I don’t know how the people at Sadly, No! are able to mix with so much stupid on a daily basis without going utterly insane. Maybe it is by blogging. Got any other good wingnut parody sites?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
speaking of stupid, the Ben Nelson anti-choice amendment is coming to the floor now.
Nelson’s co-sponsor is Orrin Hatch.
Casey is on board with this bullshit.
Did anyone ask him about his hypocrisy? Considering his vote on a similiar type bill back in committee.
Back to the question, it’s more Christianist than wingnut, but Landover Baptist is so good it is scary:
Jesus’s General is very good at this, e.g. posting a satirical review of Going Rogue on Amazon. Wonkette is indispensable for its coverage of wingnut sex scandals (there’s a new one this evening), and for its gloriously potty-mouthed commenters.
this? PURE GOLD.
As for trailer queens, I find this nice lady to be much more lovable.
my rotation is
and The Poorman Institute.
Fafblog, Berube and Big D (davenoon) round it out.
There are more, but I don’t have them marked. My brain stem just has the first 3 letters progammed, Firefox does the rest.