Did ask make it out to Oslo? I can’t wait to hear about the airport insanity…
It’s been a busy week here. This 5 day work week thing doesn’t leave much time for blogging – I’m looking forward to my upcoming break where I can eat bonbons and sleep in and blog and play with the baby. Thats how it will be, right? 🙂
I just got back from the hospital & finally went to sleep at 5 this morning.
My wife Teri was in a horrific crash last evening & is in the hospital, with two collapsed lungs, black & blue all over, a big gash on her leg. …
Some idiot turned left in front of her as she was cruising home at almost 60 miles an hour on Pacific Coast Highway.
Apart from that, I`m fine.
It`s funny how things can do a 180 in a micro second.
She has never left the house without my telling her,
“Be careful, Honey”.
So sorry to hear this, KH. My thoughts and prayers to you both from one who has been there. I wish Teri the speediest of recoveries from this terrible event.
Do keep us informed of her progress, and you be careful out there yourself as well. She’ll be needing you more than ever now.
For all your good wishes, I thank you all.
I`m off to the hospital to see her, meet with my personal injury lawyer & hopefully to bring her home where she is most comfortable.
She`s in the UCLA Medical system which is very good.
I was actually surprised at the place last night, not being a frequent visitor/customer of any kind, of anything medical.
I’m very sorry to hear about Teri’s accident, but happy that she will be able to come home with you soon. Hope for a speedy recovery is on its way to you through the ether.
Thank You all very much, from my heart.
I think she will be released tomorrow.
Flowers for you all.
If you click on this image, go to original, you can see them all.
My gift to you.
And my friend who grew them all, a 90 year old very gentile man.
The man with me , a friend of mine for over thirty years is a world famous orchid grower.
Below our image are some of his flowers.
Please click on the image, go to original, & peruse his Zuma Canyon beauties.
I`ll dedicate this set to all the lovers of flowers .
We’ve been having low key celebrations around here. Happy, but simplified. C moved back in yesterday, with dog, because his company is moving to Charlotte and he doesn’t want to go. We’re all fairly broke but having a good time.
My main excitement (besides the dynamic with a new dog and two pissed off cats) is waiting for this baby…
I think our holiday is going to be somewhat low-key this year too…it feels hard to plan anything ahead, not knowing if he’ll be here yet or not. I am hoping for a post-December 23 birthday, though.
I wouldn’t want to go to Charlotte either… Hmm, maybe you better come see the baby in person, and escape the fun dog-cat dynamic. 🙂
Midwife comes for the home visit tomorrow morning! Which means I get to sleep in a little.
My mom has always been there, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
I think they might see how it goes, and whether they feel a need to leave.I I think the urge to see the guy right away might win out, but who knows? If it’s a Friday night, they might have better plans.
The health insurance thing is a biggie..I wonder sometimes if the economy will ever recover to the point where young people feel like they can start families.
Well, Cabin Girl and BooMan are expecting a little Boo Cub in a few weeks. I was just reminiscing about life with a newborn and how idyllic it is….in between the sleep deprivation and crying and poopy diapers. 🙂
Just arrived at my friend`s place in downtown Oslo.
Obama’s entourage is on the military side of the airport, so no troubles. Smooth sailing all the way, except the card reader at the tax free shop on arrival refused my card. Works fine every other place it has been used today…
Good morning!
Well, Obama has left the building – and country. His speech well received pretty much everywhere.
Oslo back to the quiet, normal. No snow, though – conditions very similar to what I left behind in NY on Wednesday.
The local pundits are almost unanimous in their positive review of the speech (not the toast above, but the acceptance speech). I have to go out for some errands, no time to translate commentary, but the entire speech below:
I’m enjoying a slow morning at home before I have to head off to work around lunchtime. It’s making me realize how much I’m looking forward to the holiday break.
Anyone else finding the newly frigid weather a bit of a shock?
Andi I have to agree with you. I like both of the staring out of the railing. Now if that had been George it would be a yapping little fur staring out the railing. ::sigh::
I guess that’s one good thing about George being so small. Then again, he could probably go through the railing. Either way he would have me hobbling after him as fast as possible. 🙂
It’s been really cold and windy but yesterday the winds finally died down and today it’s supposed to get above freezing and maybe even to 40. The little bit of snow we’ve had wouldn’t even thrill you. 🙂
It does look quite chilly doesn’t it. I’m thinking about getting some ice cubes and throwing them in the air and say we got some snow. Don’t know though, sounds like more work than fun.
Hope you don’t have to go to all that trouble for a little holiday atmosphere. Maybe Mother Nature will give you a little white blanketing for Christmas. I like just enough to cover up the roadside trash for awhile and make everything at least appear fresh and clean.
Me too (the warm-up). I’d like to put up a few outdoor lights. The merchants have put us to shame this year. I picked up some LED low-energy lights a couple of weeks ago, but for one reason or another have avoided getting the ladder out.
I can believe it. I went to school in and then lived for for a few more years in Evansville Indiana which is far enough south (southwest corner) and warmed by the Ohio River to get very, very little snow. The occasional 1/2 inch of snow would send the entire city into a panic.
Exactly right! Down here just a little dusting has everybody thinking the world is going to freeze over and they just have to get in their cars to drive and see it all. Even when there’s a little dusting here, I try and stay off the roads until it’s all gone.
I’d like to go back to explore the genealogy section further. My mom’s family lived around there from 1820 to 1900 or so. G-G-G grandma is buried at Rose Hill.
She was brought to this country from her birthplace of Guernsey, CI at the age of 14 by her father. I have a delightful account of her family migration written by her only daughter that was passed down to me by my mom.
My favorite part of living in Evansville were the old houses down by the river (SE Riverside Drive and SE First Street). When we were first married, Jim and I lived on the considerably less splendid SE Second St and walking around the neighborhood enjoying the houses was a great — and very cheap form of entertainment.
Did ask make it out to Oslo? I can’t wait to hear about the airport insanity…
It’s been a busy week here. This 5 day work week thing doesn’t leave much time for blogging – I’m looking forward to my upcoming break where I can eat bonbons and sleep in and blog and play with the baby. Thats how it will be, right? 🙂
Is that Happi?
Yep. I thought it was a great picture.
How are you this morning, KH?
I just got back from the hospital & finally went to sleep at 5 this morning.
My wife Teri was in a horrific crash last evening & is in the hospital, with two collapsed lungs, black & blue all over, a big gash on her leg. …
Some idiot turned left in front of her as she was cruising home at almost 60 miles an hour on Pacific Coast Highway.
Apart from that, I`m fine.
It`s funny how things can do a 180 in a micro second.
She has never left the house without my telling her,
“Be careful, Honey”.
So sorry to hear this, KH. My thoughts and prayers to you both from one who has been there. I wish Teri the speediest of recoveries from this terrible event.
Do keep us informed of her progress, and you be careful out there yourself as well. She’ll be needing you more than ever now.
Oh my gosh, I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery. It’s always shocking to get such a jolting reminder of how fragile life is.
Oh, that’s horrible.
Best wishes to you both and hope she recovers quickly.
For all your good wishes, I thank you all.
I`m off to the hospital to see her, meet with my personal injury lawyer & hopefully to bring her home where she is most comfortable.
She`s in the UCLA Medical system which is very good.
I was actually surprised at the place last night, not being a frequent visitor/customer of any kind, of anything medical.
Thanks for the update, Head. I hope she gets to go home soon.
I’m glad she’s in a good hospital, and I hope she comes home soon.
Healing thoughts.
I’m very sorry to hear about Teri’s accident, but happy that she will be able to come home with you soon. Hope for a speedy recovery is on its way to you through the ether.
Thank You all very much, from my heart.
I think she will be released tomorrow.
Flowers for you all.
If you click on this image, go to original, you can see them all.
My gift to you.
And my friend who grew them all, a 90 year old very gentile man.
The man with me , a friend of mine for over thirty years is a world famous orchid grower.
Below our image are some of his flowers.
Please click on the image, go to original, & peruse his Zuma Canyon beauties.
I`ll dedicate this set to all the lovers of flowers .
glad to hear she’s being released, Knucklehead. well wishes for a speedy recovery
OMG, that’s awful! I hope that she’ll be okay.
Adding my thoughts and well wishes with everyone else Head. I hope she is better and back home soon.
Take care of yourself too with all this running around.
This is heartbreaking. Hope you’re both doing OK.
I’m sorry to read this! I hope that she is okay and out of the hospital soon!
Yup, that’s exactly how I remember life being with a newborn. 🙂
How are you today? Ready for the holiday yet?
We’ve been having low key celebrations around here. Happy, but simplified. C moved back in yesterday, with dog, because his company is moving to Charlotte and he doesn’t want to go. We’re all fairly broke but having a good time.
My main excitement (besides the dynamic with a new dog and two pissed off cats) is waiting for this baby…
I think our holiday is going to be somewhat low-key this year too…it feels hard to plan anything ahead, not knowing if he’ll be here yet or not. I am hoping for a post-December 23 birthday, though.
I wouldn’t want to go to Charlotte either… Hmm, maybe you better come see the baby in person, and escape the fun dog-cat dynamic. 🙂
Midwife comes for the home visit tomorrow morning! Which means I get to sleep in a little.
Yay for sleeping in! Are you planning on having him at home?
If everything goes as smoothly as it did with the elder CBs. Same midwife too.
I didn’t realize you had them at home. Are they looking forward to being there or are they squeamish? Or both?
I think they’re mildly curious, but not enough to stick around. We’re giving them the choice whether to stay or go with friends.
Trying to think like a teenage boy ~ I think I’d stay in the house to be there right after, but maybe not in the same room.
I’m already priming fertile members of my family that I would be very disappointed to not be invited to a birth. 🙂
My mom has always been there, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
I think they might see how it goes, and whether they feel a need to leave.I I think the urge to see the guy right away might win out, but who knows? If it’s a Friday night, they might have better plans.
Yeah I can see the dilemma ~ play Wii bowling at Tyler’s house or see a new life come into the world. :0)
More like cruise the strip, scoping for babes of the opposite sex.. 🙂
Hopefully the whole experience will scare them off of babes for at least 10 more years.
From your keyboard to god’s ears, as the saying goes. 🙂
Won’t your oldest appease your baby cravings for you yet?
They’re in no financial shape to start a family, plus they don’t have health insurance. 🙁
The health insurance thing is a biggie..I wonder sometimes if the economy will ever recover to the point where young people feel like they can start families.
What newborn???? Did I miss something completely??? I know I have been a little self absorbed.
Well, Cabin Girl and BooMan are expecting a little Boo Cub in a few weeks. I was just reminiscing about life with a newborn and how idyllic it is….in between the sleep deprivation and crying and poopy diapers. 🙂
How great!!!! I am so excited and cannot wait till the little Boo Cub is here and we can see pictures.
We can’t wait either! 🙂
Sure, just make somebody else do the feeding and diaper changing.
Morning!!! I love the picture!!!!!
Just arrived at my friend`s place in downtown Oslo.
Obama’s entourage is on the military side of the airport, so no troubles. Smooth sailing all the way, except the card reader at the tax free shop on arrival refused my card. Works fine every other place it has been used today…
Glad you had a smooth journey.
I think the card reader problem at the tax free shop was part of some conspiracy to deny you your tax-free goodies.
How long are you going to be in Norway?
Glad to hear your trip was fine and that Obama didn’t gum up the works for you — that would have been really inconsiderate of him. 🙂
Today’s theme is Transitions. Olivia will be along later with the diary so keep checking.
Good morning!
Well, Obama has left the building – and country. His speech well received pretty much everywhere.
Oslo back to the quiet, normal. No snow, though – conditions very similar to what I left behind in NY on Wednesday.
Last night in Oslo, before the Nobel Banquet – 10-15,000 people in front of the Grand Hotell.
Picture series from the banquet:
Thanks for this.
What did people there think of his speech?
The local pundits are almost unanimous in their positive review of the speech (not the toast above, but the acceptance speech). I have to go out for some errands, no time to translate commentary, but the entire speech below:
Text version
Thanks. Hope the rest of your day and your errands go well.
One more, speech at banquet:
(or did I miss everyone already?)
I’m enjoying a slow morning at home before I have to head off to work around lunchtime. It’s making me realize how much I’m looking forward to the holiday break.
Anyone else finding the newly frigid weather a bit of a shock?
Current conditions here on Red Hill in the Catskills: clear, crisp, temperature about six degrees above zero. That’s six.
Good to see you doing well, CG.
We’ve got sunny, with a few clouds, windy, and poor little puppies banished to the out-of-doors.
Poor things, squeezing themselves into the shadow of the shed – trying desperately to stay out of the brutal sunshine.
Oh, dear — poor things.
short clip I took of a windy day on the back porch…dodging falling pine cones. 🙂
That was impressive but what I loved was the two dogs looking out together through the railing.
Andi I have to agree with you. I like both of the staring out of the railing. Now if that had been George it would be a yapping little fur staring out the railing. ::sigh::
And if it had been Bebo she’d have gone right over the railing.
Good morning Andi,
I guess that’s one good thing about George being so small. Then again, he could probably go through the railing. Either way he would have me hobbling after him as fast as possible. 🙂
How’s the weather up there?
It’s been really cold and windy but yesterday the winds finally died down and today it’s supposed to get above freezing and maybe even to 40. The little bit of snow we’ve had wouldn’t even thrill you. 🙂
We’re supposed to get in the mid 40’s for a high today and it has already started raining which should last today and tomorrow.
Snow – you’ve got to remember just seeing a few flakes fall lifts my spirit. So I’ll take a little bit of snow. 😉
Well here ya go then.
click for larger
Good morning Andi & Family Man! The lake is pretty with that dusting, but looks mighty chilly!
Good morning ID,
It does look quite chilly doesn’t it. I’m thinking about getting some ice cubes and throwing them in the air and say we got some snow. Don’t know though, sounds like more work than fun.
Hope you’re doing well today and staying warm.
Hope you don’t have to go to all that trouble for a little holiday atmosphere. Maybe Mother Nature will give you a little white blanketing for Christmas. I like just enough to cover up the roadside trash for awhile and make everything at least appear fresh and clean.
ID you know me. If I have to go to any trouble to make it happen, then it isn’t going to happen. The slacker’s code and all that. 🙂
If we do get snow it will probably be in Jan. At least that when I remember most of the snows happening. However, who know?
As you know, it has been way more than chilly here. That picture was from Monday — by yesterday the lake was almost completely frozen over.
I’m definitely looking forward to today’s warming up.
Me too (the warm-up). I’d like to put up a few outdoor lights. The merchants have put us to shame this year. I picked up some LED low-energy lights a couple of weeks ago, but for one reason or another have avoided getting the ladder out.
Are you kidding? Down here that’s a blizzard. 😉
I can believe it. I went to school in and then lived for for a few more years in Evansville Indiana which is far enough south (southwest corner) and warmed by the Ohio River to get very, very little snow. The occasional 1/2 inch of snow would send the entire city into a panic.
Exactly right! Down here just a little dusting has everybody thinking the world is going to freeze over and they just have to get in their cars to drive and see it all. Even when there’s a little dusting here, I try and stay off the roads until it’s all gone.
Good plan.
My current plan — according to the dogs — is to get dressed and go for a walk. See ya later.
Ever go over to the Willard Library and try to spot the resident ghost?
I loved that library — well the building, the collection was so-so — but the ghost never bother with me. 🙁
Well I’m off to see what’s frozen (besides hunters in deer stands). See ya later.
I’d like to go back to explore the genealogy section further. My mom’s family lived around there from 1820 to 1900 or so. G-G-G grandma is buried at Rose Hill.
Stay warm out there!
She was brought to this country from her birthplace of Guernsey, CI at the age of 14 by her father. I have a delightful account of her family migration written by her only daughter that was passed down to me by my mom.
My favorite part of living in Evansville were the old houses down by the river (SE Riverside Drive and SE First Street). When we were first married, Jim and I lived on the considerably less splendid SE Second St and walking around the neighborhood enjoying the houses was a great — and very cheap form of entertainment.
Well George is whinning to either get outside or get fed, so I’d best get to doing one or the other.
Everyone had a good day and stay warm.
Think snow, FM!
That’s too much snow!
You too, FM!