ad border at the “sanctimonious womens’ studies set” guy’s blog kind of um, interesting?
When are we gonna have this baby, CG? I want pictures. Maybe you could shoot for the day after Christmas…my birthday!
I suppose I could update the progress photo…
I was actually thinking it might be funny if this guy shows up for your birthday! Now, how can we convince him it’s a good idea?
I guess he’s not impressed with the tax benefits of arriving before the end of the year.
Both interesting and exceedingly ugly from a graphic point of view.
Good morning Andi and Keres,
It’s a little chilly outside today. We’re in the mid-40’s right now, but tomorrow morning we’ll be down into the 20’s. The weather people are even predicting a little snow, which I doubt will happen, but I can dream.
Morning again, FM. Down to the 20s here too. No snow though. Hope you get some.
Well just as long as my criteria for snow is met, it can snow for the rest of the week, month or year.
If you get some snow I think you should go out and take a picture of the pond in the snow for me. 🙂
I finally got some batteries for the camera this morning, so I should be able to get at least a few pictures. 🙂
Fingers and paws crossed for snow and pond pictures here (I’ll take pond picture with or without snow).
Yes Mam! I’ll get right on those pond pictures. 😉
Good boy! 😀
Dogs say I should be a good girl and get going.
See ya later.
Watch out for snakes!
Good morning Boran.
Thank you very much. I was looking for any excuse to not walk around that pond. It’s funny that snakes didn’t pop up in my mind first thing off.
Maybe FMom will send a foot of snow for you, so you can put all of that snow-love into practice shoveling. 🙂
I just can’t picture myself shoveling snow. In my neighborhood we don’t have sidewalks, plus I have a Southern outlook on shoveling snow – If you’re fool enough to get out on the snow and ice, then you deserve to fall.
I’ve observed the southern outlook on snow – which is that if you wait long enough, eventually the sun will melt it all. Trouble is, sometimes that takes a week and all the schools and businesses are closed in the meantime for an inch of snow.
And you point being is what? P)
Ya’ll like to say you have a slower pace of living down here….I just think it’s laziness. 😉
Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or did you just use ya’ll in a sentence? No take backs either. Hah!
All ya’ll are just crazy.
That may be, but….
Nanny nanny boo boo
SN is a Southerner.
That deserves a triple Hah!
HAH, HAH AND HAH!!!!!!!! 🙂
You forgot to put a ya’ll at the end of your Nevvvvvaaaah!. 😉
And you would prefer your snow as performance art with you as the viewer who watches from a very safe distance.
Also hi and bye as I’m off to the snowless woods.
Morning! We’re having unusually mild weather. Sunny – 60 now, heading for 65+. But forecast predicts major change by the weekend.
Climate change here in the Northeast seems to translate to ‘follow the bouncing ball’.
You will have snow this year, FM. You will have more snow than you’ve seen in quite a while. My vision of snowflakes on your eyeglasses will manifest in reality. Y’all mark my words.
Pre-emptive disclaimer: I, wilderness wench, hereby make no pretentions whatsoever to being an actual Southerner. I only lived in North Carolina for six or seven years — & that was in Asheville, which may not count.
No, Asheville doesn’t really count in a couple of ways. It’s progressive, with an active gay community and big arts scene. And, the weather there is more like Cleveland than Raleigh, which is just a few hours away. But you knew that.
30 miles outside of Asheville is a whole ‘nother story. 🙂
Oh yes indeed. I lived out there too.
Congrats … I guess. Twitter is just another one of things you young’uns do that I don’t get.
But Happy Tweeting anyway.
I don’t quite get it either…
That makes me feel a lot better — you’re not even close to being a geezer. 🙂
Good morning Andi and Keres,
Andi you are the matriarch of Geezerhood. Of course I’m meaning that in the most complimentary way. 🙂
I’ll accept that for the gracious compliment it is. 🙂
I woke up at 1:30 this morning thinking I had to do something first thing in the morning. For the life of me, I can’t figure out or remember what it is I’m suppose to do. Very frustrating. I should have been asleep awhile ago, but every time I lay down my eyes pop open.
I sympathize. I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and was immediately wide awake.
Hopefully, you’ll be napping soon.
I would like to be napping right now, but I can’t go to sleep until I remember what it was I’m supposed to do this morning.
I’m guessing it isn’t shoveling snow. And it’s still too dark for taking pictures of the pond. George been out yet?
Yep, I took George out at around 3:00 am. The only thing I could be shoveling around here is leafs, and as far as taking pictures, wouldn’t you know it, but I can’t find the batteries for the camera. Darn. 🙂
Hey you promised me pond pictures so if you can’t find those batteries, you’ll have to go buy more. 😛
He says “yes Mam” as he wonders would she recognize old pond pictures. 😛
If you’ve some I’ve never seen, that would be almost as good as new ones. But I’d sure like a sunrise shot.
No, but she’s had kids, and we all know what that does.
Don’t worry CG, they say your normal level of intelligence comes back after two years.
Well I haven’t had kids so there goes my excuse. I just have to settle for being old and cranky.
Andi! You old and cranky? No Way. 🙂
I don’t know, I think the brain cell depletion is cumulative…
On another note, it’s snowing here this afternoon.
Does that mean that if I figure it out, you want I should explain it to you?
This week’s theme is “Where work is done“. Click here for the diary.
Good topic!
Looking forward to seeing you contribute to it. 🙂
I gotta go because I’m dozing off in my chair.
See ya’ll later.
Happy napping.
this needed sharing.
Perfect. 🙂
I can tell you that it will make sleepy eyes pop right open.
9pm and it’s only just dusk.
Won’t be light here until around 8 a.m. I don’t like either extreme.
It certainly wasn’t a joy when at 4:50 this am the dogs wanted to go out because it was already light outside. Pesky puppies.
Even at daylight savings, it never gets light that early here — because we’re on Eastern time and we ought to be on Central.
That would suck. I hate getting up in the dark. I think we’re fairly in the middle of our time zone (GMT+10, which has Sydney as its largest city. Just to make life confusing we are only half an hour ahead of Melbourne
Half an hour ahead of Adelade. Melbourne is in the same time zone as Tasmania.
You have half-hour time differences? I would not want to try to keep that kind of difference straight.
Its 18 degrees F at our house this morning. Big change from just a few days ago. Brrrrrrrrrr!
I could’ve slept in easily, but must go to the 4-H fairgrounds to pick up holiday wreaths from the kids there. At least I’m not standing around an unheated barn for several hours with sticky pine goo on my hands.
Speaking of 4-H (I was FFA), we have five new ducklings as of a few hours ago. I suspect there will be at least one more in the morning. They all look like papa – mostly black with a white shirt-front. I’d also say they all look like mama, who looks an awful lot like papa, but we have two white females, one slate gray female, and one black with a white tux female named Boogie Shoes – who is the one who actually sat the eggs. Who actually laid the eggs is anyones guess because they all lay in the same nest.
Boogie is supremely chuffed with herself.
Boogie is supremely chuffed with herself.
I can well imagine! When we were living out by the state forest, I had a couple of dozen Rhode Island Reds. Our brooder was in the kitchen alongside the wood cookstove. Mrs. ID had Aracanas (blue & green eggshells) and honeybees. Since we moved to town, we only have the cats for company and, as you know, they have to be in the right mood to reciprocate our attentions.
Mrs. ID is on a holiday outing with the 6 yo granddaughter to see The Nutcracker over at the IU Musical Arts Center. I’m contemplating some serious slacking (thank you Family Man) while they’re away.
Looks like the other three eggs might be duds. I have a friend who wants some to give as a xmas gift (to a friend of hers who was wanting to get some Muscovy ducks).
Cute little fuzzy critters!
The Nutcracker excursion was apparently a big hit with the g-daughter. She got to meet some of the dancers after the show and when asked what part she liked the best, she exclaimed, “All of it!”
It’s nice when kids get enthusiastic about live performance.
Snowed here last night and we lost power twice! My snowtires were getting installed just as it was falling. Ugh.
Ugh, indeed. Tis the season and all. 😉
Hi SN! I’m actually okay with the cold, it’s the power loss twice in a light snowfall. This doesn’t bode well. Did you get any of this weather?
We had rain and chilly temps, and there was talk of a few snowflakes overnight (that never happened) so of course there was a run on milk and bread at the grocery store. But we’re generally clear and 50s this time of year and that’s fine with me. 🙂
It came as sleet here, all gone now.
Guess it is evidence that there is no global warming after all 😉
Climate Denial – A Criminal Enterprise?
Every time it snows somewhere I hear that from a friend of mine. Of course, he has wet dreams over Sarah Palin too. Sigh.
I always ask, “So is all that glacial melting some sort of delusional mass hysteria as well”?
Well, they justify that by saying it’s part of a normal cycle of temperature variations.
Is that like the, “What do you believe, me or your lyin’ eyes” argument?
I usually tell the “skeptics” that Gravity is only a theory too, and that they should feel free to ignore it as well – with likely the same consequences.
I recently went to a performance called “Bugger the Polar Bears, this is Serious” in which the performer, Rod Quantock, identified such people as self-selecting to be the first ones we should eat.
I kid you not: “Missing Man Found in Pub”
Apparently some guys been missing for two days, prompting and air and sea search, when he’s just been hanging out in a pub.
How very, well, Australian.
Oh course, now that I think about it, that’s probably the set up for many an Australian joke.