Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Where work is done.
On BobX’s suggestion from last week that we do an Office Space theme, we’re
doing a bit of a twist — where work is done. (And work is broadly defined
as the expending of energy.)
Website(s) of the Week: National Geographic’s International Photography Contest 2009
AndiF’s Where Work is done
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Making Work Places
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Making Dirt
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Making Pictures
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olivia’s where work happens
Next Week’s Theme: Transitions.
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When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Imogen’s deak. That’s her phone on the bottom right and the edge of her computer screen on the left.
Now don’t you you wish you worked in Tasmania?
“Desk”, that is.
Actually I don’t want to work anywhere but visiting is very high on my wish list.
Lovely shot — especially the delicacy of the lines in the petals and the softness and sweep of fold in the petal.
Now don’t you you wish you worked in Tasmania?
Pretty sure with a view like that I’d never get anything done.
And yet she somehow manages to work very hard.
Oh, what a lovely view. As Bob mentioned, how does Imogen ever get any work done! 🙂
I’ve been catching up on some back issues of Gourmet’s Diary of a Foodie videos (via iTunes) and they have one on Tasmania. They interviewed a cattle rancher about wagyu beef on Robbins Island I think, and another gentleman who started growing truffles! The cool climate and rich soil. They have dogs that sniff out the truffles … 😀
Actually our soils are nutrient poor, but they are still much better than those on the mainland. Australia has the world’s oldest exposed soils, which is to say that the kind of volcanic activity brings minerals up to the surface ended millions of years ago and ever since then rains, winds, and a very harsh climate have be leaching them away. There are a few exceptions, including parts of Tasmania. but even here soil amendments are needed to get decent growing conditions. Even adding manure here is not much help, since the grasses the animals have eaten came from soils that lacked micro-nutrients, their “output” is similarly deprived.
That being said, we grow an amazing range of premium foods. All beef and lamb and dairy is grass fed. Free-range pork is becoming very popular. We have the country’s only sheep’s milk flock which is turned into amazing cheeses. Mushrooms are big. And we know someone with a million dollar wasabi growing operation. Sea food is locally caught and can be bought fresh from the punts (boats). Oyster farms are everywhere. We also grow 50% of the world’s legal opium poppies (which are the only GM crop in the state) for pharmaceuticals. Hops are a traditional crop, which I’d like to start growing at our place. Oh, and I can’t forget apples. Tasmania’s nickname is The Apple Isle. “Lady in the Snow” is my favorite variety, and one only produced in sell-able quantities here. Then there are cheries, berries, lots of heritage varieties of potatoes, and even Avocados in one spot that has thermally heated soils.
So come on down and eat your way through the Island.
That is definitely what I came away with after viewing that episode — a food lover’s paradise. And then there’s the incredible views/scenery/etc., which you share w/ us here.
It’s probably had something to do with ten kilos I’ve put on since getting here.
Right now local strawberries (mostly intensely flavored Japanese varieties) are very cheap. Which means it’s time to start bottling strawberry sauce. Next will come apricots and peaches, followed by cherries and raspberries, tomatoes (we bought 50 kilos last year), I’m already harvesting and freezing rhubarb . . .
It’s partially a labor of love. She works of one of our Greens Party’s federal senators, who is on her way to Copenhagen today (the Sen., not Imogen) where she will most likely give them all hell.
Looking out that window I’d be tranced out Tasmania!
It’s probably not fair to mention that’s only one pane of an 180 degree arc of glass that over-looks the whole Derwent estuary.
On the very right edge of the photo is the stern of a large orange ship called the Aurora Australis – which is Australia’s main Antarctic research vessel.
The Antarctic division makes month long Artist-in-Residence places available. Maybe someday, if and when I ever get act together, I might apply for one.
Lot of pictures of penguins and snow.
Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.
I love the one of the woman at the sink!…next to the foaming hand soap from Bath and Body Works. 🙂
Thanks, had a feeling this would be a favorite.
Both of us pushing chairs we go through tons of the stuff, and wipes. Shana’s taken to calling me Monk. “WIPE!”
Hi Bob. Love the lighting in the second image too. 🙂
Thanks, nothing like low afternoon sunshine to set a scene.
I agree with Second Nature and olivia — the second picture is fantastic. Wonderful lighting and mood.
But I’m also impressed with how neat you computer desk is. 🙂
Thanks, it’s usually not that neat.
“Making dirt”, how cool is that! It reminds me of quahog shells.
in photography terms can be anywhere & at anytime.
Hi ss. Yep, lots of work going on in this scene. 🙂
I really like the tones/bw processing on this image. Did you do any HDR work before converting to bw?
I tonemapped and post-processed, then converted to b&w.
Really great composition. I especially like the curved railing and walkway on the right which makes my eye sweep through the image.
Andi’s right, it has some good lines for eyes to track through the image (no pun intended). But you might try cropping the top off the buildings. The white space allows the eye to exit the picture plane without necessarily drawing it back in, as lines intersecting the egdes on all sides would. It would also “foreground” the train as the subject. I find with urban subjects a bit of “claustrophobia”, i.e. no easy exit from the image helps increase the sense of a dynamic environment. Although this can be overdone as well.
If you are interested I can draw you a diagram of how eyes usually track through images.
Maybe Standstrong doesn`t & maybe he`d love to, but I`d sure like to see your diagram.
Sounds quite interesting.
I’d like to see it too.
I’m interested to see your diagram but I want to point out that this image is already heavily cropped. I’ve got a good amount of platform and sky in the original which I cropped out. I left the buildings in for geographic identification.
I also played around with unsharp masking the background to make the train ‘pop’ more but in the end, decided to stick with it as it is above.
It might be awhile until I can work up a diagram – I’m in full production mode for the magazine starting today (procrastinating moi?). I trust you made the right choice given the larger image, but try to remember that blank space up against an edge tends to draw the eye out of the frame. At least one element on each edge piercing the picture frame helps to draw the eye back in.
Love the smiley-faced trolley; almost children’s bookish.
I like contrast/shading in this, reminiscent of a pencil drawing.
Wilderness wench
That is one unique looking cat.
It looks like a wizard cat.
Beautiful cat, terrific shot.
Thanks, KH. The cat’s name is Stuart, after Stuart Little. He’s known as an Oriental, related to the Siamese. He’s also an incredible slut.
What a fine set. I guess we forest dwellers are especially aware of the the work of fungus. 🙂
And thanks for posting the update on the dome. It looks to be coming along nicely.
Any & all encouragement on The Project is appreciated, always.
Glad you like the set!
I like the 4th one down in the barn. It looks like more than one project in the works, and perhaps forgotten ones a well.
Oh, yes — all together about 40 years’ worth.
Lovely set ww. I love your style – soft, sort of dreamy, but interesting RL scenes. Is that a face on the computer screen?
Thanks again for your encouragement, Miss O.
That’s Miss Mac showing her face, made up of the endless hours I’ve spent with her. She’s a cross between The Bride of Dracula & Betty Boop.
Yet another great collection this week, folks.
I come away thinking about energy.
working, sort of

Happi helping with the work. “Hey, give me that!”

Good to see you, man!
It’s that time of year again, eh?
I’m probably dense and/or blind, but what’s Happi got?
In any case, that’s definitely a lovely spot., featuring one of my favorite activites.
(No, not stealing.)
Whatever Happi wants is what she`s got.
No doubt!
Good to see that you’re a gittin’ to be a regular here once again.
Probably isn’t that obvious actually. But every swing of that splitting maul I’ve got to be sure she’s out of the way ’cause she’s always sneaking in and running off with one of the split wood chunks.
But she does know the meaning of “Look out!”, which came in handy one day when we encountered one of those black and white “kitties”.
That’s what I thought: a wood chunk. I’ve known other pups who play that game.
Black & white ‘kitties’? Do tell!
Oh, wait. I just got it. Smart girl!
She was about 5 feet from it when I realized what was about to happen, so we lucked out, as she backed off about 20 ft when she heard my warning. I don’t hesitate with volume or emotion, depending on the circumstances.
How you comin’ on the icosahedron?
Ah, the endless project. How great of you to remember!
I wasn’t able to build it at the intended location (all plans hit the fan in a major way back in ’06); instead, I’m giving it to a good friend of mine for a screenhouse, overlooking her shade garden.
I was able to cull the lumber for it from her old barns. It’s about 50 years old or so.
I thought I’d be done with it this season, but I’ve had to stop just before getting the roof on. The weather’s been pretty nasty. I lent out my crucial tools for an emergency, too.
I leave town for the holiday in 10 days, ergo will probably have to continue in the spring.
As of now it looks kinda like dis:
How do Borromean rings relate to the icosahedron.
I have a hard time picturing it.
Not sure if you’re asking me or NDD, KH — but I’ll need to do a little reading before I can try & answer you.
As of right now, though, I gotta go to bed!
‘Til later ..
Just came across this image OL.
The rectangles are linked similarly.
I grew up with a Great Dane who never learned to leave polecats alone. Do you have any idea how many cans of tomato juice it takes to bathe a Great Dane?
I always like the saying bout wood heating you twice. Of course, that saying doesn’t apply to dogs.
Had snow yet?
I thought it was thrice; cutting, splitting, and then carrying the ash out:)
We had 4-5 inches back on Oct 15, which was the earliest in my memory. That melted thankfully, and we had a very nice November, warm and snow free. Then Dec 1st or 2nd, I forget now, we got another 5 inches. I think this time it’s here for the duration.
I’m about as ready for it this year as I’ve ever been, as I have a nearly all of what I’ve cut in the basement. So no brooming the snow off outdoor piles. Been there, done that. Eventually one gets wiser as the decadences accumulate. (at least on some issues)
She’s so big! 🙂
She’s all of 45 lbs now. A tad too big for a lap dog, but the thump isn’t too bad if’n ya know it’s comin’
At 45 kilos Luna still thinks she’s a lap dog, and who can possibly argue when pined under a hundred pounds of dog.
For more than twenty years I`ve always admired this gate.
I`ve meant to stop & look at it numerous times but I only see it whip by my peripheral
vision as I traverse the canyon from the ocean to the valley over the coastal range.
Today I made a point to stop & take a few shots to show the quality of the work, a testament to it`s longevity.
Now, I`ve been beyond these gates many years ago, but I believe it would be wrong to divulge what I saw.
It is simply out of respect for the privacy implied by the fact there is a gate in the first place. Suffice it to say it`s simply beautiful & the entry road goes on for more than a mile.







This shot is taken from my project site & looks to where I live, on the point in the background.











(The blade is sharp)
A small & very old watercolor.



(With a cynic)

Amazing photographs, as always, KH. At least one always brings a smile to my lips before I even know it.
I see the things surrounding you as the marks of a wonderful life.
Wilderness wench,
I must tell you that I thank my blessings everyday & a little more now that I`ve made you smile.
Thank you.
Lots of fantastic shots there, I could write a diary for that bunch, but due to time contraints;
BEYOND THE GATE – That’s some amazing craftsmanship, wow!
CIRCLE OF LIFE (With a cynic) – about busted a got when I “found” the cynic!
And the bee – He’s got something in common with the constipated mathematician eh? (‘Course that one’s a tad dated for these Twitter Times.)
Well NDD,
I just put in the punchline.
The rest is up to the reader.
I had to think for a minute about what I should call the little bastard peeking into the shot with that mischievous grin. I actually only noticed his intrusion tonight.
I never really worry about things in the frame periphery since I can always photoshop them out but the little fellow seemed to have a reason for being kept in.
Yes, the gate is a beauty.
I do prefer that the metal work had a bit more heft, but it is a very beautiful gate nonetheless.
I think you should have named “Fluffy”, “Grumpy”.
It`s really tongue in cheek.
Like naming one of my beautiful little hummingbirds, Brutus.
I named that beast “Fluffy” as one would name a fluffy little toy poodle, while in reality that ‘Fuzzy Crab’ was a vicious killer of many of my specimens in my reef.
It & one more came in as hitchhikers on rock based corals.
Once in a reef, they are extremely hard to trap & remove.
I was successful & moved this one into one of the sumps.
This was shot between the moves.
Here`s “Fluffy” casually feeding on a snail he just killed right in front of me daring me to do anything about it.
Natural Born Killer

The hand hammering in the detail shots is an incredible testament to the work that went into it.
That gate is gorgeous. And I don’t mind not knowing what’s beyond — that way I can just let imagine the splendors that roads winds through.
I know making that pond (and the rest of the garden) was work for you but to me it’s the essence of stillness.
You can call it whatever you want, but I love what I do, though the proper term is “work”.
And if you could bottle my projects, you could make money selling the essence of which you speak.
LOL, got a chuckle out of Coconut’s Limo. Picturing him riding about on a shoulder.
That gate is gorgeous!
People stop all the time to ask me about Coconut.
When I ring the bell he climbs down my arm to ring it also.
I should do a series on gates in my area. I`ve built some also.
I should go shoot some of mine & include them too.
They are everywhere & mostly all quite unique.
You wouldn`t want to be part of a flock, now would you.
The setting of the gate posted, has much to do with it`s character, although the gate could stand alone & still have all it`s inherent qualities to stir up the viewers version of the mind`s eye`s vision.
A gorgeous gate indeed.
As matter of fact, Olivia I`d like to propose to you & AndiF…..
that this be a future theme.
Had you for a minute, right.
Thanks for the great Fri. night gathering, to the both of you.
I think Gates is a good theme idea. Gates, passages, doorways, ..
Wilderness wench,
I actually was going to add the two words you did & also include “paths”, which often lead to, or away from a gate, that once opened allows the “passage” you mentioned.
I had an idea yesterday that we should have a theme one week of aphorisms, sayings, proverbs etc.
I’d be willing to try and get all of my ducks in a row by way of illustration.
Keres, I see
to eye with you on that
An amazing shot, KH!
Wilderness wench,
That`s the newest addition to the family.
Finn is his name.
Born in Scotland 6 months ago to my wife`s daughter.
They are now back & close by.
Good idea! Those of us living in rural areas could do very well with it — ie, having a ‘chip on one’s shoulder’ while standing in a cow pasture.
Harken, o Goddesses of the Flog!
No Shit!
There are so many euphemisms for cow flop it could get rather extensive . . .