Getting back to that PhRMA deal that bars the reimportation of drugs

President Barack Obama still supports the re-importation of pharmaceuticals from other countries even though a deal he struck with the drug industry specifically excluded provisions on the controversial measure.

Asked by The Hill on Tuesday if Obama backs the re-importation effort, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, “Yes. The president said during the campaign that he did. [He] said so in his first budget, assuming that safety concerns … could be addressed. And I think that’s the key.”

Gibbs’s comments could bolster the chances that a bipartisan amendment on drug re-importation will attract the necessary 60 votes. The measure, sponsored by Sens. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), is scheduled to be debated on the floor on Wednesday or Thursday.

They are actually debating this amendment on the Senate floor right now. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) is whoring for the pharmaceutical industry as I write this. They make a lot of drugs in New Jersey. I am going to remember every Democrat who votes against the reimportation of drugs. I will consider everyone of them to be completely bought and sold.